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Local Government Manatee County Planning Commission Agenda Results - 4/12/2012


 BRADENTON -- At Thursday's Planning Commission Meeting, HC Properties got a recommendation from planning to move forward with their "Shops at Harrison Ranch" project. The Rye Road subdivision also got the OK for now, with some opposition from neighboring properties, with hopes to iron out some issues prior to going before the BOCC. And the Medallion Homes at Ft. Hamer got the green light to continue tweaking its Wayne Underhill/Cross Creek General Development Plan.

1. PDMU-11-12(Z) (P) -- Shops at Harrison Ranch -- (Quasi Judicial)

A General Land Development Plan for a total of 170,000 square feet of commercial retail and or professional office space on approximately 30.14 acres at the north west and north east corner of U.S. 301 North and Harrison Ranch Boulevard, 4605 and 4606 Harrison Ranch Boulevard, Parrish. 

The staff approval and the project being in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan there were only a few stipulations to iron out. The most obvious was a mitigation agreement to trade the destruction of 3.2 acres of 0.5 grade wetland for five times the amount on an off-site 98-acre reserve. The state currently requires developers to trade at a one for one of same grade in mitigation agreements. The applicant felt a five to one trade-off would compensate for those being destroyed, and admitted the existing that would have remained would continue to degrade from all of the construction that has been built around it.


There is an eagle's nest on a phone tower close by that has stayed throughout many years of building in the area and there is hope it will continue to watch and nest rather then leave. Another stipulation was to change the plan from a 4-foot berm with an 8-foot fence being traded for a 12-foot fence that will separate the residences from the shops and site of U.S. 301. 


Ben Jordan, President of the Parrish Civic Organization, spoke during citizen's comment. Jordan said, "10 years ago they took a survey through out the 34219 zip code (10,000 people) and asked what people wanted most in the neighborhood. The number one answer was: a sit-down full-service restaurant." He added, "Three years ago we asked it again, the answer was the same. So I hope you guys keep your promise to put a restaurant there."  Planning Commissioners -- Recommended  Approval Unanimously.


2. PDMU-11-09(G) -- Rye Road LLC/Rye Road Subdivision

An Ordinance of Manatee County, Florida, regarding land development, amending the official zoning atlas (Ordinance 90-01, the Manatee county development Code), relating to zoning within the unincorporated area; providing for a rezone of approximately 35.26 acres, at 181 Rye Road, Bradenton, from A (General Agriculture one dwelling unit per five acres) to a PDR (Planning Development Residential) zoning district; approve a Preliminary Site Plan for 102 residential  lots for single family detached residents, with stipulations.

The project sits directly across from Gene Witt Elementary School on Rye Road which sits next to the fire station. Issues of density, uplands and road size required stipulations be placed before approval. The 102 sites had to be reduced to 100, to preserve the uplands (that were not considered uplands by applicant) would take out another four units (but this is not mandatory), and the road width is too small to qualify with county regulations should the county ever have to maintain the road. 


There is only one way in and out, and the distance of road requires there be a turnaround every 800 feet. Two turn arounds and a loop at the end of the flag-shaped development, will be required and are in the applicant's plan but right of ways and utilities continue to be an issue. Assistant County Attorney Sara Schenk said there will still be issues that will have to be figured out before final approval but if the applicant could makes a couple of choices that could eliminate a couple of problems, it might work.


Direct opposition came during citizen's comments when Joseph Hudgins, President of Rye Wilderness Preserve and Executive Vice President First National Bank, said, "We were only notified 10 days ago, but the trouble here is they are trying to put 50 pounds of potatoes in a 20 pound bag. The setback is only five ft. with corner lots, the applicant doesn't recognize uplands and the density is to high." He said there were ways to make it right, but not without adding some property or cutting back enough to obtain the proper setbacks. Hudgins said, "If this goes through without modifying, we will file suit." Hudgins told commissioners, he too was once a Sarasota Planning Commissioner and that he knew what they were up against.


Both the applicant and the staff felt they could iron out some of the wrinkles before taking it before the BOCC. Staff recommended it go forward, Planning Commissioners -- Recommended Approval, Unanimously.


3. PDMU-11-13(G) Medallion Home At Ft. Hamer, LLC/Wayne Underhill/Crosscreek (Quasi Judicial)

Approval for a General Development Plan for 1,282 residential units (702 single-family detached, 179 platted, 174 single-family attached, 156 semi-detached, and 250 multi family units) on approximately 656 acres on the east side of Ft. Hamer Road, south side of Golf Course Road, and north of Mulholland Road; subject to stipulations. 

Medallion Homes seeks approval to continue with their General Development Plan. The elementary school is built, the north central overlay has been adopted and tree alteration has approval. They plan to have 100,000 sq. feet of commercial structure, and of the 91.54 acres of wetlands, their plan only effects a .36 acre piece. Their plan is for a density of 1.95, and 275 acres of open space. Applicant is looking to take zoning from Agriculture to Suburban Residential and for a special approval from the one per acre. 


Applicant is anticipating the soon to be built Ft. Hamer bridge and wants to be open for business. They are looking for a modification for the greenbelt buffer from 20 feet to 15 feet, and likewise to extend the 800 foot rule on the dead end to 1200 feet. There is still storm water locations and multi setbacks to figure out, but staff recommends going forward. Planning Commission -- Recommends Approval, Unanimous, Wick absent.