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Local Government Manatee County Planning Commission Agenda Results: Nov. 8, 2012


BRADENTON -- At Thursday's Planning Commission meeting, Utility Department Water Division Manager, Mark Simpson, delivered a presentation describing the county's water supply facility work plan through the year 2035. The current structure and technologies controlling the system is over 40 years old. Simpson discussed the cost of upgrades and equipment to safely take Manatee decades down the road. In other business, Trees Direct LLC proposed a rezoning of 85.54 acres to accommodate 500 multi-family units north of Mendoza Road and east of Interstate I-75, in Ellenton. The applicant also proposes 150,000 sq. ft. of commercial office space.

                                                                                 CONSENT AGENDA

1.   ORDINANCE 12-28 – DTS#20120215 - LAKEWOOD CENTRE, DRI #27

Katie LaBarr, AICP, Principal Planner

An Ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Manatee County, Florida, rendering an amended and restated Development Order pursuant to Chapter 380, Florida Statutes, for the Lakewood Centre Development of Regional Impact (Ordinance 08-13)  to approve the following changes to Map H and the ordinance: (1) update the phasing and buildout dates to reflect legislatively approved extensions, (2) update conditions to reflect compliance with requirements contained therein, (3) modify affordable housing conditions consistent with current practices, (4)other  amendments  for  internal  consistency  providing  for  development  rights,  conditions,  and obligations; providing for severability; and providing an effective date.

The Lakewood Centre DRI is generally north of SR 70 between Lakewood Ranch Boulevard (to the west) and Pope Road (to the east), and south of Malachite Drive, approximately 2 miles south of S.R. 64. The present zoning is PDMU/WP-E/ST (Planned Development Mixed Use/Evers Reservoir Watershed Protection Overlay District/Special Treatment Overlay District) (697.4± acres).

2.   PDMU-06-30(G)(R) – DTS#20120212 - LAKEWOOD CENTRE

Katie LaBarr, AICP, Principal Planner

An Ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Manatee County, Florida, regarding land development amending Ordinance PDMU-06-30(Z)(G) to approve changes to the General Development Plan and Ordinance as follows: (1) update the phasing and buildout dates to reflect legislatively approved extensions, (2) update conditions to reflect compliance with requirements contained therein, (3) modify affordable housing conditions consistent with current practices, (4) modify design conditions; (5) clarification of allowable uses; (6) allow for transfer of residential units to parcel k; (7) other amendments for internal consistency; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. The Lakewood Centre DRI is generally located east of Lakewood Ranch Blvd, south of Malachite Drive, west of Pope Road, and north of S.R. 70 (697.4 ± acres).

The Lakewood Centre DRI is generally north of S.R. 70 between Lakewood Ranch Boulevard (to the west) and Pope Road (to the east), and south of Malachite Drive, approximately 2 miles south of S.R. 64. The present zoning is PDMU/WP-E/ST (Planned Development Mixed Use/Evers Reservoir Watershed Protection Overlay District/Special Treatment Overlay District) (697.4± acres).


Kathleen Thompson, AICP, Planning Manager

An Ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Manatee County, Florida, amending and restating a Development Order pursuant to Chapter 380 Florida Statutes for the University Lakes Development of Regional Impact (Manatee County DRI #22, a/k/a Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council (TBRPC) DRI #216); providing for findings of fact; providing for conclusions of law; providing for definitions; providing for recognition of the revocation of the development review agreement that required the combined review of University Lakes and Lakewood Ranch Corporate Park for certain purposes; to modify transportation conditions based upon such revocation; modification of affordable housing conditions consistent with current practices; to update Table 1 and Table 2 for consistency with previously approved land use exchanges; updating conditions to reflect compliance with requirements contained therein; provide for flexibility in unit allocation among parcels; updating the phasing and buildout dates to reflect legislatively approved extensions; eliminate maximum increase in land use exchanges (Table 1 – Column E), modify Map H to reflect previously approved land use exchanges, other minor amendments and amendments for internal consistency; codifying and restating the existing Development Order for DRI #22; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date.

University Lakes is at the northeast intersection of the University Parkway and I-75 interchange, south of S.R. 70, north of University Parkway, and approximately six miles east of I-75 with a portion of the project located south of University Parkway. The present zoning is Planned Development Mixed Use / Evers Reservoir Watershed Protection and Special Treatment Overlay Districts (4,101.2± acres).


Kathleen Thompson, AICP, Planning Manager

An Ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Manatee County, Florida, relating to land development, approving a revised Zoning Ordinance to eliminate maximum increase in land use exchanges (Table C – Column E), to recognize the revocation of the Development Review Agreement that required the combined review of University Lakes and Lakewood Ranch Corporate Park for certain purposes and to modify transportation conditions based upon such revocation; modify affordable housing conditions consistent with current practices; update conditions to reflect compliance with requirements contained therein; provide for flexibility in unit allocation among parcels; update the phasing and buildout dates to reflect legislatively approved extensions; other minor amendments and amendments for internal consistency; amending the General Development Plan and Zoning Ordinance to show these changes; providing for severability; and providing an effective date.

University Lakes is at the northeast intersection of the University Parkway and I-75 interchange, south of S.R. 70, north of University Parkway, and approximately six miles east of I-75 with a portion of the project located south of University Parkway. The present zoning is Planned Development Mixed Use / Evers Reservoir Watershed Protection and Special Treatment Overlay Districts (4,101.2± acres)

                                                                Item number 6 was added to consent agenda


John Osborne, AICP, Planning and Zoning Official (DTS # 20120045) 

(Continued from September 13, 2012)

An Ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Manatee County, Florida, regarding land development, amending the official zoning atlas (Ordinance 90-01, the Manatee County Land Development Code), relating to zoning within the unincorporated area; providing for a rezone of approximately 400± acres, 1800’ east of 161st Avenue East and north of C.R. 675, at 16410 C.R. 675, Parrish from A/NCO (General Agriculture/North Central Overlay District) to the PD-R/NCO (Planned Development – Residential/North Central Overlay District); approve a General Development Plan for 784 residential units; subject to stipulations as conditions of approval; setting forth findings; providing a legal description; providing for severability, and providing an effective date.

End of consent agenda

Motion to approve consent agenda -- Approved, Unanimous

                                                                                       Regular Agenda


Katie LaBarr, AICP, Principal Planner

Transmittal of a Plan Amendment of Manatee County, Florida amending Ordinance 89-01, as amended, (The Manatee County Comprehensive Plan), providing a text amendment to the Comprehensive Plan to amend and update references to the Water Supply Facilities Work Plan, providing for severability; and providing an effective date. -- Approved, Unanimous  (Full Story)

7.   PDMU-11-08(Z)(G) – DTS#20110165 - TREES DIRECT LLC

Stephanie Moreland, Planner

An Ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Manatee County, Florida, regarding land development, amending the official zoning atlas (Ordinance No. 90-01, the Manatee County Land Development Code) relating to zoning within the unincorporated area; providing for the rezoning of approximately 85.54 acres on the north side of Mendoza Road and east side of I-75 at 5500 37th Street East, Ellenton, from the A-1 (Suburban Agriculture, one dwelling unit per acre) to PDMU (Planned Development Mixed Use) zoning district; approving a General Development Plan for two development scenarios (tradition and mixed use development) with a trade-off matrix that includes:

• 500 multi-family units which, may include a 120-bed residential care facility (equals 20 units), and

• Commercial/office use(s) of up to 150,000 square feet; and subject to stipulations as conditions of approval.


Opposition to the zoning change came from surrounding Home Owner Associations (HOA). Complaints of additional traffic, noise, crime and reduced property values were mentioned most by several residents who spoke to the commission. 


Pat Gross, President of Oak Creek HOA, provided a laundry list of reasons the development needs to be reconsidered. Gross emphasized that small roads, already overwhelmed, would have to carry as many as a thousand additional cars daily, and was very frustrated that the decision to go forward appeared to have already been made. John Kendzior, also from Oak Creek, claimed the applicant knew the cutting down of the old oak tree growth in the buffer next to Oak Creek was being destroyed to make room for development, not agriculture as claimed. 


Anthony Char, President of Covered Bridge HOA, expressed his concerns. Char has 45 years experience as a City Planner, discussed the stipulations requested by staff as being insufficient. His complaints were about density and traffic being a problem before the proposed development.


Staff recommended the proposed development, setting forth findings; providing for severability; providing a legadescription, and providing an effective date. -- Recommended for approval, 6 to 1, Conerly dissenting.