PALMETTO -- At the Manatee Port Authority meeting Thursday, commissioners voted to authorize the issuance of revenue refinancing bonds that would consolidate all Port debts into a low fixed-rate revenue bond. In other business, Kinder Morgan Terminal gave an in-depth presentation displaying why they were the company to be providing the warehouse services for the Port, and the commission voted to conclude the Tiger Grant deal, wheeling the Port toward much-needed "new" yard locomotives.
1. Consent -- (K. Pulled from Consent Agenda) -- Approved, Unanimous
A. Warrant List
B. Minutes for Approval
C. Budget Resolution
D. Notice of Port Authority Meeting Schedule
E. Port Authority 2013 Holiday & Pay Date Schedule
F. Port Insurance Renewals
G. Petty Cash and Change Fund Policy
H. Lease Renewal Extension
I. Port Manatee Sublease Approval and Lease Amendment #4
J. Groungwater Sampling Agreement
K. Port Manatee Amended and Restated Land Lease Amendment
L. Berth 12 Wharf Extension & Container Terminal Project
2. Presentation by Port Tenant -- Kinder Morgan Terminal (KMT) - Storage and Handling Services of North America. KMT's terminal network spans throughout the U.S. and Canada. KMT invests over $350 million annually to maintain, expand and improve existing terminal facilities to meet customer needs. In 2011, KMT loads/unloaded 3,591 vessels, 922,501 trucks, 856,328 railcars and 29,053 barges. Their safety record is unmatched: 73 terminals and 1,000 days without any recordable injury. They handle - Bio Mass, Chemicals, Coal, Fertilizer, Petroleum and Renewable Fuels. KMT operates four warehouses (6 acres) 130,000 tons of covered space. They containerize, bag, pallet and truck customer product from their facility to many points through the country and are pleased to be the terminal operations at Port of Manatee.
3. Tiger II Grant Addendum No.1 -- Florida's first and only Port to receive funds for two new yard locomotives. The $3 million engines should service Port Manatee for more than the next 15 years. -- Approved, Unanimous
Close Port Authority Meeting -- Open Manatee County Commission Meeting
1. Adoption of Ordinance No. 12-38 Amending and Restating Ordinance No. 93-50
Regarding Financial Assistance to the Manatee County Port Authority -- Approved, Unanimous
2. Adoption of Resolution R-12-225 Approving the Issuance of Manatee County Port Authority Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2012 and Authoring Execution of Interlocal Agreement -- Approved, Unanimous
Close Manatee County Commissioner Meeting -- Reopen Port Authority Meeting
4. Florida Power & Light Company Underground Easement -- Approved, Unanimous
5. Adoption of PA 12-17 Master Resolution Authorizing Issuance of Manatee County Port Authoruty Revenue Bonds -- Commissioners voted to authorize the issuance of revenue refinancing bonds that would consolidate all Port debts into a low fixed rate revenue bond. The fixed 3.6 percent interest 30 year bond, set for the next 30 years, will possibly save the Port millions. All past debt and bonds were consolidated with the commission's approval. -- Approved Unanimous (Full Story)
6. Adoption of PA 12-18 authorizing Issuance of the Revenue Refinancing Bonds )Series 2012A and 2012B) -- Approved, Unanimous (Full Story)
7. Second Addendum of the Port Manatee Warehouse #2 Lease Agreement -- Pulled from Agenda
8. Discussion -- County Attorney Proposal -- County Attorney Mickie Palmer set forth a proposal (requested by the BOCC) to partner the legal services of the Port with the legal team of the county. An additional attorney and assistant would be required at a total estimated cost of $235,000 annually. Motion to have Port of Manatee Director Carlos Buqueras review Palmer's proposal and choose what he thinks would be best for the Port, and bring the discussion back to the Commission. -- Approved, Unanimous
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