BRADENTON -- Manatee County Port Authority Agenda Results 3/15/2012
1. CONSENT AGENDA -- Approved, Unanimous
A. Warrant List
B. Minutes for Approval: January 19, 2012 and January 24, 2012
C. Budget Resolution
D. Consent to Substitution of Insurance Defense
E. Third Amendment to Tolling Agreement and Agreement to Mediate
F. Berth Extension and Container Terminal
2. Presentation by Alcalde & Fay -- Lois Moore returned to demonstrate why Port of Manatee should have Alcalde & Fay in their court pitching for them. Their experience with the South Channel extension, grant funding, North Port extension, Tampa Harbor and Tampa Port are just of a few of the successes they can point to. Their 40 years of experience and the 45 partnerships and staff are now the largest maritime practice in Washington D.C. She said, working on regional cooperation will help navigate the needs and relationships needed to facilitate success in a port environment. Moore said, "We have a great relationship with ACOE in Jacksonville."
Commissioner McClash said "regional cooperation" is very important and the North Port expansion is an example. Commissioner said, "We need someone with your experience."
3. Presentation on Florida International Gateway -- It has a wonderful sound to it. The Florida International Gateway, absolutely says what Port of Manatee is to be. The most incentivized land for commercial development in the state of Florida. The full presentation (HERE)
4. Master Joint Participation Agreement -- Port Director, Carlos Buqueras says we should move forward to collect the $2.3 million. "We aren't being paid interest on it." -- Approved, Unanimous
5. Discussion Marine Highway Grant Update -- Steve Tyndal said, " it's like boy meets girl, boy gets girl, boy loses girl and boy gets girl back. It ends well." Tyndal was speaking about the back and forth agreements to secure a new carrier to partner-up with so to secure the Marine Highway grant.
Tyndal says, "Brownsville has a similar grant, and any dollars we get go to the carrier. Carriers have to travel from Mexico to Brownsville then to Manatee." Buqueras said, "They will have to fly an American flag, comply with the Jones act," and that there were advantages that should be enticing to other carriers, " this would reduce the foot print, it's green and beneficial to the environment."
Commissioner McClash suggested, "We should go to the shippers that benefit most from the different route." Tyndal replied, "Shippers are not yet convinced."
Public Comments Commissioner Comments -- Chairman Bustle, "What's the relationship with Great Lakes?" Buqueras replied, Moving forward with HRK, can't let much out of the bag, but at the end of the month."
McClash, " We should look at the Preco Tract environmental credits, put mitigation credits out, we should put it on the county commission agenda."
Buqueras, "Next week I am going back to Brazil."
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