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Local Government Manatee Port Authority Agenda Results: 11/15/2012


PORT MANATEE -- At Thursday's Port Authority meeting, Florida Power & Light presented the board with some brief history and a review of this year's "Oil Spill Drill." Port Manatee's Senior Director of Trade development and Special Projects, Steve Tyndal, announced the American Association of Port Authorities Awards, while members said their farewells to Commissioners Joe McClash and Donna Hayes with a special gift.

1.  CONSENT -- Approved, Unanimous

2.  Port Tenant Presentation by Rae Dowling, Florida Power & Light -- (Full Story

3.  Second Addendum to Port Manatee Warehouse #2 Lease Agreement -- Approved, Unanimous

4.  Port Security Grant Program Sub-Grantee Award Agreement – Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office -- Approved, Unanimous

5.  Approval of Sale of Spoil Material from the Port Manatee Confined Disposal Facility -- Approved, Unanimous

6.  Awards -- Since 1966, the American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) has annually awarded excellence in 16 different categories of Port operations. Of the 101 entries, 29 judges chose Port Manatee worthy of two of the 16 awards. For three years in a row, Port Manatee won for best directory, and for the third time, Port Manatee won for best newsletter. Since 1989, Port Manatee has won 22 AAPA awards.   


A. Warrant List

B. Minutes for Approval: October 18, 2012

C. Budget Resolution – FY 2012

D. Budget Resolution – FY 2013

E. Port Manatee Amended and Restated Land Lease Amendment 

F. Berth 12 Wharf Extension and Container Terminal Project – Change Order No. 006


-- Commissioner Whitmore said, "We used to have a cruise ship and it went to Port Everglades where Carlos was. We should maybe look into the idea of doing it again." 

-- Commissioner McClash replied, "We tried that, but it went bankrupt. They owed us money, sold the company and moved." McClash said it took too much time and expense to entertain cruise ships and suggested the possible success of a Ferry that traveled to Mexico and even Cuba. McClash said, "It's a completely different business. I think it's only 24 hours to Mexico and even less to time to Cuba."

-- Commissioner DiSabatino said, "Not to compete with Tampa, but work together." adding, "Something that has little wear and tear on the infrastructure." 

-- Commissioner Chappie said, "We should look into going paperless here." He then asked Port Director, Carlos Buqueras, "When do you think you'll have your recommendations for in-house counsel services? and Carlos answered "January or February."

-- Commissioner Bustle said, "We should look at putting in a boat ramp near the port." McClash said they have discussed the idea before and the issue had to do with a security zone and added that it could be worked out.   

All the Commissioners took a moment to reflect on their service aside Commissioner McClash and Hayes. Both commissioners were presented with a special plaque (large aerial photograph of the port now and before) presented by Commissioner Bustle.  


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