BRADENTON – More than 100 enterprising and industrious middle and high school students from Manatee County will compete in the Region X Model Water Tower Competition tomorrow from 9 a.m. to noon at MTI.
The competition requires students to design, build, and test a model water tower that meets a specific size and height requirement. Models will be judged on cost efficiency, hydraulic and structural efficiency as well as design ingenuity.
The awards ceremony is planned for 12 p.m. and prizes will be given to the top three teams in both the middle and high school divisions as well as additional awards for creativity and graphic design. Students can also participate in activity stations, connect with water specialists, and learn more about science, engineering and the water profession.
This event is sponsored by the Florida Section American Water Works Association (AWWA), Region X in partnership with the Manatee County School District’s Adult, Career and Technical (ACT) Department. AWWA hosts these events throughout the State of Florida to promote awareness of the importance of reliable drinking water as well as the various career opportunities related to the water profession.
Manatee Technical Institute is located at 6305 State Road 70 East in Bradenton.
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