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LWV County Commission Meeting Notes: 11/03/2022

BRADENTON –The League of Women Voters of Manatee County Government Committee observes Manatee County Commission meetings for items of interest to the League and notes adherence, or lack of adherence, to good governance procedures and the Sunshine Law.The following are the major points of the BOCCLand Use Meeting on 11/03/2022 observed by Ruth Harenchar.


This Land Use Meeting included Consent items, employee recognition and proclamations deferred from the canceled Oct 25 Regular meeting.
  • October Employee of the Month award given to Billy Koch, Utilities Department.
  • Proclamation approved from Daughters of the American Revolution designating November as American Indian Heritage Month in Manatee County.
  • Proclamation approved designating November 7-19 as Farm-City Week in Manatee County.
  • Proclamation approved designating October 25thas Dr. George VanBuren Day in Manatee County.Dr. VanBuren was a pediatricianwho generouslyservedtheneedy andmedically underservedin Manatee County.
Consent Items approved 6-0 (Bellamy absent)

Land Use Items of Interest
  • #48 ADUs (Accessory Dwelling Units) rules clarified. Approved 6-0
    • There was 1public comment from Gibellina that there shouldn’t be any restrictions on building ADUs as restrictions limit applications. (only8 applications to date).
  • #50 Lower Parking Ratio for Half Dwelling & Muti-FamilyUnits. Approved 4-2; Commissioners Whitmore and Servia voted no saying builders can "game the system“ by requesting a waiver and provide even fewer parking spaces than ordinance allows.
  • #51 Concrete/Rock Crushing site currently in operation in a residential area that is claiming it islooking for an alternative location since their operation is in violation of code.
    • Numerous public comments were submitted in advance of the meeting against this business.
    • In public comment Gibellina stated the operation is a disgrace and degrades residential land value and thatcommissioners should remove the operation out of its current site. Kruse acknowledged this item has been on the agenda multiple times and always deferred to give owners more time to find an alternative location.
    • Approved 6-0 to be deferred another 90 days
Items Pulled for Discussion from the Consent Agenda:
  • #9 - The annual funding amount was restored to Turning Points with an additional $82,000 approved to retain 2 case workers. The item was added to the agenda by Whitmore "to force a vote“ to formally approve the funding. Approved 5-1, Van Ostenbridge voting no.
  • #30 - Transmittal Letter to the Gulf Consortium submitting Manatee County's State Expenditure Plan Amendment to add the Manatee County Boat Ramp Project. Motion to send the letter back to staff for rewording approved, 6-0.
    • Whitmore pulled the item as she felt the wording was incorrect and would lead to a denial because it was not written according to the Consortium guidelines. Kruse responded that the Commissioners should accept Whitmore’s expertise and direct staff to re-write according to required guidelines.
  • #62 - Interlocal agreement written by School Board between Manatee County and Manatee School Board about School District property being used for Hurricane Ian debris for $120,00 for the year. County began use without permission from either the School Board or the Board of County Commissioners.
    • County Administrator Hopes stated he had a verbal agreement with a member of the Superintendent’s staff to dump storm debris on the Manatee School District land.
    • The School Board subsequently asked for a $120,00 payment for use of the land after a lack of communication with the School Board about the verbal agreement.
    • After a long discussion, Attorney Clague offered a motion to accept the School Board interlocal agreement with 2 major changes – delete the paragraph asking for $120,000 in payment and allow him to draft a replacement paragraph addressing the insurance issue. Approved 6-0.

Link to Good Governance Guidelines

  • The agenda was posted on Wednesday, October 26, 2022, 8 days in advance of the meeting in compliance with good governance guidelines.
  • The meeting was fairly civilized until the discussion on the storm debris. At that point, unnecessary sniping and political posturing began and it was disruptive to the meeting.
  • Neither County Administrator Hopes nor the School Administration staff member communicated timely with others about using Manatee County School District land for storm debris leading to unnecessary concern and frustration.á
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