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LWV County Commission Notes: 7/25/2023


The League of Women Voters of Manatee County Government Committee observes Manatee County Commission meetings for items of interest to citizens and the League and notes adherence, or lack of adherence, to good governance procedures and the Sunshine Law. The following are the major points from the board’s regular meeting on 7/25/2023, observed by Maureen Dardinski.

Link to Agenda and Meeting Video

Invocation by State Senator Jim Boyd

Recognition of Vanessa Baugh

Baugh has resigned her position effective 7/31/2023. Today is her last meeting as a commissioner. She was presented with a plaque and received a standing ovation from the other commissioners and legislative members Jim Boyd, Will Robinson and Bradenton Mayor Gene Brown.


  • Presentation of the July Employee of the Month awarded to Paige Eddens, Recreation Coordinator III, Sports & Leisure Services. She goes above and beyond in customer service and coordinates over 16,000 reservations and 60+ tournaments a year.
  • Post-Session Legislative Update from Senator Boyd
  • Presentation from the Jewish Family & Children's Service (JFCS) of the Suncoast, Inc., on the grant-funded Ignite Fatherhood Program, which explores the fatherhood experience through a series of workshops and surveys. Edwin Robinson from JFCS asked for help from the BoCC to “promote, provide and participate in the program”. Commissioners voted on providing this program as 6 one-hour sessions in a virtual format at lunch time for County employees. Passed 7-0.
  • Presentation of Proclamation Designating "July 2023" as Parks and Recreations Month in Manatee County

Citizen Comments on Future Agenda Items

Two citizens spoke about the firing of 12 animal shelter volunteers questioning why other levels of staff were not held accountable, asking that best practice protocols be followed, and that those fired be reinstated. One citizen was a terminated animal shelter volunteer and stated she did not know why she was dismissed, asked for an investigation and to be reinstated.

Steve Reinhart, Chair of the Affordable Housing Committee, asked for surplus property funds to go to affordable housing.

Glen Gibellina agreed with the animal shelter and affordable housing comments and asked that call in public comments be reinstated, stating that citizens deserved to have their voices heard and it was difficult for many to appear in person.

Commissioner Kruse responded that he has made the motion for the return of call-in comments but that no other commissioner will second. He agreed surplus land should be used for affordable housing and wants a stronger policy for this because loopholes are used to avoid this. He stated that he has heard both sides of the situation with the terminated animal shelter volunteers, but Commissioners have no “say” in this.

Citizen Comments on Consent Agenda

Glen Gibellina commented on Items 58 and 83. Item 58- to terminate agreement with USF and hire a professional dormitory builder to build this greatly needed student housing. Item 83- 920 Project- this is a bad deal for the county, think more carefully before you sell surplus land and, in the future, start a land trust.

Kruse responded the builder had spent real money to modify the land before the project could be started.

Consent Agenda approved 7-0

Item 83- Gap Loan Agreements between Manatee County and 920 Manatee Associates for 920 Manatee (The Project).

The project is slated to bring over 100 workforce housing units to downtown Bradenton and was the recipient of a seven-year 60% tax abatement. Company manager Ron Allen declared a $2.95 million funding shortfall as justification for the loan in a letter sent on March 31, indicating that construction costs have increased nearly 10% since construction began. On April 11, 2023, Commissioners approved a below-market rate, $1.9 million gap loan to NDC for its project on former county property at 920 Manatee Avenue West.

Approved 6-1, Baugh opposed. 

NOTE – at the 4/11/23 Regular Meeting: Commissioners voted 6-1 (Kruse voting no) to direct staff to stop all requests for gap funding going forward.

Item 73- Approval of the Children’s Services Advisory Boards (CSAB) FY 23/24 Investment Recommendations - Tracie Adams, Deputy Director of the Community and Veterans Services Department was present for the discussion.

A long discussion began with Commissioner Ballard disapproving of line 48, which provided funding for ALSO Youth, because the agency provides suicide prevention services for at-risk LGBTQ+ youth.

Commissioner Satcher brought up the Hyde Amendment, saying that money should not go to Planned Parenthood, and that he believed that PACE, which supports girls, is using Planned Parenthood for pregnancy prevention programs. Amy McManus from PACE spoke and said that the PACE program did not use Planned Parenthood for pregnancy prevention counseling. She said ties with Planned Parenthood have been cut because of “changes in legislation.” Kruse disagreed with Satcher,  saying that cutting funding to an organization that works to prevent pregnancy is contradictory, as their program would help avoid teenagers becoming pregnant, and seeking abortion.

There were multiple motions and votes and ultimately the CSAB Investment Recommendations were approved, minus funding for ALSO Youth, 7-0.

Rahn then made a motion and Satcher seconded to direct staff to bring back a resolution preventing the use of county funds to fund abortion services, approved 7-0.

Item 81- Adoption of Resolution R23-11 Manatee County 2023-2024 Consolidated Plan.

Background: Manatee County is an entitlement community through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnership (HOME), and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) programs.

Manatee County will submit the County’s new 2023-2028 Consolidated Plan by August of this year, including the new Priority Needs and Goals identified by the community through the current public outreach and engagement effort. The programming goals identified by Manatee County for the five-year entitlement funding cycle include: Goal 1 - Increase access to affordable housing; Goal 2 - Reduce homelessness in Manatee County; Goal 3 - Support health care and wellbeing activities for special needs populations; Goal 4 - Provide access to community supportive services and economic development opportunities; and Goal 5 - Expand Community Development Strategies.

Commissioners were asked to approve the 5-year consolidated plan for submission to Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Approved 7-0.



Item 85 - Update on Manatee County Animal Welfare

Comprehensive presentation by Sarah Brown on the many aspects of this program, including modular dog shelter units which are less expensive and placement can be more flexible. This update did not include discussion about the recently dismissed shelter volunteers.

Item 86 - Miscellaneous Development Updates

Long discussion about the protocol for scheduling work sessions and agreed upon timing for thing, especially impact fees, which was being delayed beyond the agreed upon schedule. Commissioner Van Ostenbridge and County Attorney Clague suggested decisions on Impact Fees wait until the new County Administrator was hired and up to speed. Kruse felt they could not afford to wait potentially going past year end which would require a whole new impact fee study before increasing them.


On the occasion of her departure, she advised the Commissioners to learn to work together as a team and to disagree respectfully. She suggested they have a retreat and discuss their priorities.


Link to Good Governance Guidelines

Delays in updating and increasing County’s Impact Fees to their appropriate levels are costly to all Manatee County taxpayers, and a disservice to the public.

Satcher needs to follow procedures, as outlined by the attorney and Chair, regarding Rules and Procedures.

Satcher and Beardon made false and misleading comments about Planned Parenthood.

The Commissioners showed a lack of support for at-need youth when it denied funding to an agency because they support LGBTQ+ individuals.


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  • Joe McClash

    Thanks LWV for publishing these County Commission Notes. It is a great summary of what is happening at these meetings.

    Tuesday, August 1, 2023 Report this