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LWV Program Looks at County Charter Government


BRADENTON -- Should Manatee County adopt charter government? 20 florida counties currently use the charter form of government, including many right here in southwest Florida. On Monday, September 16, the League of Women Voters of Manatee County will sponsor an informational program on this more flexible form of county government.

The Guest speaker will be charter government authority Virginia Delegal, General Counsel for the Florida Association of Counties. Topics of the program will include: what is Charter Government; the differences between this form of county government and the one we currently use; its public participation advantages; choices to be made and the process of adopting a charter. 

The free program will take place at the Bradenton Woman’s Club, 1705 Manatee Ave. W., 12:00 to 1:00 pm. Doors will open at 11:30 am for snacks and social time. For more information about this program, call 729-9248 or visit www.lwvmanatee.org.