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Manatee BOCC Agenda Results: 5/7/2013


BRADENTON -- At Tuesday's BOCC meeting, commissioners approved wetland ordinance changes in the Land Development Code by a slim margin, against the wishes of a long list of community leaders. In other business, commissioners approved the matching funds to purchase two locomotive switch engines for Port Manatee, and supplied the funds to keep the Rubonia Community Center open for residents through the summer.

1. Invocation led by Shirley Baucom, Care Net Manasota Pregnancy Center



Items Scheduled for Time Certain

2. 9:30 A.M. TIME CERTAIN (ITEM 44) - Florida Department of Transportation Presentation: US41 Pedestrian Refuge Islands

3. 1:30 P.M. TIME CERTAIN (ITEM 42) - Ordinance 13-04 - Land Development Code Section 719 (Wetlands) - Bill Clague - Legislative

Changes to Agenda

4. Updates to Agenda


Proclamations (Motion required to adopt proclamations) -- Approved, Unanimous 

5. Tourism Week

Attachment: Tourism Week - 05.07.13.pdf

6. Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month

Attachment: Teen Pregnancy Prevention - 05.07.13.pdf

7. Drug Court Month

Attachment: Drug Court Month - 05.07.13.pdf

Awards and Presentations

8. Employee of the Month

Attachment: McLeod_MayEOM.pdf

Attachment: McLeod_EOM04182013102059.pdf

9. Betty Davis Miller Youth Services Award

10. Library Innovation Award

REQUEST BY COMMISSIONERS (Items to be pulled from Consent Agenda)

CITIZEN COMMENTS (Consent Agenda Items Only)


Clerk of Circuit Court

11. Clerk's Consent Calendar

Attachment: 050713.pdf


12. Resolution R-13-080-Appointment of Land Use/Due Process Hearing Officers.

Attachment: HO RESOLUTION 2013.pdf

Attachment: HRG OFFCR Res Exhibits A&B.pdf

13. Purchase of Lake Manatee Dam Property Insurance

Attachment: MCBOCC LMD 13-14 Proposal 04.24.2013.pdf

14. Publication of Ordinance repealing Special Acts relating to Fishing Activities and Regulations.

Attachment: Ord 13-16 Fishing Activities.pdf

Attachment: Fishing Acts Res. 13-079.pdf

Attachment: FFWC letter.pdf

Attachment: FWCC SEC. 9.pdf

Community Services

15. Summer Food Service Program

Attachment: SFSP Agreement.pdf

16. Summer Food Service Program

Attachment: 13-SUMFOOD-AGENDA.Resolution.pdf

Attachment: 13-SFSP Agreement.DACS.docx.pdf

Attachment: Resolution B-13-049.pdf

Financial Management

17. Budget Amendment Resolution

Attachment: B-13-047 Resolution_Narrative.pdf

Natural Resources

18. West Coast Inland Navigation District FY 2014 applications

Attachment: RESOLUTION R-13-074.pdf

Attachment: WCIND-LawEnforcement.pdf

Attachment: WCIND-Nav.Imp.pdf

Attachment: WCIND-Env.Ed.pdf

Attachment: WCIND-BoatingSafety.pdf

Attachment: WCIND-BoatingRecreation.pdf

19. Supplemental funding for Warner's Bayou Boat Ramp

Attachment: M-228Crequest.pdf

Attachment: Warners_seawall.pdf

Neighborhood Services

20. EDI Grant Revision - Project ROSE - Resolution R-13-082

Attachment: R11-194.pdf

Attachment: R13 082.pdf

21. EDI Grant - Project AMBER - Resolution R-13-083

Attachment: Project Amber R-13-083.pdf

22. EDI Revision - Project PIONEER - R-13-085

Attachment: ProjectPIONEERResolutionEDI rev R-13-085.pdf

Attachment: Pioneer Resolution R-12-091.pdf

Property Management

23. Brinn, Parcel 122, Acquisition for 44th Avenue East (30th Street East to 45th Street East) Road Right of Way Improvement Project

Attachment: WD brinn.pdf

Attachment: AOE BRINN.pdf

Attachment: PART REL OF MTG BRINN.pdf


Attachment: PART REL OF MTG BRINN OR2445 P1206 1ST BK.pdf

Attachment: 44th Ave E Parcel 122 Loc Map.pdf

24. Lena Road Landfill Restrooms FPL

Attachment: lenaroadlandfillrestroomsmap.pdf

Attachment: lenaroadlandfillrestroomsFPL-EASM.BCC.pdf

25. Distressed Asset Buyers, LLC, Parcel 116, Acquisition for 44th Avenue East (30th Street East to 45th Street East) Road Right of Way Improvement Project

Attachment: Warranty Deed 116 Distressed Buyers.pdf

Attachment: AOE 116 Distressed Buyers.pdf

Attachment: 44th Ave E Parcel 116 - location map.pdf

Attachment: Power of attorney.pdf

26. Subordination between Florida Power & Light Company and Manatee County for 44th Avenue East (12th Street Court East to 19th Street Court East) Road Project

Attachment: Parcels 143A, 149, 150, 840 FPL easements Map.pdf

Attachment: FPL Subordination 44th Ave E.pdf

27. Subordination between Florida Power & Light Company and Manatee County for 44th Avenue East (12th Street Court East to 19th Street Court East) Road Project, Parcel #153.

Attachment: Cemex FPL Subordination location .pdf

Attachment: Cemex FPL easement #153 .pdf

28. Subordination of Utility Interests to FDOT, Parcel 102.2 

Attachment: Resolution R-13-065 for Parcel 102.2.pdf

Attachment: Subordination - Parcel 102.2.pdf

Attachment: Parcel 102.2 location map. 60th Ave W. U.S.41 plot desc Survey LEGAL.pdf

Attachment: RLS-13-007 by Wade.pdf

29. Subordination of Utility Interests to FDOT, Parcel 105.3 

Attachment: Resolution R-13-066 Parcel 105.3.pdf

Attachment: Subordination - Parcel 105.3.pdf

Attachment: Parcel 105.3 location map. 60th Ave W. U.S. 41 plot desc Survey LEGAL.pdf

Attachment: RLS-13-007 by Wade.pdf

30. Pic Town Estates Water Lines - Phase I Project

Attachment: jasik811UEdoc.pdf

Attachment: jasik811AOEdoc.pdf

Attachment: jasik811JIdoc.pdf

Attachment: jasik811locationmap.pdf

31. Morgan Johnson Road Sidewalk Project Purchase Contract, Knowles Parcel #806

Attachment: MJ #806 Purchase Contract .pdf

Attachment: MJ #806 Negotiated settlelement justification .pdf

Attachment: M J 806 Project Map .pdf

32. Morgan Johnson Road Sidewalk Project Purchase Contract, Hudson, Parcel 805

Attachment: Morgan Johnson Project Map Parcel #805 .pdf

Attachment: MJ 805 Purchase Contract signed .pdf

Public Safety

33. Write Off Uncollectible EMS Ambulance User Fees

Attachment: March 2013 ATT A.pdf

Attachment: March 2013 ATT C.pdf

34. Street Waiver Request for the Guardian Angels Project

Attachment: Guardian Angels Str Wvr Docs.pdf

Attachment: Guardian Angels.pdf

Attachment: B-13-050 Guardian Angel Street Name Waiver Fee.pdf

Public Works

35. Surplus Equipment

Attachment: Surplus List 5-7-13.pdf

Attachment: Reconciliation List 5-7-13.pdf

Attachment: R-13-075.pdf

Attachment: R-13-076.pdf

Attachment: R-13-077.pdf

Attachment: R-13-078.pdf


36. Waiver of Tipping Fees - City of Anna Maria Annual Cleanup

Attachment: Tipping Fee Waiver Ltr - City of Anna Maria.pdf

37. Interconnection Agreement for Customer-Owned Renewable Generation * Eschenfelder

Attachment: FPL Interconnect Agrmt for Landfill Gas Power Generator (RLS 13-53)(CAO File 1026-304).pdf

Attachment: Interconnection Agreement - Manatee County Rev2.pdf

Attachment: FPL Tariff Sheet 10.010.pdf

38. Time Payment Agreement/s

Attachment: DOC070.pdf


39. Motion to approve Consent Agenda -- Approved, Unanimous


Dr Connors


CIVIC CENTER AUTHORITY (Robin DiSabatino, Chairman)

Consent Agenda

40. Minutes for Approval -- Approved, Unanimous

Attachment: CC20121211.pdf

Attachment: CC20130108.pdf

Attachment: CC20130409.pdf


PORT AUTHORITY (Carol Whitmore, Chairman)

The consent and regular agenda items for any Port Authority meeting are set forth in the Port Authority meeting agenda materials notebook as supplied by Port Manatee staff prior to and at the commencement of the meeting of the Port Authority.

41. Agenda and materials supplied under separate cover by Port Manatee staff

Attachment: Agenda050713.pdf  The Florida Department of Transportation agreed to participate in the funding by providing matching funds of $404,685, with the same amount of $404,685 from the Port Authority. That amount combined with Tiger II grant funds in the amount of $2,500,000 will cover the cost for the two locomotives. -- Approved, Unanimous 

D. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentations Upon Request)

E. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentation Scheduled)

Building and Development Services (1:30 p


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