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Manatee BOCC Land Use Agenda Results: 3/07/2013


BRADENTON -- At Thursday's BOCC Land Use Meeting, commissioners voted to schedule the controversial wetland ordinance No. 13-04 for amending and restating at a future public hearing. The board also approved a continuance for the Bowlees Creek development, moving it to the April 4, 2013 meeting.

MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Larry Bustle, Chairman)

INVOCATION (The commission does not endorse the religious beliefs of any speaker.)

1. Invocation led by Donna Vellenga, Manasota SOLVE




REQUEST BY COMMISSIONERS (Items to be pulled from Consent Agenda) -- Item #3 pulled for a discussion and vote. 

CITIZEN COMMENTS (Consent Agenda Items Only) -- Barbara Angelucci spoke with concerns to item #3. Angelucci wanted to know why Mosaic Mining is not required to obey the same wetland codes as developers. (More on story to follow) 



Clerk of Circuit Court

2. Clerks Consent Calendar

Attachment: 030713.pdf


3. Authorization to advertise and set public hearings for Ordinance No. 13-04, amending and restating Section 719 of the Land Development Code (Wetlands). -- Conflict arose as to why there weren't any supporting documents available prior to the item coming before the board. Both commissioners and the public remain uninformed as to just what is scheduled for the public hearings.

County Attorney Bill Clague said more information will be available prior to the hearings. (More on story to follow) -- Approved, 4 to 1, Gallen dissenting, Bustle and Baugh absent  

Building and Development Services

4. FINAL PLAT - Central Park Subphases C-bb

Attachment: Application Bond Agmt.pdf

Attachment: Supplemental Amendment C-bb.pdf

CONSENT AGENDA -- (not including Item #3)  -- Approved, - Unanimous, Bustle and Baugh absent




D. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentations Upon Request)

Building and Development Services

5. PDMU-12-19(P) fka PDMU-09-10(P)(R)-Guilfside Homes/Bowlees Creek, LLP/Bowlees Creek-Quasi-Judicial-Stephanie Moreland DTS#20120487-B00000147 - To be continued to April 4, 2013. -- Approved, Unanimous, Bustle and Baugh absent

6. PA-12-05/Proposed Ordinance 13-11-County Initiated Water Supply Facilities Work Plan- Legislative - Katie Labarr

Attachment: Ordinance 13-11 (fka 12-36) 13-3-07.pdf

Attachment: PA-12-05 Water Supply Facilities Work Plan ADOPTION TEXT AMT BOCC 13-3-07.pdf

Attachment: State Land Planning Agency no comment letter PA-12-05ORD 13-11 3-07-13 BOCC.pdf

Attachment: Water Plan - PA-12-05 - County Initiated Water Supply Facilities Work Plan - PA-12-05 - 13-03-07 BC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising for 130307.pdf  -- Approved, Unanimous, Bustle and Baugh absent

7. LDA-09-03(R2)-Second Amendment to the Local Development Agreement for Silverleaf Phases 1-6-Quasi Judicial-Katie LaBarr

Attachment: Silverleaf LDA.pdf

Attachment: First Amendment to Silverleaf LDA.pdf

Attachment: Second Amendment to Silverleaf LDA - executed.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising for 03-07-13 BOCC.pdf -- Three speakers from the Riverwood development spoke of their concerns.

Bob Abrahanson wanted to know how the summer rain runoff would be handled, he said that the intersection  that would carry the most traffic was already busy and, that it has a history of accidents. 

Vivian Brown, another Riverwood resident, also wanted to know how the summer rains would be handled and wanted the answer in writing. Brown was concerned with the loss in property values from small lots, and the amount of impact to the schools and traffic.

Bill Greer, President of the Riverwood HOA, had the same concerns, adding, "For every inch of rain, the retention pond that relieves Riverwood's runoff gets, the height comes up a foot." He said that with all of the paving, much more runoff will be expected.

No action was requested for item #7

E. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentation Scheduled)





Whitmore -- Thanked Charlie Hunsicker for the good job he has been doing and announced that there were federal dollars coming our way for storms Debbie and Sandy.

DiSabatino -- Congratulated Commissioner Gallen for the good job he did chairing the commission while Commissioner Bustle was away. Gave a housing update that stated: closings are up, as well as sales and pending sales. 

Chappie -- Said he was happy to hang around with Congressmen Shuster and Buchanan last week. Commissioner Chappie also confirmed the federal dollars for storms Sandy and Debbie was there; and then asked Mickey Palmer (county attorney) when the county's judicial building work was going to start?

Micky Palmer -- "Our lawsuit is ready to be filed next week." adding, "I want to see boots on the ground and scaffold in the air." Commissioner Whitmore asked Palmer to try and back-off some, so to not create a problem. Palmer replied that they have had plenty of warning and starting should have happened weeks ago. Whitmore was joined by DiSabatino, who added, "I wouldn't put their back against the wall, it could be even more costly." Chappie stuck up for Palmer saying, "We hired Mr. Palmer to do his job, he knows what he is doing." The conflict went on for 30 minutes, never accomplishing more then what was said in the first ten. The Monday plan seems to stand.

Benac -- Wants the commission to send a letter to FDOT to see if a traffic light can be added to their plans in Parrish at the intersection of SR 674 and U.S. 301.

Motion to do so -- Approved, Unanimous, Bustle and Baugh absent.

Gallen -- Said that tonight (Tuesday) there would be a meeting at the Palmetto Youth Center at 6:00 p.m. to talk about "Prisoner Reentry Program." He said they are looking for Volunteer Mentors.