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Manatee BOCC Land Use Meeting Agenda Results: 4/4/13


BRADENTON – At Thursday's meeting, commissioners gave final approval to three development projects: the expansion of the Rye Road development in northeast Manatee County that was up against strong opposition from neighbors; additional sites on another northeast county development, Silverleaf (north of Greyhawk Landing), where there were concerns over flooding; and finally, modification of the Bowles Creek development project to include an assisted living facility.


MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Larry Bustle, Chairman )
INVOCATION (The commission does not endorse the religious beliefs of any speaker.)

1. Invocation led by Rev. Alan Jackson, Rogers Community United Methodist Church

REQUEST BY COMMISSIONERS (Items to be pulled from Consent Agenda)
CITIZEN COMMENTS (Consent Agenda Items Only)

Clerk of Circuit Court

2. Clerk's Consent Calendar
Attachment: 040413.pdf
Approved Unanimously
Building and Development Services

3. FINAL PLAT - Copperstone, Phase IIB
Attachment: Copperstone IIB App POMD.pdf
Attachment: Copperstone IIB bonds agmts.pdf
Attachment: 8th amendment Copperstone IIB.pdf

4. FINAL PLAT - Copperstone IIC
Attachment: Copperstone IIC Application.pdf
Attachment: Copperstone IIC bonds agmt.pdf
Attachment: 9th Amendment Copperstone IIC.pdf
deferred until April 9 BOCC meeting
Public Safety

5. Street Waiver Request for Southern Oaks Subdivision
Attachment: Southern Oaks Str Wvr Docs.pdf
moved to consent agenda

D. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentations Upon Request)

Building and Development Services

6. PDR-12-12(Z)(P) - Extended Investments Holdings, LLC - Southern Oaks - Quasi-Judicial - DTS20120374 - Shelley Hamilton
Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - PDR-12-12(Z)(P) - DTS20120374 - 4-4-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Staff Report - Extended Investments Holdings, LLC Southern Oaks - PDR-12-12(Z)(P) - DTS20120374 for 4-4-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Zoning Disclosure Affidavit - Extended Investments, LLC Southern Oaks PDR-12-12(Z)(P) - for 4-4-13 BOCC.pdf
Attachment: Special Approval request letter - Extended Investments Holdings, LLC Southern Oaks - PDR-12-12(Z)(P) - DTS20120374 - for 4-4-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Specific Approval request Letter - Extended Investments Holdings, LLC Southern Oaks - PDR-12-12(Z)(P) - DTS20120374 -for 4-4-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Extended Investments LLC Southern Oaks PDR-12-12(Z)(P) - DTS20120374 - for 4-4-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Ordinance - Extended Investments Holdings, LLC Southern Oaks - PDR-12-12(Z)(P) - 4-4-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Public Comment Letter for Extended Investments LLC Southern Oaks - PDR-12-12(Z)(P) - DTS20120374 - for 4-4-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Site Plan - Extended Investments Holdings LLC Southern Oaks - PDR-12-12(Z)(P) - DTS20120374 - for 4-4-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Slideshow - Extended Investments LLC Southern Oaks - PDR-12-12(Z)(P) - DTS20120374 - 4-4-13 BC.pdf
Approved Unanimously after developer gave assurances that he had met with neighboring landowner who had concerns over buffer area and assured him that he would put additional trees in buffer area if that property owner felt necessary after completion.
7. PA-13-01-Ordinance 13-03 - Plan Amendment Complete Streets - Legislative - Kathleen Thompson
Attachment: Staff Report - Complete Streets - PA-13-01 - Ord. 13-03 - 4-4-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Complete Streets - PA-13-01 Ord. 13-03 - 4-4-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Ordinance - Complete Streets - PA-13-01 Ord. 13-03 - 4-4-13 BC.pdf
Approved Unanimously
8. LDA-09-03(R2) - Second Amendment to the Local Development Agreement for Silverleaf Phases 1 - 6 - Quasi-Judicial - Katie LaBarr
Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - Silverleaf LDA - LDA-09-03(R2) - 4-4-13 BC..pdf
Attachment: Approval Document Current LDA - Silverleaf - LDA-09-03(R2) - 4-4-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Silverleaf LDA Second Amendment - LDA-09-03(R2) - 4-4-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Supplementa Information - First Amendment to LDA LDA-09-03(R) - 4-4-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Supplemental Information - Orginal LDA - Silverleaf LDA - LDA-09-03 4-4-13 BC.pdf
Approved Unanimously
Staff explained that applicant is not seeking density increases or additional approved units, but will change some to single family-semi attached units, "essentially duplexes," while agreeing to keep at least 50 percent traditional unattached units.

Jay King, who resides nearby at River Wilderness said he was very concerned by the additional traffic volume that will be placed on county roads north of the River, particularly on Old Tampa Road, which he said was already prone to gridlock. King also noted several other developments in active construction phases that stand to compound the traffic burden. King proposed a complete traffic study north of the river be done before this project be approved.

Commissioner DiSabatino noted that FDOT is currently addressing those issues, which staff affirmed. Commissioner Benac confirmed with staff that a traffic study had been done to satisfy concurrency requirements in the area, and that the projects in place were part of that planning, with their impact considered. Commissioners noted also that since density wasn't an issue in the vote, it would also not have bearing.
9. PDR-11-14(G)(R) - MML I LLC & PGCI IV LLC - Silverleaf - Quasi-Judicial - Katie LaBarr
Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - Silverleaf - PDR-11-14(G)(R) for 4-4-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Staff Report - Silverleaf PDR-11-14(G)(R)040413.pdf
Attachment: Specific Approval Request Letter-Silverleaf PDR-11-14(G)(R) 4-4-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Silverleaf - PDR-11-14(G)(R) - 4-4-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Ordinance Silverleaf PDR-11-14(G)(R)- 4-4-13 BOCC.pdf
Attachment: Ordinance Exhibit A-1 - Silverleaf PDR-11-14(G)(R) - 4-4-13 BOCC.pdf
Attachment: Ordinance Exhibit A-2 - Silverleaf PDR-11-14(G)(R) - 4-4-13 BOCC.pdf
Attachment: Site Plan - Silverleaf - PDR-11-14(G)(R) - 4-4-13 BC.pdf
Approved Unanimously

E. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentation Scheduled)

Building and Development Services

10. PDR-05-53(P)(R) - Raven Crest - Quasi-Judicial - DTS20120414 - Stephanie Moreland
Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - PDR-05-53(P)(R) - DTS20120414 for 4-4-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Specific Approval Request Letter - Raven Crest Subdivision - PDR-05-53(P)(R) DTS20120414 - 4-4-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Raven Crest - PDR-05-53(P)(R) DTS20120414 - 4-4-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Ordinance - Raven Crest Subdivision - PDR-05-53(P)(R) - DTS20120414 - 4-4-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Site Plan - Raven Crest - PDR-05-53(P)(R) - DTS20120414 - 4-4-13.pdf
Attachment: Slideshow - Raven Crest - PDR-05-53(P)(R) - DTS#20120414 - 4-4-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Supplemental Information - Previously approved site Plan from Ocotber 2006 - Raven Crest - PDR-05-53(P)(R) DTS20120414 - 4-4-13.pdf
Attachment: Staff Report - Raven Crest Subdivision- PDR-05-53(P)(R) DTS20120414 - 4-4-13 BC.pdf
Approved Unanimously
The applicant explained that it was an effort to increase a previously-approved project from 31 to 38 units with the elimination of a cul de sac and neighborhood tie in to accommodate changes. Previous concerns had been voiced by residents regarding historic flood and drainage patterns and concerns that development on the area's high lands would compound flooding issues on their property, particularly to the West of the project. Applicant made modifications to address floodplain concerns (see attachments above).
Staff recommended approval with the agreed upon stipulations, noting that while the density was greater than surrounding neighborhoods, the plan nonetheless called for 43 percent open area and density reflected current trends in development based on market conditions (housed are being built smaller and closer to accomodate cheaper prices in a soft market).

The lane width of the roads (11 instead of 12) was a concern. Commissioner Chappie noted that there have been some issues where the narrower roads became an issue down the line. The applicant explained that while all other utilities were in full compliance with the land development code, the 11 foot width was incorporated as a speed deterrent, with contingencies in place to use a 12 foot width, but that they wanted to preserve the option of private or public roads for whatever developer they eventually sold it to Commissioner DiSabatino echoed concerns over future costs and voiced her preference for 12 foot widths.
There was also discussion over the fact that there was no turn lane to enter the development, meaning traffic would have to slow as cars waited to turn in, rather than go around. There is also no nearby southern access road because neighboring Grayhawk Landing is gated, meaning residents would have to go all the way to the Mill Creek subdivision to evacuate southbound.

Sandra Ferrell, who owns a home across the street on Upper Manatee River Road, said she still had concerns over drainage, which was echoed by another neighbor who complained about increased density. Commissioner DiSabatino, a former realtor, said that she empathized with landowners and understood that applicants were routinely coming forward with requests to increase density, but that it was "economics" and that the developments were "providing jobs and economic activity."
11. PDR-11-09(Z)(P)(R) - Rye Road, LLC - Rye Road Subdivision - DTS20120429 - B00000069 - Stephanie Moreland
Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - Rye Road, LLC Rye Road Subdivision - PDR-11-09(Z)(P)(R) - DTS20120429 - 4-4-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Staff Report - Rye Road Subdivision - PDR-11-09(Z)(P)(R) - 4-4-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Zoning Disclosure Affidavit - Rye Road Subdivision - PDR-11-09(Z)(P)(R) - DTS20120429 - B0000069 - 4-4-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Specific and Special Approval Request Letter - Rye Road Subdivision - PDR-11-09(Z)(P)(R) - DTS20120429 B00000069 - 4-4-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Rye Road Subdivision - PDR-11-09(Z)(P)(R) - DTS20120429 - B00000069 - 4-4-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Ordinance - Rye Road Subdivision - PDR-11-09(Z)(P)(R) - DTS20120429 B00000069 - 4-4-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Public Comments - Rye Road Subdivision - PDR-11-09(Z)(P)(R) - DTS2012042- B00000069 - 4-4-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Site Plan - Rye Road Subdivision - PDR-11-09(Z)(P)(R) DTS20120429 - B00000069 - 4-4-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Slideshow - Rye Road Subdivision - PDR-11-09(Z)(P)(R) - DTS20120429 - B00000069 - 4-4-13 BC.pdf
Approved Unanimously after extensive discussion and public dissent (click here for full story)
12. PDMU-12-19(P) - Gulfside Homes Bowlees Creek, LLP - Bowlees Creek - Quasi-Judicial - DTS20120487 - B00000147 - Stephanie Moreland - Continued from March 7, 2013
Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - Gulfside Homes Bowlees Creek LLP - PDMU-12-19(P) - DTS20120487 - 4-4-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Staff Report - Bowlees Creek - PDMU-12-19(P) 4-4-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Gulfside Homes Bowlees Creek - PDMU-12-19(P) - DTS20120487 - 4-4-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Elevations - Gulfside Homes Bowlees Creek - PDMU-12-19(P)- DTS20120487 - 4-4-13 BC.pdf
Attachment: Ordinance - Bowlees Creek - PDMU-12-19(P) 4-4-13 BC.pdf


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