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Manatee BOCC Special Land Use Agenda Results: 2/19/13


BRADENTON -- At Tuesday's BOCC Land Use meeting, Commissioners approved Mosaic's application for a substantial Deviation to their Wingate Creek Mine Development Order, along witha resolution amending Mosaic's Master Mining Plan, with a 5-2 vote on each. The board also voted unanimously to settle a personal injury case involving a resident who was injured when they tripped in front of the old courthouse.

Building and Development Services

1. Ordinance 13-01 (DRI#4) - Mosaic Fertilizer, LLC/Wingate Creek Mine DRI - Lisa Barrett - Quasi-Judicial

Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial for 2-19-13 BOCC.pdf

Attachment: Staff Report - Wingate Substantial Deviation - Ord. 13-01 - 2-19-13 BOCC.pdf

Attachment: TBRPC Final Report - Wingate Substantial Deviation - Ord. 13-01 - 2-19-13 BOCC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Wingate Substantial Deviation - Ord. 13-01 - 2-19-13 BOCC.pdf

Attachment: Ordinance - Wingate Substantial Deviation - Ord. 13-01 - 2-19-13 BOCC.pdf -- Approved, 5-2, DiSabatino and Gallen dissent (FULL STORY)

Natural Resources

2. Wingate Creek Mine Amendment R-13-001

Attachment: FINAL MMP Staff Report.pdf

Attachment: MMP_R-13-001_BCCrevised for 2-19-13bc.pdf

Attachment: Wingate Amendment.pdf -- Approved, 5-2, DiSabatino and Gallen dissent (FULL STORY)



5. Sharon Carson v. Manatee County, Case No. 2012-CA-0342, CAO File No. 4895

Attachment: Facts of the Case.pdf

Attachment: Photo of sidewalk.pdf

Attachment: Plaintiff's Proposal for Settlement.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous



3. Full Agenda

Attachment: 130219 BC_docs.pdf


-- Commissioner Baugh commented that she had been having lunch with Carlos Beruff, of Medallion Homes, when someone approached her and Carlos, who then took a picture with their cell phone. She stated that the person who took the picture was believed to be sitting with ex-commissioner Joe McClash. 

Baugh said she believed they were trying to intimidate her vote, and that she just wanted to let everyone know she won't be intimidated. She said it was terrible that someone would do that, adding, "I vote the way I want, and nobody is going to change that."

Commissioner Benac, who replaced Commissioner McClash behind a Beruff-funded attack ad then replied, "I wouldn't touch that with a ten-foot pole."