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Manatee Commission Agenda Results: 3/26/13


BRADENTON -- At Tuesday's BOCC meeting, commissioners voted to draw up a new ordinance that will move the referendum date for the half cent sales tax to fund indigent health care to August. In other business, Commissioners also voted to have staff construct an ordinance that will allow a backyard chicken program and received a presentation from the Urban Land Institute, who examined the county's How Will We Grow plan.

MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Larry Bustle, Chairman)

INVOCATION (The commission does not endorse the religious beliefs of any speaker.)

1. Invocation led by Pastor Jason Lane, Skyway Community Chapel



Items Scheduled for Time Certain

47. 10:00 A.M. TIME CERTAIN - ITEM #44 - Backyard Chickens

48. 1:30 P.M. TIME CERTAIN - ITEM #45 - Report from the Urban Land Institute

Changes to Agenda  --  Pull items -- #24, #29, #32 and #33 to be deferred.  Pull items -- #30 and 31 for vote.

2. Updates to Agenda

Attachment: 20130326 Update Memo.pdf


Proclamations (Motion required to adopt proclamations) -- Approved, Unanimous

3. Every Child A Reader Day

Attachment: Every Child a Reader Day 2013 - 03.26.13.pdf

4. Global Industry Day

Attachment: Global Industry Day - 03.26.13.pdf

5. National Public Health Week

Attachment: Public Health Week - 03.26.13.pdf

6. Safe Digging Month

Attachment: Safe Digging Month - 03.26.13.pdf

7. Water Conservation Month

Attachment: Water Conservation Month - 03.26.13.pdf

REQUEST BY COMMISSIONERS (Items to be pulled from Consent Agenda)

CITIZEN COMMENTS (Consent Agenda Items Only)


Clerk of Circuit Court

8. Clerk's Consent Calendar

Attachment: 032613.pdf


9. Dashboard Report for February 2013

Attachment: Feb 2013 dashboards.pdf

10. Precinct Changes

Attachment: Precinct Changes_March2013.pdf

Attachment: Precinct Maps.pdf


11. Hearing Officer Resolution No. R-13-058

Attachment: Resolution 13-058 and Exhibit A - Hearing Officers.pdf

12. Approve Tolling Agreement in re RLS 12-201

Attachment: Executed Tolling Agreement- BBC Judicial Ctr.pdf

Building and Development Services

13. FINAL PLAT - Esplanade Phase II

Attachment: Esplanade Application.pdf

Attachment: Esplanade Supplemental Declaration.pdf

Attachment: Esplanade II Bonds & Agmts.pdf

14. FINAL PLAT - Central Park, Subphases B-2a & B-2c

Attachment: C P PLat Application.pdf

Attachment: Central Pk Bonds Agreements.pdf

Attachment: Supplemental Amendment CP B2a B2c.pdf

Community Services

15. Children's Services Funding - Non Profit Agency Agreements

Attachment: YMCA2013- Summer program.pdf

Attachment: PAL Summer2013.pdf

16. FY2014 Children's Services Annual Plan - Amended

Attachment: CS Annual Plan Amended March 26, 2013.pdf

17. Emergency Home Energy Assistance Program FY 13-14 Agreement with West Central Florida Area Agency on Aging

Attachment: 042dtd032613-EHEAP FY13-14.pdf

Attachment: 1314eheapagreementDOC.pdf

Attachment: RES.EHEAP.pdf

18. Amendment #2 FY 12/13 Emergency Home Energy for the Elderly Assistance Program

Attachment: 040dtd032613-EHEAP Additional.pdf

Attachment: 1213amend2eheapDOC.pdf

Financial Management

19. Budget Amendments

Attachment: B-13-039 Resolution_Narrative.pdf

20. Approval of Payments-in-Lieu of Taxes (PILT) Resolution R-13-041

Attachment: R-13-041 Payment in Lieu Rezzo.pdf

21. Preserve Tax-exemption for Municipal Bonds R-13-060

Attachment: R-13-060 Tax-Exempt Status of Municipal Bonds.pdf

Natural Resources

22. Bad check write-off

Attachment: Return check report.pdf

23. Tree Trust Fund Applications

Attachment: Perico Preserve Buffer Tree Trust Fund Applic.pdf

Attachment: Rye Preserve Tree Trust Applic.pdf

Attachment: B-13-043-Tree Trust Fund.pdf

24. FPL Abandoned Poles Agreement

Attachment: FPL Agreement.pdf

Attachment: Migratory Bird Nest Removal LSNR-11-00026A.pdf

Attachment: RLS-12-356.pdf

Neighborhood Services

25. Suncoast Workforce Board Appointment

Attachment: Gubernatorial Appointments Questionnaire.pdf

Attachment: Suncoast Board Gov Letter March 26 2013.pdf

26. Economic Development Incentive Grant, Project Freeze (R-13-061)

Attachment: Project Freeze R13061.pdf

Property Management

27. Shirley H. Bradbury Permanent Easement Purchase at 2004 Ft. Hamer Road

Attachment: Ft. Hamer Parcels 804 & 805 executed contract .pdf

Attachment: Parcels #804 & #805 Location Map Ft. Hamer waterline project .pdf

28. Cemex Construction Materials Florida, LLC property purchase located at 44th Avenue East

Attachment: Cemex executed Special Warranty Deed .pdf

Attachment: Cemex exectued Affidavit .pdf

Attachment: Cemex transaction document approval by CAO .pdf

Attachment: Cemex acquisition map .pdf

29. Acquisition of two Temporary Construction Easements for the Sanitary Sewer Replacement - Colony Cove Phase 1

Attachment: colonycovearea1exectce.pdf

Attachment: colonycovearea2exectce.pdf

Attachment: colonycovelocationmap.pdf

30. Acquisition of property purchase, Jeffrey S. Obar and Barbara Lee Schubert, Parcel 112, 44th Avenue East (30th Street East to 45th Street East) Road Right of Way Improvement Project

Attachment: contract obar 112.pdf

Attachment: backup justification obar 112.pdf

Attachment: 44th Ave E 30th-45th St Loc Map.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous

31. Acquisition of property purchase, Son T. Phung, Parcel 701, 44th Avenue East (30th Street East to 45th Street East) Road Right of Way Improvement Project

Attachment: Contract 701.pdf

Attachment: backup justification 701.pdf

Attachment: 44th Ave E 30th-45th St Loc Map.pdf  -- Approved, Unanimous

32. Acquisition of property purchase, Stephen R. Olmsted, Parcel 120, 44th Avenue East (30th Street East to 45th Street East) Road Right of Way Improvement Project

Attachment: contract olmstead 120.pdf

Attachment: backup justification olmstead 120.pdf

Attachment: 44th Ave E 30th-45th St Loc Map.pdf

33. Rohr acquisition for 44th Avenue East (30th Street East to 45th Street East) Road Right of Way Improvement Project

Attachment: Rohr WD.pdf

Attachment: Affd O&E Rohr.pdf

Attachment: 44th Ave E Parcel 111 - Rohr.pdf

34. Morgan Johnson Road Sidewalk Project - Resolution R-13-057 Authorizing Pre-Suit Negotiations

Attachment: Morgan Johnson Project Map Parcel #802 .pdf

Attachment: Morgan Johnson Road Parcel #802 ProposedResolutionAuthorizingPreSuitOffers_13-020.pdf

Public Works

35. 15th Street East Roadway Redevelopment Letter

Attachment: 15th Street East PD&E.pdf

36. Removal of Uncollectable Bills from the Accounts Receivable System

Attachment: AR036609-AR036611.pdf

Attachment: AR024558.pdf

Attachment: AR025751.pdf

Attachment: AR032112.pdf

Attachment: AR034876.pdf

Attachment: AR034875.pdf

Attachment: AR035323.pdf

37. Surplus Equipment

Attachment: Surplus List 3-26-13.pdf

Attachment: Reconciliation List 3-26-13.pdf

Attachment: Resolution R-13-055.pdf

38. Sediment Tipping Fee Waiver


39. Cooperative Funding Agreement between SWFWMD and Manatee County for Indoor Water Conservation Project (N443) * Sikora

Attachment: Resolution R07-031.pdf

Attachment: Approval Letter.pdf

Attachment: Budget 4010020000, FY2013.pdf

Attachment: SWFWMD Agreement.pdf


40. Motion to approve Consent Agenda -- Approved, Unanimous



CIVIC CENTER AUTHORITY (Robin DiSabatino, Chairman)



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