BRADENTON -- Marina Proskurina, digital design instructor at Manatee Technical Institute, won 2012 Photographer of the Year from the Professional Photographers Society of Central Florida. The society presented her with the award Tuesday at an awards banquet in Orlando.
Earlier in the year, Proskurina had three of her creative images accepted into the 2012 International Photographic Competition hosted by the Professional Photographers of America. Digital design is a new program offering at MTI. To apply for acceptance into the program or for more information, contact MTI career counselor Maria Terri Parrish at or 751-7900.
Manatee Technical Institute is a postsecondary career and technical education center under the School District of Manatee County offering over 40 career preparation programs. It is fully accredited by the Council on Occupational Education and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. MTI is a 2007 Tampa Bay Business of the Year, and its students have won more SkillsUSA medals than any other school in the nation for the past nine years.
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