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Manatee County accepting applications for Historic Preservation Board


MANATEE--Manatee County has four openings on the Historic Preservation Board, a voluntary citizens advisory committee that makes recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners on historic structures.

The Historic Preservation Board was formed to preserve and protect Manatee County's archaeologically, historically and aesthetically significant sites, districts and zones. The Board to encourages historical and archaeological preservation and identifies historic buildings and sites and archaeological sites in Manatee County. The Board also ensures the appropriate preservation, restoration, renovation, development and adaptive reuse of historical buildings and archaeological sites.

Members of the Historic Preservation Board must be qualified electors in Manatee County who have knowledge of archaeological, historical or architectural development or have deep concern for the preservation development and enhancement of historic resources in the County. Whenever possible, the Board is comprised of people with a background in architecture, history, planning, archaeology or historic preservation.

The group meets on an as-needed basis on the second Monday of each month at 9:00 a.m. in the first floor chambers of Manatee County Administrative Building, 1112 Manatee Avenue West.

Applications are due March 4 and may be found online at www.mymanatee.org


For more information, call Bobbi Roy at (941) 748-4501 ext. 6878 or e-mail her at bobbi.roy@mymanatee.org


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