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Manatee County Announces Road Closure Extensions


MANATEE--Manatee County Public Works has announced the following road closures and extensions to previous closure dates for road work.

9th St. East between 11th Ave. East and 13th Ave. East will be closed through December 3rd between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays. A detour route will be provided. Click here for map.

Franklin Avenue East from US 301 to 17th St. East, Ellenton will be closed from November 29th through December 10th for grading and paving work. A detour will be provided via Ellenton-Gillette Rd. Click here for map.

Saffold Road just south of Packing House Road (Duette) will be closed November 29th through February 26, 2011. A detour route will be provided along SR 62 and US 301. Click here for map.

For more information visit the Manatee County public works website.