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Manatee County Board of Commissioners Work Session Recap, May 18


BRADENTON -- Less than two hours after a morning joint session with the Sarasota board, the Manatee County Board of Commissioners assembled for a scheduled work session that included a presentation by Dave Gustafson on the Port Area Planning Issues. Current properties can maintain certain specific land uses, and eligible zones for PDEZ (Planned Development Encouragement Zone) will include rental and construction repair, as well as wholesale trade. 

The 25-year Infrastructure or Mobility Plan attempts to address concerns to current and future transportation needs and projected challenges. The committee has been convening since last fall and has held public workshops to gain local input on transportation issues. The biggest issues brought to light included additional modes of transit with greater degrees of safety for our citizens. 

Three possible alternatives and accompanying figures for future roadways and upgrades were presented to the Board of Commissioners for future consideration.

There was also a discussion on tax abatements. The talks focused on current and proposed laws and grants on the federal and local level that could impact the county. 

The final item on the agenda was in regards to the Community Rowing Program, which will include an expansion to the current lake in Nathan Benderson Park in Sarasota. Both counties have high expectations as to the potential for the program and Manatee County has made it a priority to explore ways in which they might be proactive in facilitating their participation.


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