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Manatee County BOCC Agenda Results: 6/4/2013


BRADENTON -- At Tuesday's BOCC meeting, celebration was in order for the official signing of a Sister Seaport agreement between Port Manatee and Brazil's Port of Rio de Janeiro. In other business, Commissioners chose one the options presented by John Osborne in continuing the county's quest for How Do We Grow, and finally, backyard chickens are approved for county residents.

MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Larry Bustle, Chairman)

INVOCATION (The commission does not endorse the religious beliefs of any speaker.)

1. Invocation led by Pastor Phillip Hamm, First Baptist Church of Palmetto



Items Scheduled for Time Certain

2. 9:15 A.M. TIME CERTAIN - ITEM #44 - 2017 World Rowing Championship Letter of Guarantee

Attachment: lb FISA Guarantee 6.4.13.pdf

Attachment: SANCA committment letter to Sarasota Co- 2017 Rowing Championships 5-30-13.pdf


Attachment: Port Agenda 06.04.13.pdf

4. 1:30 P.M. TIME CERTAIN - ITEM #45 - How Will We Grow?

Attachment: Public Comment for How Will We Grow 6-4-13 BC.pdf

Changes to Agenda

5. Updates to Agenda


Awards and Presentations

6. Employee of the Month - Mike Brown

Attachment: Brown_EOM Nomination05142013100649.pdf

Attachment: Brown_EOM.pdf


7. Transfer of Leadership in Veteran's Services Section


8. Florida Neighborhoods Conference

Attachment: Final FNC 2013 Manatee County Registration Booklet.pdf

REQUEST BY COMMISSIONERS (Items to be pulled from Consent Agenda)

CITIZEN COMMENTS (Consent Agenda Items Only)


Clerk of Circuit Court

9. Clerk's Consent Calendar

Attachment: 060413.pdf


47. Letter of support for Town of Longboat Key

Attachment: Ltr Mayor Brown to Chair Bustle re HB 537.pdf

Attachment: lb LBK letter support HB537 6.4.13.pdf

Building and Development Services

10. Mark W. and Susan B. Stewart, Case No. CE2011060241

Attachment: BOCC Attachments 6-4-2013 Stewart.pdf

11. David J. Stiscak, Case No. CE2006060482

Attachment: BOCC Attachments 6-4-2013 Stiscak.pdf

Community Services

12. Agreement for the Alzheimer's Disease Initiative (ADI) grant funds 13/14

Attachment: BRADI1314B-13-055.pdf

Attachment: RES.ADI.pdf

Attachment: adi1314.pdf

13. Agreement for the Community Care for the Elderly (CCE) grant funds 13/14

Attachment: BRCCE1314B-13-053.pdf

Attachment: RES.CCE.pdf

Attachment: CCE1314.pdf

14. Agreement for the Home Care for the Elderly (HCE) grant funds 13/14

Attachment: RES.HCE.pdf

Attachment: HCE1314.pdf

Attachment: BRHCE1314B-13-054.pdf

Convention and Visitors Bureau

15. Expenditures for JetBlue Promotion

Attachment: SRQMedia chart for Summer2013100K.pdf

Attachment: SRQ-MOU-JetBlue.pdf

Attachment: SRQ Jet Blue Promo-Budget Amendment.pdf

Financial Management

16. Budget Amendment Resolution

Attachment: B-13-051.Sheriff's.Letters.pdf

Attachment: B-13-051_Resolution_Narrative.pdf

17. IFB# 12-1479-DS, Road Building Materials and Services

Attachment: Recommendation to award and signed bid tabulation_Part1.pdf

Attachment: Recommendation to award and signed bid tabulation_Part2.pdf

Attachment: Recommendation to award and signed bid tabulation_Part3.pdf

Attachment: Recommendation to award and signed bid tabulation_Part4.pdf

Attachment: Recommendation to award and signed bid tabulation_Part5.pdf

Natural Resources

18. West Coast Inland Navigation District (WCIND)

Attachment: ManateeRiver.pdf

Attachment: june4-2013request.pdf

Attachment: FlamingoCay.pdf

Attachment: WCIND_5-year_projection001.pdf

19. Riverview Pointe Management Plan-resubmittal

Attachment: Ex. A.pdf

Attachment: Ex. B.pdf

Attachment: Ex. C.pdf

Attachment: Ex. D.pdf

Attachment: Ex. E.pdf

Attachment: Ex. F.pdf

Attachment: Ex. H.pdf

Attachment: Ex.I.pdf

Attachment: Ex.J.pdf

Attachment: Ex.K.pdf

Attachment: Ex.M.pdf

Attachment: Ex.R.pdf

Attachment: Ex.S.pdf

Attachment: Ex.T.pdf

Attachment: Ex.U.pdf

Attachment: Ex.O.pdf

Attachment: Ex.G.pdf

Attachment: Ex.L.pdf

Attachment: Ex. P.pdf

Attachment: Ex.Q.pdf

Attachment: FCT Mgt. Plan.pdf

Attachment: Ex. N.pdf

Neighborhood Services

20. Rubonia Community Center Summer Program

Attachment: UCC Rubonia Summer Agreement.pdf

21. Economic Development Incentive Grant - Project TOPAZ - R-13-095

Attachment: Topaz-R13095.pdf

22. Economic Development Incentive Grant - Project NEON R-13-097

Attachment: Neon-R13097.pdf

23. SHIP Lien Release on Short Sale for Davolene Rivers-Trusty

Attachment: Hardship Ltr.pdf

Attachment: 1st Mtg Payoff.pdf

Attachment: 2nd Lien Payoff Agreement.pdf

Attachment: HUD Settlement Stmt.pdf

Attachment: Property Sales Contract.pdf

Attachment: Property Appraiser Value.pdf

Parks and Recreation

24. SWFWMD Monitoring Well Site at Tom Bennett Park/License Agreement

Attachment: RLS-13-106 SWFWMD & Manatee County Monitor Well Site License Agreement.pdf

Attachment: License Agreement - SWFWMD Monitoring Well Site at Tom Bennett Park.pdf

Property Management

25. Morgan Johnson Road Sidewalk Project Purchase Contract, Watts, Parcel #802

Attachment: Morgan Johnson 802 Project Map .pdf

Attachment: MJ Parcel 802 Watts Purchase Contract signed.pdf

26. Florida Baptist Children Homes Inc. Conservation and Utility Easements

Attachment: Location map - Florida Baptist Children Homes - CE.UE. D1.pdf

Attachment: Conservation Easement w Exhibit A.pdf

Attachment: utility easemt fl bap child home.pdf

Attachment: AOE fl bap child home.pdf

27. Contract for Sale and Purchase for a Temporary Construction Easement, Parcel 723, Hajoca Corporation, 44TH Avenue East (US 41 – 15th Street East) Road Project

Attachment: HD Supply Map.pdf

Attachment: 723 renewal contract 512013.pdf

Attachment: merger doc.pdf

Attachment: TCE OR 2354 p 1797.pdf

28. Acquisition of property, 44th Avenue East (30th Street East to 45th Street East) Road Right of Way Improvement Project, Eckelkamp, Parcel 114

Attachment: Eckelkamp cost justification.pdf

Attachment: 44th Ave E 30th-45th St Loc Map.pdf

Attachment: contract eckelkamp.pdf

29. 13th Street West Surplus Property, Resolution R-13-094 to declare surplus and authorize sale

Attachment: OR 1660 pg 1312.pdf

Attachment: 13th St W - 530 Loc Map.pdf


Public Safety

30. Write Off Uncollectible EMS Ambulance User Fees

Attachment: April 2013 ATT A.pdf

Attachment: April 2013 ATT C.pdf

Public Works

31. FDOT Manatee TMC Design and Installation of a Redundant Fiber Connection Amendment No. 2

Attachment: 432208 1 2nd amendment.pdf

32. Surplus Equipment

Attachment: Surplus List 6-4-13.pdf

Attachment: Reconciliation List 6-4-13.pdf

Attachment: R-13-096 .pdf

33. Surplus Vehicles

Attachment: Surplus Vehicle List 6-4-13.pdf

34. 44th Avenue East, from US 41 to 19th Street Court East Roadway Project - CSXT Preemption Interconnection Agreement * Adibe

Attachment: CSX Preemption Interconnection Agreement.pdf

Attachment: CSX Response Memo 10312.pdf

Attachment: CSX Response Memo 52413.pdf

35. 44th Avenue East, from US 41 to 19th Street Court East Roadway Project, CSXT Construction Agreement * Adibe

Attachment: CSX Construction Agreement.pdf



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