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Manatee County Commission Agenda Results: 10/8/2013


BRADENTON -- At Tuesday's meeting, members voted 6-1 to move forward in revising the code enforcement hearing process to utilize special magistrates in place of the code enforcement board. In other business, Kameron Hodgens was appointed to a three year position on the Children's Services Advisory Board. And finally Jeanne Watkins was awarded Employee of the Month. Watkins is retiring in January after 35 years. Coworkers say she is "irreplaceable."

MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Larry Bustle, Chairman)

INVOCATION (The commission does not endorse the religious beliefs of any speaker.)

1. Invocation led by Rev. Larry Pritchett, Palm View First Baptist Church



Changes to Agenda

2. Updates to Agenda

Attachment: 20131008 Update Memo.pdf


Awards and Presentations

3. Employee of the Month - Jeanne Watkins

Attachment: jeanne.pdf

Attachment: Watkins_Nomination09272013103148.pdf

Proclamations (Motion required to adopt proclamations) -- Approved, Unanimous

4. Mediation Week

Attachment: Mediation Week - 10.08.13.pdf

5. Mental Illness Awareness Week

Attachment: Mental Illness Awareness Week - 10.08.13.pdf

6. National Feral Cat Day

Attachment: National Feral Cat Day - 10.08.13.pdf

Attachment: Feral Cat Facts.pdf

7. Red Ribbon Week

Attachment: Red Ribbon Week - 10.08.13.pdf

34. White Cane Day

Attachment: White Cane Day - 10.8.13.pdf

REQUEST BY COMMISSIONERS (Items to be pulled from Consent Agenda) -- Item # 24 is deferred to a later date

CITIZEN COMMENTS (Consent Agenda Items Only)


Clerk of Circuit Court

8. Clerk's Consent Calendar

Attachment: 100813.pdf


9. BCC Meeting Schedule for 2014

Attachment: 2014 Meeting Schedule.pdf

10. Manatee River Fair Association License Agreement

Attachment: 2014 Agree Invoice 10758.pdf

Attachment: 2014 Fair License Agreement.pdf

11. Resolution R-13-141 Manatee County Fair Association Major Sponsorship of County Fair

Attachment: Sponsorship Inv 10760.pdf

Attachment: Resolution r-13-141.pdf


12. Eminent Domain Settlement: Ware’s Creek Storm Water Improvement Project, Parcels E-104.1 and E-104.2 (Watkins) – Fees & Costs

Attachment: StipFinalOrd_Fees&Costs_P104_Watkins.pdf

Attachment: AerialMap_ParcelE104.pdf

Community Services

13. Case Management Referral Agreement - Assisted Living Medicaid Waiver Grant Program

Attachment: alwcmrefagreement.pdf

14. Case Management Referral Agreement - Medicaid Waiver Grant Program

Attachment: mwcmrefagreement.pdf

15. FY 2013/2014 Manatee Glens Nonprofit Agency Funding Agreement

Attachment: SAMPLE AGREEMENT.pdf

Convention and Visitors Bureau

16. DaVinci Exhibition

Attachment: Budget Amendment B-14-010.pdf

Financial Management

17. Award of Invitation for Bid (IFB) #13-1833-OV, Force Main Replacement 34A, 26th Street West from Heron Way to 53rd Avenue West


Attachment: Woodruff Agreement.pdf

18. Change Order # 1 to Contract # 12-1881-DS, 9th Street E (53rd Ave E to 57th Ave E)

Attachment: Change Order # 1 with bond rider.pdf

19. Budget Amendments

Attachment: B-13-075 Resolution_Narrative.pdf

20. Budget Amendments

Attachment: B-14-007 Resolution_Narrative.pdf

Natural Resources

21. Hardee Correctional Inmate Contract WS889

Attachment: Florida Dept of Corrections contract #WS889.pdf

22. Tampa Bay Estuary Program Agreement FY2013-2014

Attachment: TBEP Agree 2013-2014.pdf

Attachment: Workplan 5.20.13.pdf

Parks and Recreation

23. Request to pay travel expenses to the National Parks and Recreation Accreditation Visitation Team

Property Management

24. Morgan Johnson Road Sidewalk Project CIP Project #6049761. Parcel 802 owned by Vivian D. Watts and Donna Watts, Permanent Sidewalk Easement located at 1412 57th Street East, Bradenton, Florida 34208.

Attachment: MJ Parcel 802 Watts Permanent Sidewalk Easement .pdf

Attachment: MJ Parcel 802 Watts Affidavit .pdf

Attachment: MJ Parcel 802 BOA Book 1842 Joinder and Consent .pdf

Attachment: MJ Parcel 802 BOA Book 1691 Joinder and Consent .pdf

Attachment: Morgan Johnson 802 Project Map .pdf

Public Safety

25. Street Waiver Request for University Groves West

Attachment: University Groves West Attachments.pdf

26. Write Off Uncollectible EMS Ambulance User Fees

Attachment: August 2013 ATT. A.pdf

Attachment: August 2013 ATT. C.pdf

Public Works

27. 9th Street East at 9th Avenue East Project, CSX Preliminary Engineering Agreement * Adibe

Attachment: PE Agreement 9th St Manatee Co 8-29-13_8-29-13_FINAL.pdf

Attachment: SchulhoferR_CSXT_EngineeringAgreement_9thStE_12-123_2ndSUPP RESPONSE.pdf

28. Surplus Equipment

Attachment: Surplus list 10-8-13.pdf

Attachment: Reconciliation list 10-8-13.pdf


29. Motion to Approve Consent Agenda -- Approved, Unanimous



Community Services

Att. Mark Barnebey spoke, asking the Commission if they could reconsider bringing the Thom Howze decision back for additional revisions. He said they would further reduce land, extend buffers and improve the plan. Barnebey said he didn't want his client to have to start the project over from the beginning, adding, "we want to work with the county."

County attorneys said that the application could not be revisited unless a commissioner from the winning side of the vote chose to reopen the item. 

30. Children's Services Advisory Board Appointment

Attachment: CSAB Membership List 10 01 13.pdf

Attachment: Matrix of Child Advocate Candidates for Appointment 3 year term.pdf

Attachment: Kameron Hodgens Application 2013.pdf-- Approved, Unanimous

Attachment: Jackie Featherston Application 2013.pdf -- Withdrew from the list

Attachment: 2013 CSAB Member Conflict Declarations.pdf 

Neighborhood Services

31. Housing Finance Authority

Attachment: Application of Jay Heagerty.pdf

Attachment: R-13-193.pdf


Attachment: Letter to Board of Co Comm.pdf  --  Approved, Unanimous

CIVIC CENTER AUTHORITY (Robin DiSabatino, Chairman)


PORT AUTHORITY (Carol Whitmore, Chairman)

D. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentations Upon Request)

Building and Development Services

32. Ordinance No. 13-36 - Relating to Code Enforcement -- Approved, 6 to 1, Gallen dissent (full story)

Attachment: CEB. special magistrate. Ordinance No. 13-36. final.pdf

Attachment: Newspaper Ad.pdf

E. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentation Scheduled)





33. Commissioner Comments -- 

Whitmore -- Asked if the County attorney could look into the bus passes not being available? -Said she attended the Medical Examiner meeting, they assist in death investigation -- prepared the annual work load report. USF started it first, it's a four year program, 86 students singed up, their goals are going to be geared more around work force.

DiSabatino -- New Publix is opening on Lockwood Ridge Rd. Neal and Medallion are moving West. And I believe the Holiday Inn at SRQ is full service.  

Chappie -- None

Gallen -- Solid waste is an issue, lower garbage rates, Hillsborough adopted automatic curbside pick-up. One other item, statement on legal service funding, would like to make a motion. Manasota provides indigent care pro-bono -- entire families with small chilldren; increase appropriations to Manasota and Gulf Coast Legal and United Way

Baugh -- I don't feel comfortable. I have been getting e mails on this. About not doing what they we're suppose to do.

Gallen - We shouldn't get involved in the day to day.

Bustle - the attorneys were fired by the director

DiSabatino - We should just do what we have been doing in the past.

Whitmore - consider withdrawing the motion until we find out more

Gallen - withdrew the motion to a later date.

Benac -- TBARTA -- meeting was about automated vehicles, they are not that far off. Florida is one of the few states that allow automated cars. All Aboard Florida is a private group interested in the rail from Orlando to Ft Lauderdale.  

Baugh -- John H. Marble Pool & Spa, I met with a group that are looking for a location. We would like to see some outreach. Motion to keep the pool open one more year unit we can find something. -- Approved, Unanimous 

Bustle -- Rate approval for high school athletics -- are the pools rated for competition? --  New Hampton Inn (pink palace) has no bar or restaurant, that bothers me, I don't know if we should get involved or not. Met with Rubonia assoc. these folks want the center to reopen. Will the school board turn it over to a group or non-profit? It is closed and no funds to reopen it. They are looking for any solution.

Ed Hunzeker -- (on the John Marvell pool) We need to inventory all of the pools, see what is available.

(on mechanical trash pick-up containers) - All of the companies offer the containers.




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