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Manatee County Commission Agenda Results: 11/19/2013


BRADENTON – At Tuesday's meeting, commissioners voted to discount the cost for the use of the Bradenton Area Convention Center for upcoming functions by It Works! Global. Three "Boot Camp" events expected to bring between 3-4,000 people to Manatee county. In other business, U.S. 301 in Parrish will get the necessary funds to landscape highway medians from Moccasin-Wallow Rd. and U.S. 301 to Parrish. Chairman Bustle has campaigned for the improvements heavily, for almost a year, since the U.S. 301 FDOT project was approved. Estimated cost for maintenance is $5,000 annually.

MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Larry Bustle, Chairman)

INVOCATION (The commission does not endorse the religious beliefs of any speaker.)

1. Invocation led by Pastor Gayla Grimes-Harbolt, Emmanuel United Methodist Church



Changes to Agenda

2. Updates to Agenda

Attachment: 20131119 Update Memo.pdf


Awards and Presentations

3. 2013 Florida Master Naturalist Graduation Recognition

Attachment: Freshwater Wetlands 2013 Student List for BCC.pdf

Proclamations (Motion required to adopt proclamations) -- Approved, Unanimous 

4. Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week

Attachment: Hunger & Homelessness Awareness Week - 11.19.13.pdf

5. Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month

Attachment: Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month - 11.19.13.pdf

REQUEST BY COMMISSIONERS (Items to be pulled from Consent Agenda)

CITIZEN COMMENTS (Consent Agenda Items Only) 

A resident walked forward to comment, but what he had to say didn't have to do with the consent agenda. Citizen Joe Kane took the podium and stated just what he thought of the board's etiquette and how little respect, in his opinion, the commission gives the residents of Manatee County. "These are the ones that get respect (as he turned to look at the audience) the citizens that pay your salary, that got you hired." said Kane, adding, "It is pitiful how some of these people are treated at times. You might want to remind yourselves of who it is you are working for, and give them some respect." 


Clerk of Circuit Court

6. Clerk's Consent Agenda

Attachment: 111913.pdf


7. Dashboard report for October 2013

Attachment: Oct 2013 dashboards.pdf

Attachment: PSCC_OCT_13.pdf

Attachment: Stabiliz Plan FY14 Sep 30.pdf


8. Elections Commission complaint against Commissioner Bustle; payment of attorney's fees

Attachment: B-14-023.pdf

Building and Development Services

9. Federal National Mortgage Association (fka Jacque L. Allen) Case No. CE2011070121

Attachment: BOCC Attachments 11-19-13 Federal.pdf

10. FINAL PLAT - Prospect Point

Attachment: Application & Legal Documents.pdf

Attachment: Bonds & Agreements.pdf

Attachment: Deed Restrictions for Propect Point.pdf

11. Interlocal Agreement with the University of Florida





Community Services

12. FY2013-2014 Non-Profit Agency Funding Agreements

Attachment: Sample Agreement.pdf

13. FY2014 Children's Services Non-Profit Agency Agreement

Attachment: SA-FamilyShelter2014.pdf

Financial Management

14. Annual Renewal of Utilities Odor and Corrosion Control Services and Name Change

Attachment: agreement.amendment2.renewal and name change.pdf

15. Budget Amendments

Attachment: B-14-019 Resolution Narrative.pdf

16. S.T.A.R.T. - Solutions To Avoid Red Tide Agreement

Attachment: FY14 START Agreement.pdf

Neighborhood Services

17. EDI Grant - Project Accent - R-13-212

Attachment: Accent-R13212.pdf

18. Economic Development Incentive Resolution - Project SPACE (R-13-213)

Attachment: Space-R13213.pdf

Parks and Natural Resources

19. Facility Fee Waiver - Manatee County Utilities Solid Waste/Recycling

Attachment: Special Event Permit Application - HHWE-Scrap Collection 012514.pdf

Property Management

20. 44th Avenue East, 30th Street East to 45th Street East, Road Right of Way CIP Project #335-6071160. Parcel 700, a Temporary Construction Easement owned by Steven G. Gasper and Sharon L. Gasper, located at 4228 34th Street East, Bradenton, Florida.

Attachment: TCE Gasper 700.pdf

Attachment: 44th Ave E_30th-45th_Parcel 700_Location Map.pdf

21. Missionary Village Satellite Lift Station, Project #5122280. Parcel is owned by Randy L. Giddens Trust and Helaine A. Giddens Trust and located at 1220 117th Avenue East, Bradenton, Florida.

Attachment: giddensPUE.pdf

Attachment: giddensAOE.pdf

Attachment: giddenslocationmap.pdf

22. Orlando Loop, Orlando Avenue at 14th Street West Waterline Project#402-0019604. Temporary Construction Easement conveyance of parcel owned by Eagle Village, Inc., located at 4710 14th Street West, Bradenton, Florida.

Attachment: Orlando Loop Eagle Village TCE.pdf

Attachment: Orlando Loop Eagle Village AOE.pdf

Attachment: Orlando Loop Manasota Christian Chapel JDRpl.pdf

Attachment: Orlando Loop US41 & Orlando Avenue TCE Loc Map.pdf

23. Pic Town Estates Water Lines, Phase I, Project #413-6074870. Parcel 813 is the conveying of a Permanent Utilities Easement owned by LB Properties West, Incorporated, located at 5131 14th Street West, Bradenton, Florida.

Attachment: LBpropertieswestUE.pdf

Attachment: LBpropertieswestAOE.pdf

Attachment: LBpropertieswestJDR.pdf

Attachment: LBpropertieswestcorrectionmap.pdf

24. Southeastern Guide Dogs, Inc., Permanent Utilities Easement for Parcel located at 77th Street East, Palmetto, Manatee County, Florida.

Attachment: Permanent Utilities Easement.pdf

Attachment: Affidavit.pdf

Attachment: Southeastern Guide Dogs Willis St- Loc Map.pdf

Public Safety

25. E911 State Grant Application * Eschenfelder

Attachment: RLS 13-278 E911 Grant App.pdf

Attachment: NG911 CPE State Grant.pdf

Public Works

26. FY 2013/2014 State Transit Block Grant Program FPID No. 410141-1-84-02

Attachment: Resolution R-12-196.pdf

Attachment: 410141-1 NOF 1.pdf

Attachment: 410141-1 Cover Letter.pdf

27. FY 2013/2014 State Transit Corridor Program FPID No. 410895-1-84-03

Attachment: Resolution R-12-197.pdf

Attachment: 410895-1 NOF 1.pdf

Attachment: 410895-1 Cover Letter.pdf

28. Interlocal Agreement with City of Sarasota - Traffic Management Center (TMC) * Adibe

Attachment: Interlocal Agreement_2005-366.pdf

Attachment: SchulhoferR_City of Sarasota_TMC Agreement_RLS Memo_13-129_Response.pdf

Attachment: TMC Maintenance and Operations Interlocal Agreement_City of Sarasota.pdf

29. Interlocal Agreement with Sarasota County - Traffic Management Center (TMC) * Adibe

Attachment: Interlocal Agreement_2005-366.pdf

Attachment: SchulhoferR_ Sarasota County_TMC Agreement_RLS Memo_13-128_Response.pdf

Attachment: TMC Operation & Maint Interlocal Agreement _10-22-13.pdf

30. Landscape Maintenance Agreement for State Road 64 from 27th Street East to west of I-75

Attachment: SR 64 Landscape_Maintenance_Agreement.pdf

Attachment: Resolution R-13-205.pdf

31. Revised Local Agency Program Agreement for mast arm upgrade at SR 70 and Lakewood Ranch Boulevard

Attachment: 431019-1_revised LAP Agreement.pdf

32. Revised Local Agency Program Agreement for traffic signal update at CR789 (Gulf Drive) and Marina Drive

Attachment: 431020-1_revised LAP Agreement.pdf

33. Supplemental Local Agency Program Agreement with FDOT for traffic signal upgrade on Cortez Road at 86th Street West

Attachment: Supplemental LAP.pdf

34. Surplus Equipment

Attachment: Surplus list 11-19-13.pdf

Attachment: Reconciliation 11-19-13.pdf

Attachment: R-13-209.pdf

Attachment: R-13-210.pdf

Attachment: R-13-211.pdf


35. Motion to Approve Consent Agenda -- Approved, Unanimous



CIVIC CENTER AUTHORITY (Robin DiSabatino, Chairman)

Consent Agenda

36. Minutes for Approval - August 13, 2013

37. Crosley Estate Foundation, Inc.

Attachment: Agreement 13-305 ready for board approval.pdf -- Motion to approve items #36 and #37 (consent agenda) -- Approved Unanimous

Regular Agenda

38. License Agreements - IT Works Global

Attachment: ItWorks Global agreements.pdf -- County will pick up the promotional budget cost for the It Works Global event -- Approved, Unanimous


PORT AUTHORITY (Carol Whitmore, Chairman) "Pasha Group were here and many of the world's auto makers, are looking at the Port." Whitmore and the group went to dinner. They all liked the cleanliness of the Port and the friendly reception.   

D. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentations Upon Request)

Community Services

39. FY 2014 Children's Services Funding

Attachment: Public Notice 2013.pdf

Attachment: Emergency funding Request FPC.pdf



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