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Manatee County Commission Agenda Results: 12/03/2013


BRADENTON -- At Tuesday's BOCC meeting, commissioners voted to approve the MPO 5-year Tentative Work program. In other business, Suzie Dobbs, Manatee Community Development Manager, reviewed a draft for the County's Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report for FY 2013. Commissioners also voted to have all of their Elected Officers retain their chairman seats for the year 2014, except for the TDC. By a unanimous vote, it was decided that Commissioner Vanessa Baugh will chair that council.

1. Invocation led by Pastor Susan Clouse, Manatee United Methodist Church



Changes to Agenda

2. Updates to Agenda

Attachment: 20131203 Update Memo.pdf


Award and Proclamation (Motion required to adopt Proclamation) -- Approved, Unanimous

3. 2013 Employee of the Year and Proclamation Designating "Lee Washington Day"   (Full Story)

Attachment: Lee Washington Day - 12.03.13.pdf

Attachment: Lee EOM 1303202013110110.pdf

Attachment: Washington Nomination 11192013101238.pdf

REQUEST BY COMMISSIONERS (Items to be pulled from Consent Agenda)

CITIZEN COMMENTS (Consent Agenda Items Only)

4. Citizen Comments --


Clerk of Circuit Court

5. Clerk's Consent Agenda

Attachment: 120313.pdf


6. Audra Stern v. Manatee County, OJCC No. 06-012323; workers' compensation claim; attorney's fee settlement

Attachment: Audra Stern Stip.pdf

7. Settlement Agreement between Medallion Home, LLC and Manatee County; Case No. 2011-CA-3709

Attachment: Settlement Agreement-Medallion.pdf

Attachment: Budget Amendment B-14-025.pdf

Community Services

8. FY2013-2014 Manatee Glens Drug Court Funding Agreement

Attachment: Manatee Glens -Drug Court GR FY2014.pdf

9. Manatee County Health Department FY2013-2014 State/County Contract

Attachment: CHD Contract FY2013-2014.pdf

Financial Management

10. Budget Amendments

Attachment: B-14-022 Resolution_Narrative.pdf

11. Medallion Home at Gamble Creek, LLC - Credit Authorization-Final Authorization of Credit CA-08-07-T - Refund of Road Impact Fees Paid by Medallion Home in Gamble Creek Estates Development, Per Impact Fee Credit Authorization CA-08-07-T

Attachment: Assignment.pdf

Attachment: CREDIT AUTHORIZATION CA-08-07(T).pdf


Attachment: Refund Request Pkg.pdf

12. Partial Assignment of University Commons Land Development, LLC, Impact Fee Credit Authorization #CA-04-08(T)

Attachment: Univ Commons Assignment 5-6-2013.pdf

Attachment: UC Impact Fee Cr Request.pdf

Attachment: Deed UCLD to Kamco.pdf

Attachment: CA-04-08(T) Amended FAC.pdf

Attachment: CA-04-08(T)(A) New FAC.pdf

Neighborhood Services

13. 2014 PrimeTime Family Reading Time Grant

Attachment: PrimeTime Resolution R 13 214.pdf

Attachment: prime time award letter and grant application.pdf

Attachment: Budget Resolution B-14-026.pdf

14. Rocky Bluff Library Hours of Operation to Public

Attachment: Rocky Bluff Proposed Hours.pdf

Property Management

15. 44th Avenue East, 30th Street East to 45th Street East, Road Right of Way Improvement CIP Project #6071160. Parcels 119A & B owned by Enjoy Faith Ang and New Blossom Ang, located at 4400 44th Avenue East, Bradenton, Florida.

Attachment: Ang 119 Contract.pdf

Attachment: 44th Ave E 30th-45th Parcel 119 A & B.pdf

Attachment: Cost Avoidance Anaslysis Ang.pdf

16. Anna Maria Island Waterline Improvement Project (Key Royale - South Bay Connection), Contract for Sale and Purchase for a Permanent Easement and a Temporary Construction Easement from Jack R. Fiske, as Trustee of The Jack R. Fiske Revocable Trust, etc. * Adibe

Attachment: Contract For Sale & Purchase - Fiske.pdf

Attachment: AAA Bishop C Key Royale Project - Fiske.pdf

Attachment: AMI Key Royale WM TCE - Loc Map.pdf

Attachment: AMI Key Royale WM UE - Loc Map.pdf

17. Suburban Water Lines Project, Phase 3, CIP #6074770. Parcel 814, Contract for Sale and Purchase for a Permanent Easement owned by 57th Avenue Partnership and located at 1411 57th Avenue West, Bradenton, Florida.

Attachment: 57th Avenue Partnership Contract (814).pdf

Attachment: 57th Avenue Partnership Cost Avoidance (814).pdf

Attachment: 57th Avenue Partnership Location Map (814).pdf

18. Suburban Water Lines Project, Phase 3, CIP #6074770. Parcel 815, Contract for Sale and Purchase for a Permanent Easement owned by 57th Avenue Partnership and located at 1407 57th Avenue West, Bradenton, Florida.

Attachment: 57th Avenue Partnership Contract (815).pdf

Attachment: 57th Avenue Partnership Cost Avoidance (815).pdf

Attachment: 57th Avenue Partnership Location Map (815).pdf

Public Safety

19. Write Off Uncollectible EMS Ambulance User Fees

Attachment: October 2013 ATT. A and ATT. B.pdf

Attachment: October 2013 ATT. C..pdf

Public Works

20. Tour of Lights External Room Reservation Application

Attachment: TourofLights_Agreement.pdf


21. Waiver of Tipping Fees - 2014 Manatee County Fair

Attachment: 2014 Tipping Fee Waiver Letter.pdf


22. Motion to Approve Consent Agenda -- Approved, Unanimous


23. Citizen Comments (Consideration for Future Agenda) --                             


CIVIC CENTER AUTHORITY (Robin DiSabatino, Chairman)


Consent Agenda

24. Minutes for Approval - September 24, 2013 -- Approved, Unanimous

25. Approval of Records Management Compliance Statement for FY 2012-13

Attachment: RecordsManagement-CRA- 2012-13.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous

PORT AUTHORITY (Carol Whitmore, Chairman)

D. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentations Upon Request)

Neighborhood Services

26. Draft 2012-2013 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) Public Hearing

Attachment: Siete Dias 11-15-13.pdf

Attachment: Bradenton Herald 11-16-13.pdf

Attachment: 2012-13 CAPER - BOCC.pdf

E. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentation Scheduled)

Parks and Natural Resources

27. Ordinance Amending Purchasing Code and Resolution Granting Waiver * Eschenfelder

Attachment: RLS 13-301 Ordinance Related to Waiver of Competition for Category 4 and 5 Purchases.pdf

Attachment: Resolution 13-215.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous

Attachment: Ordinance 13-47.pdf

Approve, Unanimous


Public Works

28. FDOT Draft Tentative Work Program

Attachment: WorkPrgm Process.pdf

Attachment: 2015-Tentative Work-13_MANATEE.pdf -- Will come before the MPO in December --  Approved, Unanimous -- (Full Story)

-- Motion to ask the state for a sign on I-275 pointing out the direction to the Port of Manatee -- Approved, Unanimous

 -- Motion to notify the MPO and FDOT that the I-75 and University Parkway roadwork is a top priority  -- Approved Unanimous


29. MPO Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Trails Master Plan

Attachment: BikePedTrails Master Plan1.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous



30. Election of Officers for 2014 -- All current seats will remain the same, except for the nomination of Commissioner  Vanessa Baugh to chair the Tourist Development Council. Baugh will be holding the chair seat Commissioner Carol Whitmore currently holds. -- Approved, Unanimous  (Full Story)


31. Commissioner Comments

Baugh -- Thanks for the nomination. 

Benac -- Just one question about the housing code. When you go to board up homes, do the colors have to match? I think that is great. There is a South CRA meeting on December 10. 

Gallen -- To Suncoast Jobs, thanks for getting them out there. Mt. Carmel, thanks to them for being there for so many, and Bible Baptist too.

Chappie -- There are things we can do to make travel through our neighborhoods friendlier. It's about the right plant in the right place.

DiSabatino -- "I would just like to thank all of the employees and then departments for doing such a superb job.

Whitmore -- We went to Colony Cove, it was very informative. Went to the port with Rick Mills, spent some time looking at their long term plan. 

Bustle -- No comment


Micky Palmer (County Attorney) -- The School Board is now going to market the 10 acre out parcel at SR 70 and Caruso Rd. Just in case the county wants another piece of property.