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Manatee County Commission Agenda Results: 12/17/2013


BRADENTON -- At Tuesday's BOCC meeting, commissioners approved an extension to the deadline on the submission of comments related to changes to the Land Development Code and the "How Will We Grow" program. In other business, Commissioners approved a Capital Improvement Element (CIE): an annual updating of the County's five-year scheduled improvements, with their funding sources.      

1. Invocation led by Pastor Sean Callaghan, Bayside Community Church



Changes to Agenda

2. Updates to Agenda

Attachment: 20131217 Update Memo.pdf


Proclamations (Motion required to adopt proclamations) -- Approved, Unanimous


3. Charles Kenneth "Ken" Burton, Sr., Day

Attachment: Ken Burton Sr Day - 12.17.13.pdf -- In 1964, Burton served as a Palmetto city council member, then 10 years as a County Commissioner. Years later, Burton reentered politics and was elected Mayor of Palmetto.   

4. Homeless Persons' Memorial Day

Attachment: Homeless Persons Memorial Day - 12.17.13.pdf 

5. Lakewood Ranch High School Pride Day

Attachment: LWRHS Pride Day - 12.17.13.pdf 

Reports (Motion Required) -- Approved, Unanimous 

6. Pirates Charities Grant Agreement- Blackstone Park (Palmetto Field Project) * Clague

Attachment: CAOresponse-PiratesCharities.pdf

Attachment: PiratesCharitiesagreement.pdf

Attachment: Budget Resolution BA-14-028.pdf 

REQUEST BY COMMISSIONERS (Items to be pulled from Consent Agenda)

CITIZEN COMMENTS (Consent Agenda Items Only)

7. Citizen Comments


Clerk of Circuit Court

8. Clerk's Consent Agenda

Attachment: 121713.pdf


9. Dashboard Report for November 2013

Attachment: Nov 2013 dashboards.pdf

Attachment: Stabiliz Plan FY14 Sep 30.pdf

Attachment: PSCC_Nov 2013.pdf


10. Fort Hamer Road Water Main Crossing Project, Parcel 803 (Guthrie/Valencia) / Contract for Sale and Purchase for a Permanent Easement

Attachment: Fort Hamer Waterline PUE 803- Loc Map.pdf

Attachment: Guthrie_Contract_Permanent Easement_PartiallyExecuted.pdf

Building and Development Services

11. FINAL PLAT - Central Park, Subphase D-1bb, D-2a & D-2b

Attachment: application and legal.pdf

Attachment: bonds and agreements.pdf

Attachment: deed restrictions.pdf

12. FINAL PLAT - Greyhawk Landing West, Phase 2

Attachment: Application & Legal Docs.pdf

Attachment: Bonds & Agreements.pdf

Attachment: Suppl Declaration.pdf

Attachment: Articles of Incorporation & Bylaws.pdf

Community Services

13. Amendment #3 to the 2012 Master Agreement for the Community Care for the Elderly, Home Care for the Elderly, Alzheimer's Disease Initiative, and Medicaid Waiver grant programs

Attachment: amend3maDOC.pdf

14. Driver Education Safety Trust Fund

Attachment: B 14 029 Budget Amendment Slosberg Drivers Ed.pdf

Attachment: School Board Agreement Drivers Education.pdf

15. FY13/14 Children's Services Funding Agreement with Department of Health

Attachment: SCHD-SystemAdvocateFY13-14.pdf

16. FY2014 Children's Services Non-Profit Agency Agreement

Attachment: MCS-CPT ForensicMedicalExams.pdf

Financial Management

17. Budget Amendments

Attachment: B-14-024 Resolution_Narrative.pdf

Neighborhood Services

18. EDI Grant - Project Equinox - R-13-216

Attachment: Equinox-R13216.pdf

19. EDI Grant - Project Navigator - R-13-220

Attachment: Navigator-R13220.pdf

20. EDI Grant - Project Spring - R-13-221

Attachment: Spring-R13221.pdf

21. SHIP Lien Release on Short Sale for Whitney Patton

Attachment: Patton Hardship Ltr.pdf

Attachment: Patton Short Sale Settlement Offer.pdf

Attachment: Patton HUD Settlement Stmt.pdf

Attachment: Patton Sales Contract.pdf

Attachment: Patton Property Appraiser.pdf

Parks and Natural Resources

22. Emerson Point Management Plan

23. Geocaching GeoTour Program

Attachment: Groundspeak.pdf

24. Tampa Bay Environmental Restoration Fund

Attachment: Resolution B-14-020.pdf

Attachment: TBERF Overview.pdf

Property Management

25. 44th Avenue East Project (15th Street East to 19th Street Court East), Manasota Industrial Park Owners Association, Inc. - Withdrawl of County-owned Lots 2 and 3 from the Declaration of Covenants, etc.

Attachment: Amendment to Declaration of Covenants - Manasota Industrial Park.pdf

Attachment: Map - Lots 2 & 3 - Manasota Industrial Park.pdf

26. 44th Avenue East, 19th Street Court East to 30th Street East, CIP #6045560, Parcel 157 owned by Unique Air, Inc., Right of Way located at 4453 19th Street Court East , Bradenton, Florida.

Attachment: 44th Ave. E. 19th to 30th Purchase Contract .pdf

Attachment: 44th Ave E 19th-30th Parcel 157 loc map.pdf

27. Morgan Johnson Road Sidewalk Project, CIP Project #6049761. Parcel 802 owned by Vivian D. Watts and Donna Watts, Permanent Sidewalk Easement located at 1412 57th Street East, Bradenton, Florida 34208.

Attachment: MJ Parcel 802 Watts Permanent Sidewalk Easement .pdf

Attachment: MJ Parcel 802 Watts Affidavit .pdf

Attachment: MJ Parcel 802 BOA Book 1842 Joinder and Consent .pdf

Attachment: MJ Parcel 802 BOA Book 1691 Joinder and Consent .pdf

Attachment: Morgan Johnson 802 Project Map .pdf

28. Morgan Johnson Road Sidewalk Project, CIP Project #6049761. Parcel 804 owned by Jeane A. McCarthy, Permanent Sidewalk Easement located at 1200 57th Street East. Bradenton, Florida.

Attachment: MJ 804 Permanent Sidewalk Easement fully executed .pdf

Attachment: MJ 804 Affidavit of Ownership and Encumbrances executed .pdf

Attachment: MJ 804 Joinder and Consent executed .pdf

Attachment: MJ 804 Subordination document executed .pdf

Attachment: Morgan Johnson Project Map Parcel #804 .pdf

29. Venture Rentals LTD - Permanent Utility Easement for upgrade to existing Master Meters.

Attachment: Venture Rentals Utility Easement 12-17-13.pdf

Attachment: Venture Rentals AOE 12-17-13.pdf

Attachment: GMAC Assignment of Security Instrument 12-17-13.pdf

Attachment: Venture Rentals Consent of Lien Holder 12-17-13.pdf

Attachment: Venture Rentals Ltd Map 12-17-13.pdf

Public Works

30. Surplus Equipment

Attachment: Surplus list 12-17-13.pdf

Attachment: Resolution R-13-219.pdf

Attachment: Resolution R-13-222.pdf


31. Time Payment Agreement

Attachment: Time Payment Agreement.pdf


32. Motion to Approve Consent Agenda -- Approved, Unanimous


33. Citizen Comments

-- Glen Gibellina mentioned the 19-acre piece of property in his neighborhood that the county has owned for years and suggested that there are many properties which aren't being properly attended. He proposed the county either sell the 19 acres or make it available for a community garden or a park.


Commissioner DiSabatino asked if a motion needed to be made that would allow her to evaluate some of the abandoned properties in the county, so as to see if some budgetary relief could come from selling them or making them available for use.


The rest of the commissioners, except for Gallen, all but scolded DiSabatino, telling her it is not her place and to stay out of their districts. They said they would not support any motion that would attempt to catalog all of the abandon properties and buildings in the county. (Story to Follow)     


-- Citizen Joe Kane spoke to the commission and to the audience. When Chairman Bustle told Kane to address the board only (therefore quit turning to the public when talking) Kane, without hesitation, continued to address the crowd, saying, "I am talking to those who pay your salaries."  Kane then said that the building, and those in it, are gagged; not allowed to discuss anything of importance without the permission of attorneys; who Kane referred to as the GODS. Kane said, "What they are running here is a shell game." Kane got applause from the crowd when done. 


-- Sierra Club Representative Sandy Ripburger said that the rewrite of the Land Development Code (LDC) is very difficult to understand. Ripburger said the changes from the old codes to the new were too difficult to decipher, and that the commission needed to extend the comment period deadline at least a month (from Dec. 23 to Late January of 2014). DiSabatino agreed and Whitmore, Benac and Chappie said they couldn't make much sense from the changes either, with Benac adding,  "… and I am a planner." DiSabatino made a motion to extend the comment period for a month -- Approved, Unanimous  




34. Myakka City Fire Control District Seat Appointment

Attachment: Jaclyn Kelly Davis.pdf

Attachment: Jason McKendree.pdf

Attachment: Patrick Harper.pdf

Attachment: Resolution R-13-218.pdf -- McKendree got six votes and Davis one (Gallen). McKendree -- Approved, 6 to 1.

35. Sarasota/Manatee Metropolitan Planning Organization Citizen Advisory Committee Appointments

Attachment: Mau_CAC_Application.pdf

Attachment: Leep_CAC_Application.pdf -- Both Leep and Mau -- Approved, Unanimous

CIVIC CENTER AUTHORITY (Robin DiSabatino, Chairman)


PORT AUTHORITY (Carol Whitmore, Chairman)

D. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentations Upon Request)

Building and Development Services

36. Floodplain Ordinance 13-39 * Minix

Attachment: Floodplain Ord RLS 13-179.pdf

Attachment: ORDINANCE 13-39 FINAL 11-25-13.pdf

Attachment: Bradenton Herald.pdf
