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Manatee County Commission Agenda Results: 1/28/2014


BRADENTON -- At Tuesday's BOCC meeting, commissioner voted to approve a new county logo, approved four new members to the Manatee County Construction Trades Board, and one new member for the Children's Services Advisory Board. In other business, County Administrator Ed Hunziker delivered the County's Annual Report for 2013. A citizen also served the board with a "writ of mandamus" for the establishment of a common law grand jury.

MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Larry Bustle, Chairman)

INVOCATION (The commission does not endorse the religious beliefs of any speaker.)

1. Invocation led by Pastor Phillip Hamm, First Baptist Church of Palmetto



Items Scheduled for Time Certain

2. 9:30 A.M. TIME CERTAIN - ITEM #36 - PORT AUTHORITY/American Bridge Final Change Order and Project Closeout

Changes to Agenda

3. Updates to Agenda -- Pulled from Agenda -- Items #10, #36, and #41 -- #26 was later deferred to a date following a workshop on the subject.  


Awards and Presentations

4. Retirement Award: Ms. Dale E. Garcia

5. Presentation of Awards to Commissioners Serving on Various Boards

Attachment: 2013 Gavel AwardsPresentation.pdf

REQUEST BY COMMISSIONERS (Items to be pulled from Consent Agenda) -- Items #10 and #26 were pulled from the consent agenda.

CITIZEN COMMENTS (Consent Agenda Items Only)

6. Citizen Comments -- Citizens served the board with a writ of mandamus for the establishment of a common law grand jury in Manatee County. Citing the Magna Carta, quotes from George Washington, the Supreme Court, as well as the state and federal Constitution, a group called the Common Law Grand Jury Investigative Administrators, represented by Rodger Dowdell Jr., were cut short in their allotted public comment time, though commissioners said they would schedule a workshop on the issue. Click here to read the writ of mandamus.

Glen Gibellina presented a petition to the commission supporting Item #26 on the consent agenda. The request was for the installation of two speed tables on 28th Street East. One of the signatures on the petition was Tim Podgis, who says he didn't sign the petition. The commission decided there was still an overwhelming amount of support to install the speed tables, yet chose to put a workshop together on the subject; shelving the item until a later date. Residents were opposed to the many large construction dump trucks speeding through what is a "No Thru Traffic" road, and sailing through the stop signs.


Clerk of Circuit Court

7. Clerk's Consent Agenda

Attachment: 01282014.pdf


8. Dashboard Report for December 2013

Attachment: PSCC_BDSR_Dec 2013.pdf

Attachment: December 2013 dashboards.pdf


9. Daisy Deleon v. W. Brad Steube, Sheriff of Manatee County, Florida, Case No. 2011-CA-7609 * Cooney

10. Settlement Proposal In re: Manatee County v. URS Corporation Southern, Case No. 2012-CA-2451 * Minix

Attachment: notice and proposal settlement 2.pdf

Building and Development Services

11. Fannie Mae (fka Milton and Joan Maynor) - Code Enforcement Case No. CE2011040595

Attachment: BOCC Attachments 1-28-14 Maynor.pdf

12. Federal National Mortgage Association (fka Sean Eugene Detlefsen) - Code Enforcement Case No. CE2013010202

Attachment: BOCC Attachments 1-28-14 Detlefsen.pdf

13. Frederick J. Fentross and Margaret L. Fanelli - Code Enforcement Case No. CE2011120248 * Cooney

Attachment: BOCC Attachments 1-28-2014 Fentross.pdf

14. Ryan Diedrich - Code Enforcement Case No. CE2012030729

Attachment: BOCC Attachments 1-28-14 Diedrich.pdf

Community Services

15. Children's Services Annual Plan

Attachment: 2015 Annual Plan Draft.pdf

Convention and Visitors Bureau

16. Amendment to Agreement with Longboat Key Chamber * Clague

Attachment: Clague-Memo LBK Chamber Agree Amend 2.pdf

Attachment: LBK Chamber Agreement - Amend 2.pdf

17. Interlocal Agreement with City of Bradenton Beach (Bridge Street Pier Renovation) and Budget Amendment B-14-034 * Clague

Attachment: BA 14-034 Bradenton Beach Pier.pdf

Attachment: Bradenton Beach Pier ILA 2014.pdf

Financial Management

18. Budget Amendments

Attachment: B-14-032 Resolution_Narrative.pdf

19. Change Order #1 to Contract #12-0948-DS Suburban Water Line Replacement - Phase 2

Attachment: Dept. Memo_Change Order # 1 documents.pdf

20. RFQ #13-2862BS, Legal Advertising for Properties with Delinquent Tax

Attachment: Tax Collector Acceptance 2014.pdf

Neighborhood Services

21. SHIP Lien Release to Short Sale for Zachary McClary

Attachment: McClary Hardship Ltr.pdf

Attachment: McClary Short Sale Settlement.pdf

Attachment: McClary HUD Settlement Stmt.pdf

Attachment: MCClary Sales Contract.pdf

Attachment: McClary Property Appraiser Printout.pdf

Property Management

22. Anna Maria Island Waterline Improvement Project (Key Royale-South Bay Connection) Conveyance Documents. * Adibe

Attachment: Fiske Permanent Utilities Easement .pdf

Attachment: Fiske Temporary Construction Easement .pdf

Attachment: Fiske Affidavit .pdf

Attachment: Fiske location map .pdf

23. Sun Hydraulics Corporation, Conservation Easement. Parcel located at Tallevast Road, Manatee County, Florida.

Attachment: Conservation Easement. Sun Hydraulics.pdf

Attachment: Affidavit. Sun Hydraulics.pdf

Attachment: Location map for Sun Hydraulics.pdf

Public Safety

24. Donation to Animal Services

Attachment: Check copies-letters Bishop-Parker 123013.pdf

Attachment: 033dtd012814 Animal Services Donation.pdf

25. Street Waiver Request for Del Tierra Subdivision

Attachment: Del Tierra Street Waiver Docs.pdf

Public Works

26. Speed Table Installations, 28th Street East

Attachment: Consent Signatures from New Pearce Community.pdf

Attachment: Consent Signatures from adjacent property owners.pdf

Attachment: 28 St E - Aerial location map with survey results.pdf

27. Surplus Equipment

Attachment: Surplus list 01-28-14.pdf

Attachment: Reconciliation list.pdf

Attachment: Resolution R-14-016.pdf

Attachment: Resolution R-14-017.pdf


28. Approval of Transmittal to the Peace River/Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority of Water Supply Projections and Future Water Supply Needs from the Authority

Attachment: 2014PRMRWSAWaterProjectionsLetter.pdf

29. Supplemental Agreement to Interconnection Agreement for Customer-Owned Renewable Generation * Eschenfelder

Attachment: Supplemental Agreement.pdf

Attachment: Attorney Email - Net Metering Supplemental.pdf

30. Waiver of Tipping Fees - City of Anna Maria Annual Cleanup

Attachment: City of Anna Maria - Tipping Fee Waiver Ltr.pdf


31. Motion to Approve Consent Agenda -- Approved, Unanimous


32. Citizen Comments


Building and Development Services

33. Construction Trades Board

Attachment: Scot Findlay Application.pdf -- 1st choice - 6 - 1, Gallen dissent

Attachment: William Tolson Applicaton.pdf -- 2nd choice - 7 - 0 

Attachment: Albert Benincasa Application.pdf -- 3rd choice - 6 - 1, Gallen Dissent 

Attachment: Dale Cheetham Application.pdf -- 4th choice - 7 - 0

Attachment: Robert Siroky Application.pdf

Attachment: Debbie Smith Application.pdf

Attachment: MATRIX08202013b.pdf

Community Services

34. Children's Services Advisory Board Vacancy

Attachment: Monica Ausborn CSAB Application.pdf

Attachment: 2014 CSAB Membership List.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous

Neighborhood Services

35. Palmetto/North Manatee County Enterprise Zone Advisory Board Appointment 

Attachment: Yvonne Daniels EZDA Appointment.pdf -- Approved,  Unanimous

CIVIC CENTER AUTHORITY (Robin DiSabatino, Chairman) -- No Report

COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (Betsy Benac, Chairman) --  Daughtrey Elementary is opening their soccer fields on February 5, 2014 at 4 p.m.  

PORT AUTHORITY (Carol Whitmore, Chairman) (9:30 A.M. TIME CERTAIN)

The consent and regular agenda items for any Port Authority meeting are set forth in the Port Authority meeting agenda materials notebook as supplied by Port Manatee staff prior to and at the commencement of the meeting of the Port Authority.

36. American Bridge Final Change Order and Project Closeout

Attachment: Port Agenda-01-28-14.pdf

Attachment: American Bridge Change Order No 13 - 01-28-14.pdf -- Deferred to a later date

D. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentations Upon Request)


37. Ordinance adopting an official County Seal and Resolution adopting a Manatee County logo * Eschenfelder

Attachment: 012814 CountySealOrdinance.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous 

Attachment: 012814 CountySealUseAndLogoAdoptRES.pdf -- Approved, 6 - 1, Gallen dissenting (Gallen thought the subject needed more input from the public


38. Adoption of Ordinance No. 14-09, Amending Utilities Administrative Language * Sikora

Attachment: Utility Rates. amendments. Ordinance 14-09. revised2.pdf

Attachment: Notice of Public Hearing - Ordinance 14-09.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous

39. Resolution R-14-15 Water and Wastewater Rates, Fees and Charges * Sikora

Attachment: Utility Rates. Resolution R-14-15.pdf

Attachment: Notice of Public Hearing - Resolution R-14-15.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous

E. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentation Scheduled)



40. 2013 Annual Report -- County Administrator, Ed Hunziker delivered the report -- (full story to follow)

Financial Management

41. Coquina Beach Nourishment Project * Eschenfelder

Attachment: Resolution B-14-037.pdf

Attachment: 01-28-14 BCC Agenda Attachment.pdf

Attachment: CBI Letter of Recommendation.pdf

Attachment: Mr. Hunsicker's Letter of Recommendation.pdf -- Deferred to February 11, 2014 


