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Manatee County Commission Agenda Results: 1/29/2013


BRADENTON -- County Administrator Ed Hunzeker was given a vote of confidence when Manatee Commissioners voted 5 to 2 for a lucrative new contract that says he will be around his county office for another five years. There is a new look to MCAT buses and the Fort Hamer rowing facility moves into its second phase.

MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Larry Bustle, Chairman)

INVOCATION (The commission does not endorse the religious beliefs of any speaker.)

1. Invocation led by Rabbi Barbara Aiello, Congregation Ner Tamid



Items Scheduled for Time Certain

2. 10:30 A.M. - Item 37 - Manatee County Area Transit Branding

3. 11:00 A.M. - Item 38 - County Administrator Contract

Changes to Agenda -- Item #40 pulled for conversation

4. Updates to Agenda

Attachment: 20130129 Update Memo.pdf


5. Introduction of new Assistant County Attorney, Andrea Adibe


Awards and Presentations

6. Retirement Award for Linda O'Connor Levy24 years

7. Retirement Award for Hildy Voorhees39 years

8. Presentation of awards to Commissioners serving on various boards

Attachment: 2012 Gavel AwardsPresentation.pdf

Proclamations (Motion required to adopt proclamations) -- Approved, Unanimous

9. H. Hamilton “Chip” Rice, Jr. Day

Attachment: Chip Rice Day.pdf

REQUEST BY COMMISSIONERS (Items to be pulled from Consent Agenda)

CITIZEN COMMENTS (Consent Agenda Items Only)


Clerk of Circuit Court

10. Clerks Consent Calendar

Attachment: 012913.pdf


11. Monthly Dashboard Report

Attachment: Dec 2012 dashboards.pdf

12. Resolution 13-31 Certifying local court-related program requirements * Eschenfelder

Attachment: CourtNeedsCertRES.pdf

13. Resolution R-13-32 Blake Medical Center Level II Trauma Center

Attachment: Resolution R-13-032.pdf


14. U.S. Bank National Association vs. Lisa Beckwith, Case No. 2011-CA-7677

Attachment: Beckwith - HUD Settlement Statement.pdf

Attachment: Beckwith - US Bank Appr.pdf

Attachment: Beckwith - FL Housing Appr.pdf

Building and Development Services

15. First Federal Bank of Florida (fka DAA FIDU Inc. and Trust No. 647605 U/T/A DTD 1/18/2006) CE2012010050

Attachment: BOCC Attachments 1-29-13 First Fed.pdf

16. William J. Farrell Case No. CE2011090439

Attachment: BOCC Attachments 11-13-12 Farrell.pdf

17. MEK Properties LLC Case No. CE2011110257

Attachment: BOCC Attachments 1-29-13 MEK.pdf

18. Rosedale Addition Phase 1

Attachment: Conservation Esmt.pdf

Attachment: Links Assoc Docs.pdf

Attachment: Links Three Assoc Docs.pdf

Attachment: Links Two Assoc Docs.pdf

Attachment: Master Declar.pdf

Attachment: Appl Bonds Agmt.pdf

Financial Management

19. Budget Amendments

Attachment: B-13-030.pdf

20. Award of Request for Quotation #13-0550BS for the Advertising of Properties with Delinquent Taxes

Attachment: RFQ 13-0550BS Advertisement Property Tax Tab.pdf

Natural Resources

21. Tree Trust Fund Applications

Attachment: B-13-031 Tree Trust Fund Applications.pdf

Attachment: Perico Preserve Tree Trust Fund applic.pdf

Attachment: Duette Preserve Tree Trust Fund applic.pdf

Neighborhood Services

22. Economic Development Incentive Grant - Project Balance R-13-025

Attachment: Project Balance Resolution R-13-025 QTI.pdf

Attachment: R12-264.pdf

23. Economic Development Incentive Grant, Project Camellia (R-13-028)

Attachment: Project Camellia Resolution R-13-028.pdf

Attachment: Project Camellia R-11-164.pdf

24. Economic Development Incentive Resolution (R-13-027) Project Guardian

Attachment: Project Guardian R 13 027.pdf

25. SHIP Lien Release on Short Sale for Stephen Romel and Lori Ann Tucker

Attachment: Tucker Hardship Letter.pdf

Attachment: Short Sale Settlement Offer.pdf

Attachment: Tucker HUD Settlement Stmt.pdf

Attachment: Sales Contract.pdf

Attachment: Property Appraiser Value.pdf

Property Management

26. Forgiveness of Debt of Returned Items


27. Stephanie Grobleski acquisition for 44th Avenue East (30th Street East to 45th Street East) Road Right of Way Improvement Project

Attachment: Grobleski recorded deed .pdf

Attachment: Grobleski Map .pdf

Attachment: Grobleski recorded Affidavit .pdf

28. Bradenton Missionary Village Corrective Warranty Deed

Attachment: bmvcoordeed.pdf

29. Acquisition of property purchase, Rohr, Parcel 111, 44TH Avenue East (30th Street East to 45th Street East) Road Right of Way Improvement Project

Attachment: contract rohr.pdf

Attachment: contract backup.pdf

Attachment: 44th Ave E Parcel 111 - Rohr.pdf

Public Safety

30. Removal of Uncollectible EMS Accounts for Accounts Receivable

Attachment: December 2012 Resoultion R-13-026 with ATT. A and ATT. B.pdf

Attachment: December 2012 ATT. C.pdf

Public Works

31. Surplus Vehicles

Attachment: Vehicle List 1-29-13.pdf

32. Surplus Equipment

Attachment: Surplus List 1-29-13.pdf

Attachment: Reconciliation List 1-29-13.pdf

Attachment: Resolution List 1-29-13.pdf

Attachment: R-13-017.pdf

Attachment: R-13-018.pdf

Attachment: R-13-021.pdf

Attachment: R-13-024.pdf


33. Motion to approve Consent Agenda -- Approved, Unanimous

CITIZEN COMMENTS (Consideration for Future Agenda)


Community Services

34. Historical Commission Appointments

Attachment: Historical Commission Appointments.pdf  -- Approved, Unanimous 

CIVIC CENTER AUTHORITY (Robin DiSabatino, Chairman) -- No action

COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (Betsy Benac, Chairman) -- No action

PORT AUTHORITY (Carol Whitmore, Chairman) -- No Action

D. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentations Upon Request)

E. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentation Scheduled)



40. Florida HB 147/SB 412

Attachment: HB 147 Original.pdf-- Commissioners voted to send a letter to Representative Ray Pilon, stating their opinion on Florida HB 147/SB412 is that there be no change to the current makeup of the staff for the Southwest Florida Water Management District -- as the bill suggest. Motion to inform Pilon of their position -- Approved, Unanimous 


Neighborhood Services

35. United Community Center Operations Agreement at Rubonia Community Center

Attachment: B-13-033.pdf

Attachment: UCC Rubonia Agreement.pdf  -- A county pilot program designed to better fit the needs of the changing dynamics of the Rubonia Commonity Center will be funded for the amount of $35,000. -- Approved, Unanimous -- (MORE ON STORY TO FOLLOW)

Parks and Recreation

36. Ft. Hamer Park/Rowing Facility Report & Idle Speed-No Wake Zone/Public Hearing Authorization

Attachment: Waterways Amendment (Ft. Hamer ISZ) Draft I.pdf

Attachment: FtHamerISNW - Map.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous 


Public Works (10:30 A.M. TIME CERTAIN)

37. Manatee County Area Transit Branding

Attachment: MCAT Branding 1-15-13 [1].pdf

Attachment: MCAT Bench Design.pdf--  The county will end decades of partnership and eliminate any advertising on bus benches, as per county ordinances --Approved, 5 to 2, DiSabatino and Whitmore dissent  (MORE ON STORY TO FOLLOW)



38. County Administrator Contract * Palmer

Attachment: HunzekerContractFinal.pdf-- Before a packed house of current and past Manatee County department heads and commissioners, Ed Hunzeker's new contract was endorsed --  Approved, 5 to 2, DiSabatino and Gallen dissenting -- (FULL STORY)

(Item # 40 is above item # 35)


39. Commissioner Comments

Commissioner Baugh  informed the board that Lakewood Ranch is now in a partnership with the Tampa Bay Lighting hockey team.

Commissioner Benac informed the board that the CDEC received a $10,000 check from Wells Fargo.  

Commissioner Gallen voiced concerns over Massage Parlors, saying, "I see Florida is in the news as a leader in the sex trade."

Commissioner Chappi updated the board on progress with the boat ramp (including pictures), and said that the cables to boat ramp are loosening and in need of repair. 

Commissioner DiSabatino would like an update on the status of ball field agreement with Palmetto. 

Commissioner Whitmore reported that she attended customer service class "ACE." Also noted that Feld Entertainment is here.  

Commissioner Bustle said ,"We should look one more time at merging MPO's."