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Manatee County Commission Agenda Results: 1/7/2014


BRADENTON -- At Tuesday's BOCC meeting, commissioners approved a request for staff to continue going forward with a proposed ordinance that deals with the requirements for dealers of secondhand goods. Commissioners also approved an authorization for county attorneys to return at a later date with a proposal to create a Tax Increment Financing District -- and its boundaries -- for Southwest Manatee County, which would replace the current CRA.

MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Larry Bustle (Chairman)

INVOCATION (The commission does not endorse the religious beliefs of any speaker.)

1. Invocation led by Rev. Dan Sardinas, Northwest Baptist Church



Items Scheduled for Time Certain

2. 9:15 A.M. TIME CERTAIN - ITEM #29 - Resolution R-14-012. A resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Manatee County, Florida, authorizing conveyance of county property to Manatee River Fair Association, Inc., a non-profit corporation. * Clague

Attachment: Resolution R 14 012 MRFA.pdf

Attachment: Fair Grounds Map.pdf

Changes to Agenda

3. Updates to Agenda -- Item #10 was pulled for a vote



4. Employee of the Month - Cynthia Gray

Attachment: gray_EOM.pdf

Attachment: Gray_Nomination09262013123451.pdf


5. 2014 Manatee County Fair

Attachment: PosterManateeFair2014.pdf

Proclamations (Motion required to adopt proclamations) -- Approved, Unanimous

6. Air Products Port Manatee Day

Attachment: Air Products Day - 01.07.14.pdf-- 

REQUEST BY COMMISSIONERS (Items to be pulled from Consent Agenda) --

CITIZEN COMMENTS (Consent Agenda Items Only)

7. Citizen Comments--


Clerk of Circuit Court

8. Clerk's Consent Agenda

Attachment: 01072014.pdf


9. 44th Avenue East Road Improvement Project (30th Street East to 45th Street East) / Parcel 800 * Adibe

Attachment: 44Ave_30-45_AerialMap_AllParcels.pdf

Attachment: R-14-008 Resolution of Necessity_Rescind&Replace_13-179.pdf

Attachment: R-14-009 Resolution of Quick Taking_Rescind&Replace_13-180.pdf

10. Proposed Ordinance No. 13-49-Secondhand Goods Dealers.* Minix

Attachment: Secondhand Goods Ord-MSO Draft.pdf

Attachment: Notice of Public Hearing Secondhand Goods Ord 13-49.pdf -- Pulled for discussion and vote -- Approved, Unanimous (full story)

Building and Development Services

11. Edward E. Robinson - Code Enforcement Case No. CE2011050273 * Cooney

Attachment: BOCC Attachments 1-7-14 Robinson.pdf

Community Services

12. Prescription Benefits Program * Minix

Attachment: FY2014 Final RHS.pdf

Financial Management

13. Budget Amendments

Attachment: B-14-027 Resolution_Narrative.pdf

14. Change Order #1 to Invitation for Bid (IFB) #12-1144-OV, Second 10 MG Reclaimed Water Storage Tank and High Service Pump Station at the Southwest Water Reclamation Facility

Attachment: CO. NO. 1 INCREASE .PAYM.PERF.BOND.12.19.2013..pdf

Attachment: CHANGE ORDER #1 FOR Execution.12.19.2013..pdf

15. IFB #13-1745CD - Fort Hamer Road Water Main Crossing

Attachment: 13-1745CD Departmental Award Recommendation.pdf

Attachment: 13-1745CD Tabulation A and B.pdf

Attachment: Danella Utility Construction Contract.pdf

Parks and Natural Resources

16. National Estuary Program and Coastal Program Funding Support

Attachment: Senator Reed Letter 01-07-14.pdf

Attachment: Senator Murkowski Letter 01-07-14.pdf

Attachment: Representative Calvert Letter 01-07-14.pdf

Attachment: Representative Moran Letter 01-07-14.pdf

Public Safety

17. ASPCA Grant/Travel Stipend * Minix

Attachment: ASPCA-Grant.Agrmt.pdf

Attachment: B14-031.pdf

Attachment: ASPCA - CAO Review.pdf

18. Homeland Security Grant Program Award * Cooney

Attachment: RLS 13-286 Homeland Security Grant for Training.pdf

Attachment: R-14-006 $14,200 Grant Resolution.pdf

Attachment: Manatee Co 14DS-L5-08-51-01-___.pdf

Attachment: B-14-030 $14,200 Budget Resolution (2nd).pdf

19. Write Off Uncollectible EMS Ambulance User Fees

Attachment: November 2013 ATT A.pdf

Attachment: November 2013 ATT C.pdf

Public Works

20. Elderly and Persons with Disabilities Program - FDOT 5310 Program Grant Application

Attachment: Res R-14-0010.pdf

21. Second Amendment to SWFWMD Cooperative Funding Agreement (H093-2)

Attachment: Second Amdmt H093.pdf


22. Motion to Approve Consent Agenda -- Approved, Unanimous


23. Citizen Comments-

-- Glen Gibellina -- requested commissioners add five issues to future agendas: A policy on vehicle replacement; a policy on renewable energy buildings; eco-tourism; farm-tourism; and the fate of the Kinnan property.


CIVIC CENTER AUTHORITY (Robin DiSabatino, Chairman) -- None


PORT AUTHORITY (Carol Whitmore, Chairman) -- None

D. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentations Upon Request)

Building and Development Services

24. Floodplain Ordinance 13-39 * Minix

Attachment: Floodplain Ord RLS 13-179.pdf

Attachment: Bradenton Herald 12-20-13.pdf

Attachment: Herald Tribune 12-20-13.pdf

Attachment: ORDINANCE 13-39 FINAL 1-2-14.pdf -- Approved, Umanimous

Convention and Visitors Bureau

25. Ordinance 14-05 Amending Sec. 2-29-27 of the Manatee County Code of Ordinances to amend the County's Tourist Development Plan * Clague

Attachment: 2014 TDP Amendment Ordinance FINAL.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous

E. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentation Scheduled)


Convention and Visitors Bureau

26. Tourism-Related Capital Project Funding Criteria

Attachment: Tourism-Related Project Funding Criteria .pdf -- Approved, Unanimous 

Financial Management

27. Manatee County General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2014 * Clague

Attachment: Resolution No. R-14-07 Manatee General Obligation Refunding Bonds, 2014.pdf

Attachment: Escrow Deposit Agreement - Manatee 2014 GO Refunding Bonds.pdf

Attachment: Bond Purchase Agreement - Manatee - 2014 GO Refunding Bonds.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous 

Neighborhood Services

28. Southwest County - Tax Increment Financing District/CRA* Palmer

Attachment: Southwest TIF.pdf

Attachment: TIF CRA Comparison.pdf

Attachment: New Focus.pdf  Commissioners approved an authorization for county attorneys to return at a later date with a proposal to create a Tax Increment Financing District -- and its boundaries -- for Southwest Manatee County.  -- Approved, 6-1, DiSabatino dissenting (full story to follow)

Property Management (9:15 A.M. TIME CERTAIN)

29. Resolution R-14-012. A resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Manatee County, Florida, authorizing conveyance of county property to Manatee River Fair Association, Inc., a non-profit corporation. * Clague

Attachment: Resolution R 14 012 MRFA.pdf

Attachment: Fair Grounds Map.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous

There was an additional motion to correct the date year on the documents. The motion was for -- "All Documents to reflect 2014 instead of 2012" -- Approved, Unanimous 





30. Commissioner Comments--



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