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Manatee County Commission Agenda Results: 2/12/13


BRADENTON -- At Tuesday's BOCC Meeting, commissioners voted to allow Lakewood Ranch Little League to remain in non-compliance with code enforcement until an agreement can be reached modifying the county's sign ordnance. In other business, members approved a resolution to refinance current county bond debt. 

MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Larry Bustle, Chairman)

INVOCATION (The commission does not endorse the religious beliefs of any speaker.)

1. Invocation led by Pastor Don Sturiano, Kingdom Life Christian Church



Changes to Agenda

2. Updates to Agenda


Awards and Presentations

3. Employee of the Month

Attachment: Bare_Jeff_EOM.pdf

Attachment: bare.pdf

Proclamations (Motion required to adopt proclamations) -- Approved, Unanimous

4. Cortez Fishing Festival

Attachment: Cortez Fishing Festival Proclamation.pdf

5. Gulf Coast Senior Games Week

Attachment: SG Brochure.pdf

Attachment: Gulf Coast Senior Games Week Proclamation.pdf

6. National Engineers Week, February 17-23, 2013

Attachment: Engineers Week Proclamation.pdf

7. Schroeder-Manatee Ranch Day

Attachment: 02.12.13 SMR Proclamation.pdf

8. Trailer Estates Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department Day

Attachment: Trailer Estates FD Proclamation.pdf

REQUEST BY COMMISSIONERS (Items to be pulled from Consent Agenda) items #12, #19 and #26

CITIZEN COMMENTS (Consent Agenda Items Only) -- None 


Clerk of Circuit Court

9. Clerks Consent Calendar

Attachment: 021213.pdf


10. Interlocal Agreement for Palmetto Ballfields * Clague

Attachment: Ballfield ILA.pdf

11. Interlocal Agreement for Technology Security - State Attorney's Office * Eschenfelder

Attachment: Interlocal Agreement.pdf

Attachment: RLS.pdf

Attachment: 5-22-12 Agenda Pkg.pdf


12. Proposed Legal Action against Balfour Beatty Construction, LLC.

Attachment: BBC Remediation and Access Agreement.pdf

Attachment: Balfour Beatty-Holt Ltr.pdf

Attachment: Balfour Beatty-Sureties Ltr.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous

13. Ware’s Creek, Phase III, Authorization to commence and to prosecute eminent domain proceedings, Permanent Easement, Parcel W-280.2, DeSoto Oaks Ventures, LLC

Attachment: AerialMap_Parcel W280.2_PermanentEasement.pdf

Attachment: Resolution R-13-022.pdf

Attachment: Resolution R-13-023.pdf

14. Insurance Renewals: CSX Liability, Crime, Boiler & Machinery

Attachment: MCBOCC Agenda Item B&M, Crime Option 2 $500k and CSX-GL.pdf

15. Eminent Domain: 51st Avenue East at 15th Street East Intersection Improvement Project, Parcel 103 - Approval of Settlement

Attachment: AerialMap_Parcel103.pdf

Attachment: Proposed_SFJ_P103.pdf

Building and Development Services

16. FINAL PLAT - Woodbrook Phase IIB

Attachment: Application & Agreements.pdf

Attachment: Bonds & Agreements.pdf

Attachment: Deed Restrictions.pdf

Convention and Visitors Bureau

17. Agreement with Pittsburgh Pirates

Attachment: Pirates-Executed Agreement-2013.pdf

18. Amendment to Interlocal Agreement with City of Bradenton regarding Pittsburgh Pirates Spring Training Facility Project

Attachment: Pirates ILA Amendment final.pdf

Financial Management

19. Budget Amendments

Attachment: B-13-032 Resolution_Narrative.pdf --  Commissioner DiSabatino said that there was enough being done with county employees and that the expense was premature. She said that it had all been pushed forward too quickly and that she hadn't seen anything that explains the 'who's going to pay' part. --  Approved, 6 to 1, DiSabatino dissent

20. Change Order # 1, Riverview Boulevard Bridge over McLewis Bayou (IFB# 12-0768-DS)

Attachment: Dept. Recom. c.o.#1 contracts..pdf


Attachment: Dept. Recom. to Award and Bid Tab.pdf

Attachment: CONTRACT DOCUMENTS- Public Construction Bond..pdf

22. Award of IFB# 12-3098-DS (Southeast Water Reclamation Facility Lake Filtration System Replacement)

Attachment: DEPT. Recom. to Award and Bid Tab.pdf

Attachment: Contract Documents-Performance and Payment Bonds.pdf

Neighborhood Services

23. SHIP Lien Release on Short Sale for Carl D. Melcher

Attachment: C Melcher Hardship Ltr.pdf

Attachment: C Melcher Short Sale Approval.pdf

Attachment: C Melcher HUD Settlement Stmt.pdf

Attachment: C Melcher Sales Contract.pdf

Attachment: C Melcher Property Appraiser Value.pdf

Parks and Recreation

24. Returned Item Service Fee Waiver

Attachment: Returned Item Documents.pdf

Property Management

25. Lease renewal for office space for Congressman Buchanan

Attachment: Buchanan 2013-2015 lease.pdf

Attachment: Buchanan Resolution r-11-126.pdf

26. Acceptance of Conveyance Document - Tallevast Road

Attachment: Warranty Deed.recorded.pdf

Attachment: LOCATION MAP.pdf   -- Approved, Unanimous

27. Resolution R-13-030, Presuit Negotiations, Morgan Johnson Road sidewalk project

Attachment: Maps .pdf

Attachment: Morgan Johnson Road ProposedResolutionAuthorizingPreSuitOffers_13-020.pdf

28. Cemex Construction Materials Florida, LLC property purchase located at 44th Avenue East

Attachment: Cemex Purchase Contract EXECUTION PSA Parcel 153 with exhibits signed by CCMF 020113.pdf

Attachment: Cemex email approving contract .pdf

Attachment: Cemex agenda map.pdf

29. Resolution R-13-013, Presuit Negotiations, 44th Avenue East (30th-45th Street East) Road Right of Way Improvement Project

Attachment: 44th Ave E 30th-45th St Loc Map.pdf

Attachment: ProposedResolutionAuthorizingPreSuitOffers44th 30 45 21213_13-020.pdf

30. Resolution R-13-015, Presuit Negotiations, Ft. Hamer waterline project

Attachment: Location Map Ft. Hamer waterline project .pdf

Attachment: Ft. Hamer waterline ResolutionAuthorizingPreSuitOffers_13-020.pdf

Public Works

31. Utility Participation Agreement for 8268 US 301 North

Attachment: UtilityParticipationAgreement_TheParkwayLandTrust.pdf

32. Bad Debt Write Off

Attachment: Transit Bad Debt Write Off 2013.pdf


33. Motion to approve Consent Agenda -- Approved, Unanimous

CITIZEN COMMENTS (Consideration for Future Agenda) Mary Green from Cortez, representing the Cortez Historical society, requested $6,500 from the county commission to finish their Town and Veteran museums. Green's Fishing family goes back five generations. She said, "We want to showcase where Manatee was, and that commercial fishing is well and alive in Manatee." adding " we have 100 castnetters and they brought in two million pounds of mullet this season." Green said, "We have three new cookbooks..." and finished her reason for coming, saying, "we make a lot of money for Manatee, and have been waiting to finish these historic endeavors. So write the check, and we thank you." 


County Administrator Ed Hunzeker said he would find the funding somewhere.  Request -- Approved, Unanimous


CIVIC CENTER AUTHORITY (Robin DiSabatino, Chairman)


PORT AUTHORITY (Carol Whitmore, Chairman)

D. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentations Upon Request)

Property Management

34. Defer Resolution R-13-033, Application to vacate certain rights of way of record (Cahill-Richland Farms)

Attachment: Defer Public Hearing Request.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous

35. Resolution R-13-034, Public Works 26th Avenue East Complex, application to Vacate Certain Rights-of-Way for a portion of 12th Street Court East * Wade

Attachment: appl public works.doc.pdf

Attachment: RLS PW6.pdf

Attachment: R13034.pdf

Attachment: PW 12th St Ct E RW Vac Loc Map.pdf

Attachment: affdavit of publication.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous

E. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentation Scheduled)


Financial Management

36. Refinancing of Bonds

Attachment: #382944177v6_WPB_ - Escrow Deposit Agreement - Manatee County - Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2013-from Steve S.19JAN2013.pdf

Attachment: #382944575v10_WPB_ - Bond Resolution - 2013 Revenue Refunding Bonds - from Steve S.06FEB2013.pdf

Attachment: 207-00022.B2 Appendix B-from Jennifer LaRocco.05FEB2013.pdf

Attachment: 207-00022.C3 POS clean copy - from Jennifer LaRocco.07FEB2013.pdf

Attachment: 207-00022.E3 Purchase Contract for agenda-from Jennifer LaRocco.07FEB2013.pdf

Attachment: 382963691_v_2_Bond Counsel Opinion - Manatee County Revenue Refunding 2013-from Steve S.06FEB2013.pdf

Attachment: Financial Advisor Recommendation Letter - 2013 Rev Refunding Bonds.07FEB2013.pdf --  With interest rates at a historical low, the county stands to save $5.5 million (over the scheduled period of original). Jim Seuffert, Director of Financial Management, confirmed there would not be any credit extension, nor had the county participated in any IRS's (Interest Rate Swaps) in the bond's history. He said current credit limit exceeded bond debt by a very measurable amount and that the county's financial rating remains AA. -- Approved, Unanimous

39.: Park and Recreation Athletic Field Sign Policy:  (Addition to regular agenda) -- Staff recommended that the Board maintain the adopted sign policy. Lakewood Ranch Little League (LRLL) President David Dees explained to the Board that their sign business will not carry the financial weight of the organization if they are forced to go back to fabric signs. LRLL chose to ignore the county's sign ordnance believing the "safety factor" that worried county officials had been taken care of. LRLL agreed with the motion to have them first replace the half inch bolts with flat ones (to prevent injury risk) and soon meet with the county and modify the policy if it is in both party's interest. -- Approved, Unanimous   (Full Story)




37. Commissioner Comments -- 

Commissioner Benac -- Asked Ed Hunzeker where the FDOT money for South County is? Hunzeker said "at first they said they had $4 million then $6 million, then they told us we would have to pay, I think they have a "Public Safety" fund they are going to take it from.

Commissioner Gallen said, "I would like to make a motion for county and staff to get with volunteers and others to see what alternative use we can find for the old jail." We should put a panel together. -- Approved, Unanimous

Gallen said he was working with School Board District One Barbara Harvey on opening the school yards to after hour activi


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