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Manatee County Commission Agenda Results: 3/12/2013


BRADENTON --  At Tuesday's BOCC Meeting, commissioners struggled endlessly to schedule a referendum vote, on June 18, 2013, to increase Manatee County's sales tax from 6.5 percent, to 7.0 percent. In other business, members voted to add a tax abatement referendum to the June 18 special election vote. This would allow the commission to offer an additional incentive to reward companies that choose to expand or move to Manatee, in order to spark economic development and job creation.

MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Larry Bustle, Chairman)

INVOCATION (The commission does not endorse the religious beliefs of any speaker.)

1. Invocation led by Pastor Phil Derstine, Christian Retreat Family Church



Items Scheduled for Time Certain

2. 9:30 A.M. - Item 36 - Suncoast Workforce Presentation

Attachment: 2012-2013 Suncoast Workforce Board Roster.pdf

Attachment: Budget PY 12-13.pdf

Attachment: Nov 29, 2012 Board Meeting Minutes.pdf

Attachment: Jan 24, 2013 Board Meeting Minutes.pdf

Attachment: Oct 25, 2012 signed meeting minutes.pdf

Attachment: Signed By-Laws - 10-11-12.pdf

Attachment: SW 2012 Annual Report SPREADS Final PDF.pdf

Attachment: Presentation to BCC.pdf

Attachment: interlocal agreement 2003.pdf

3. 10:00 A.M. - Item 34 - Health Care Surtax Referendum Ordinance 13-07 * Eschenfelder

Attachment: IndigentHealthTaxORD 13-07.pdf

Attachment: MC Health Care Plan 3.12.13.pdf

Attachment: History of Indigent Health Care Funding.pdf

Changes to Agenda

4. Updates to Agenda


Awards and Presentations

5. Employee of the Month - Fran Barba

Attachment: Barba_EOM.pdf

Attachment: Barba_iNet.pdf

Proclamations (Motion required to adopt proclamations) -- Approved, Unanimous

6. Florida Surveyors & Mappers Week

Attachment: Florida Surveyors & Mappers Week Proclamation.pdf

7. National Safe Place Week

Attachment: Safe Place Week - 03.12.12.pdf

REQUEST BY COMMISSIONERS (Items to be pulled from Consent Agenda) -- Item #9, #20, #21, #22 and #34, to be pulled for vote.

 CITIZEN COMMENTS (Consent Agenda Items Only) 


Clerk of Circuit Court

8. Clerk's Consent Calendar

Attachment: 031213.pdf


9. Defendant's Proposal for Settlement In re: Manatee County v. URS Corp. Southern, Inc.; Case No. 2012-CA-2451

Attachment: Proposal for Settlement.pdf -- URS offered a settlement of $20,000 on suit from Manatee County requesting $3.4 million. Motion to decline settlement -- Approved, Unanimous

Building and Development Services

10. Resolution No R-13-42 Relating to FEMA Severe Repetitive Loss Grant

Attachment: Resolution No. R-13-42.pdf

Attachment: Federally-Funded Subgrant Agreement..pdf

Attachment: Severe Repetitive Loss Grant Projram Sub-Subgrant Agreement.pdf

Community Services

11. Children's Services Funding- Non Profit Agreement

Attachment: Minority Aids-HIV social services 2013.pdf

Financial Management

12. Change Order #2, Bayshore on the Lakes Waterline Replacement Project (IFB#11-1897-OV)

Attachment: CO#2.Att to Agenda.2.22.2013.pdf

13. Budget Amendments

Attachment: B-13-035 Resolution_Narrative.pdf

14. Change Order #1 - Construction of Manatee County Utilities Maintenance & Administration Building (IFB #11-0576-OV)

Attachment: CO.#1.Holland.66thSt.Pr.2.25.2015.fromDept..pdf

15. Budget Submission Date for Certain Constitutional Officers

Attachment: R-13-054 Constitutional budgets due.pdf

Natural Resources

16. Amending the Capital Improvement Program to include multi use trails at Robinson Preserve

Attachment: RESOLUTION R.13-043 CIP.pdf

Attachment: Trailmaps.pdf

Neighborhood Services

17. Amendment Two to Land Use Restriction Agreement for Winsted Commons

Attachment: Winsted Commons fka Robion at the Villages of Avignon - AMENDMENT TWO TO LURA - Feb 26 2013.pdf

18. Amendment Two to Land Use Restriction Agreement for Monteux at the Villages of Avignon

Attachment: Monteux at the Villages of Avignon - AMENDMENT TWO TO LURA - Feb 26 2013.pdf

Property Management

19. Recording of Road Plat Map

Attachment: LocationMap-44thAveE_1stStE-15thStE.pdf

Attachment: 44thAveE_1stStE-15thStE_ROWMap.pdf

20. Hidden Lakes Living, LLC - Drainage and Utility Easements

Attachment: Drainage Easement - Hidden Lakes Living LLC.pdf

Attachment: UE - Hidden Lakes Living LLC.pdf

Attachment: Affidavit - Hidden Lakes Living LLC.pdf

Attachment: Hidden Lakes Living LLC Loc Map.pdf

21. Resolution R-13-053 authorizing pre-suit negotiations Suburban Water Line Replacement Project


Attachment: Suburban Water Line Replace - Loc Map.pdf -- Approved 6 to 1, Whitmore absent 

22. Resolution R-13-049, Presuit Negotiations, 44th Avenue East (30th-45th Street East) Road Right of Way Improvement Project

Attachment: PRESUIT RESOLUTION 20% 117 2272013.pdf

Attachment: 44th Ave E 30th-45th St Loc Map.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous

23. Acquisition of property purchase, Distressed Asset Buyers, LLC, Parcel 116, 44TH Avenue East (30th Street East to 45th Street East) Road Right of Way Improvement Project

Attachment: contract distressed.pdf

Attachment: backup justification.pdf

Attachment: 44th Ave E Parcel 116 - Gillis.pdf -- Approved, unanimous

24. Resolution R-13-050, 65th Avenue East and 221st Street East Vacation, declaring a public hearing. * Wade

Attachment: resolution 13-50.pdf

Attachment: APPL.pdf

Attachment: rls response.pdf

Attachment: Pomello Park Weachock etal RW Vac Loc Map.pdf

Public Safety

25. Manatee County and School Board of Manatee County Mentoring and Shadowing Program * Eschenfelder

Attachment: RLS 12-316 Interlocal Agreement Job Shadowing with school district.pdf

Attachment: High School Agreement signed by SB.pdf

Public Works

26. Advanced Traffic Management System Phase II Retiming Study

Attachment: 430057-1 ATMS Phase II Study Supplmental Agreement.pdf

27. Coquina Beach Turnaround West of State Road 789

Attachment: Resolution 13-046.pdf

Attachment: 429869-1 Coquina Beach Turnaround LAP Agreement.pdf

28. Neal Preserve Bike Path/Trail

Attachment: Resolution 13-047.pdf

Attachment: 428133-1 Neal Preserve LAP Agreement.pdf


29. Time Payment Agreement

Attachment: DOC067.pdf


30. Motion to approve Consent Agenda -- Approved, Unanimous  (Items # 9, 21, 22 and 23, Pulled for vote)




31. Public Safety Coordinating Council Appointments DCC4C

Attachment: PSCC Letters.pdf

Attachment: PSCC Matrix.pdf -- Approved, 6 to 1, DiSabatino dissenting

CIVIC CENTER AUTHORITY (Robin DiSabatino, Chairman) -- none

COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (Betsy Benac, Chairman) -- none

PORT AUTHORITY (Carol Whitmore, Chairman) -- none 

D. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentations Upon Request)

Building and Development Services

32. PDR-02-41(P)(R)-Palmetto Estates-Quasi-Judicial-Doug Means

Attachment: Maps, FLU Zoning, Aerial.pdf

Attachment: Palmetto Estates STAFF REPORT.pdf

Attachment: Amended Ordinance - Ordinance PDR-02-41(P)(R)..pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising for 03-07-13.pdf

Attachment: Supplemental Information Palmetto Estates PDR-02-41(Z)(P) - Staff Report.pdf

Attachment: Supplemental Information Palmetto Estates PDR-02-41(Z)(P) - Zoning Ordinance.pdf

Attachment: Supplemental InformationPalmetto Estates PDR-02-41(Z)(P) - Preliminary Site Plan.pdf -- The amended ordinance allows changes to landscaping (replacing buffer with PVC fence and some scrub on outside of fence), and TOD LOT playground replaced with five canopy trees and a bench. Commissioner Gallen repeatedly expressed his will to keep the playground. "I am doing all I can to increase the number of parks. They really need a park." said Gallen -- Approved, Unanimous

33. Greyhawk Landing Community Development District -Expansion - Ordinance No. 13-09

Attachment: Greyhawk Staff Report Map AD.pdf

Attachment: Greyhawk Ord 13-09.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous

E. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentation Scheduled)

Administrator (10:00 A.M. TIME CERTAIN)

34. Health Care Surtax Referendum Ordinance 13-07 * Eschenfelder

Attachment: IndigentHealthTaxORD 13-07.pdf

Attachment: MC Health Care Plan 3.12.13.pdf

Attachment: History of Indigent Health Care Funding.pdf -- After hours of discussion as to why we should and shouldn't schedule a special election to vote on a half-cent sales tax to pay for indigent health care, it went down to the wire. Motion to schedule a June 18, 2013 referendum vote -- Approved, 4 to 3, DiSabatino, Baugh and Benac dissent   (full story


Neighborhood Services

35. Tax Abatement Exemption Referendum

Attachment: Tax Abatement Referendum Resolution R_13_052.pdf

Attachment: Letter from BAEDC.pdf -- Sharon Hillstrom, President and CEO of the Bradenton Area Economic Development Corporation, returned to the commission to emphasize the significance of approving a Tax Abatement Exemption Referendum. Hillstrom said, "We are surrounded by counties that have adopted tax abatement programs. We don't know what has passed us by." After many scrutinizing questions, motion -- Approved, Unanimous (Full Story to Follow)


Neighborhood Services (9:30 A.M. TIME CERTAIN)  (Eo864)

36. Suncoast Workforce Presentation

Attachment: 2012-2013 Suncoast Workforce Board Roster.pdf

Attachment: Budget PY 12-13.pdf

Attachment: Nov 29, 2012 Board Meeting Minutes.pdf

Attachment: Jan 24, 2013 Board Meeting Minutes.pdf

Attachment: Oct 25, 2