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Manatee County Commission Agenda Results: 4/8/2014


BRADENTON -- At Tuesday's BOCC meeting, commissioners kept up their campaign to get funding for the intersection at I-75 and University Parkway, by sending State Senator Bill Galvano a letter looking for support for the mega-million dollar project. In other business, citizens showed up at the dais to protest any changes to the citizen comment rules, prompting commissioners to return with something more favorable to citizens when the final rules are up for approval.

MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Larry Bustle, Chairman)

INVOCATION (The commission does not endorse the religious beliefs of any speaker.)

1. Invocation led by Jim Larcara, Baha'i Faith of Manatee County



Items Scheduled for Time Certain

2. 9:15 A.M. TIME CERTAIN - ITEM #6 - Economic Development Partnerships and Collaboration

Attachment: Air Products Prezi 032614.pdf 

Changes to Agenda

3. Updates to Agenda

Attachment: 20140408 Update Memo.pdf



4. Employee of the Month - Lavonnia Brown

Attachment: browm eom.pdf

Attachment: Brown_April_2014_EOM03202014145534.pdf

5. Wilfredo Miranda - Radio Frequency Technologist of the Year

Presentations (9:15 a.m. Time Certain)

6. Economic Development Partnerships and Collaboration

Attachment: Air Products Prezi 032614.pdf

Proclamations (Motion required to adopt proclamations) -- Approved, Unanimous

7. National Public Health Week

Attachment: National Public Health Week Proclamation.pdf

8. National Osteopathic Medicine Week

Attachment: National Osteopathic Medicine Week Proclamation.pdf

9. Child Abuse Prevention Month

Attachment: Child Abuse Prevention Month - 04.08.14.pdf

10. National Volunteer Month

Attachment: National Volunteer Month Proclamation.pdf

37. National Telecommunicator Week

Attachment: National Telecommunicator Week - 040814.pdf

REQUEST BY COMMISSIONERS (Items to be pulled from Consent Agenda)

CITIZEN COMMENTS (Consent Agenda Items Only)

11. Citizen Comments


Clerk of Circuit Court

12. Clerk's Consent Agenda

Attachment: 04082014 Clerk's Consent Agenda.pdf



13. 44th Avenue East Road Improvement Project (19th Street Court East to 30th Street East) / Authorization to commence and to prosecute eminent domain proceedings * Adibe

Attachment: Aerial Parcel Map_44th Ave E_19th-30th 44thAveE.pdf

Attachment: Resolution R-14-045.pdf

Attachment: Resolution R-14-046.pdf

Attachment: Resolution R-14-047.pdf

Attachment: Resolution R-14-048.pdf

14. Manatee County Civic Center Authority and Manatee County Government Powel Crosley Estate Liquor Legal Liability Insurance

Attachment: MCBOCC Liquor Liability Proposal 14-15 Revised 04.02.14.pdf

15. Manatee County Flood Insurance Policies

Attachment: MCBOCC 2014 Flood Renewal Summary.pdf

Building and Development Services

16. Final Plat - Central Park, Subphase E-1c

Attachment: Central Park Application.pdf

Attachment: Central Park Declaration and Covenants.pdf

Attachment: Central Park Performance Bond - Earthwork.pdf

Attachment: Central Park Performance Bond - Final Lift.pdf

Attachment: Central Park Title Certification.pdf

17. Final Plat - Sapp Subdivision

Attachment: Sapp Application.pdf

Attachment: Sapp Title Certification & Mortgagees Joinders.pdf

Attachment: Sapp Restrictive Covenants.pdf

18. Lindsey Marie Medred, Code Enforcement Case Number CE2011070079

Attachment: Medred BOCC Attachments 4-8-2014.pdf

Community Services

19. Amendment #1 for the Home Care for the Elderly (HCE) Grant Funds 13/14

Attachment: HCE Contract Amendment 1.pdf

Attachment: Budget Resolution B-14-047.pdf

20. Amendment #3 to the FY 13/14 Emergency Home Energy for the Elderly Assistance Program Agreement

Attachment: EHEAP Contract Amendment 3.pdf

Attachment: Budget Resolution B-14-046.pdf

21. Title IV-E Waiver for Adoption Assistance

Attachment: BCC letter DCF IVE Adoption Assistance.pdf

Financial Management

22. Budget Amendment Resolutions

Attachment: Budget Resolution B-14-045.pdf

25. Approval of Agreement No. 13-1142BG, Construction Manager at Risk Services for the Fleet/Transit Facility * Clague

Attachment: CMAR Agreement Final Apr 3 with Exhibits.pdf

Neighborhood Services

24. Economic Development Incentive Resolution (R-14-040)

Attachment: Cantina-R14040.pdf

25. Reconsideration of SHIP Lien Release on Short Sale for Tabbatha Naley (aka Tabatha Parsley)

Attachment: CitiMortgage Maximum Settlement Offer.pdf

Attachment: Naley Revised HUD Statement.pdf

Attachment: Naley Contract Extension.pdf

Attachment: Tabbatha Naley Previous BOCC Approval.pdf

Property Management

26. Recording of a Road Plat Map

Attachment: 46th Avenue West_Location Map.pdf

Attachment: 46th Avenue West_ROW Map.pdf

Attachment: 46thAvenueWest_Affidavit.pdf

Public Safety

27. EMS Billing Adjustments - January 2014

Attachment: Attachment A - January 2014.pdf

28. EMS Billing Adjustments - February 2014

Attachment: Attachment A - February 2014.pdf

29. Write Off Uncollectible EMS Ambulance User Fees

Attachment: February 2014 ATT A.pdf

Attachment: February 2014 ATT C.pdf

Public Works

30. 44th Ave. E - CSX Facility Encroachment Agreement Amendment* Adibe

Attachment: CSX_Amendment_MC Revisions_3-31-14.pdf

Attachment: CSX_Approval Letter_MC Revisions_4-1-14.pdf

Attachment: CSX_Revised Amendment & Approval Letter_Revised by CSX_4-2-14.pdf

Attachment: Schulhofer_CSX Facility Encroachment Agreement Amendment_Memo_FINAL.pdf


31. Motion to Approve Consent Agenda -- Approved, Unanimous


32. Citizen Comments (Consideration for Future Agenda) 

Lee Redfern asked the Board if the $487,000 they just wrote off for EMS un-collectibles, might have been covered by expanded Medicaid, therefore benefiting the county's bottom line? Redfern added another question, "Would it not benefit the county to lobby Tallahassee to expand Medicaid?"

Redfern didn't get an answer then or later during the meeting.

Glen Gibellina said this was the seventh time he was bringing up the truck issue. He said he had filed for the information several times and hasn't received any. Gibellina referenced Item #21 matched adoption assistance funds), and said he would be "watching the $200,000."       


CIVIC CENTER AUTHORITY (Robin DiSabatino, Chairman)


PORT AUTHORITY (Carol Whitmore, Chairman)

D. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentations Upon Request)


33. Amendment to Ordinance No. 14-12 Regulating Secondhand Dealers to include "Household Appliances" as part of the definition of "Regulated Secondhand Goods." * Minix

Attachment: Secondhand Dealers Ord 14-12.pdf

Attachment: Secondhand Dealers APPLIANCES REVISION Ord No 14-25.pdf

Attachment: Proof of Publication - Ordinance 14-25.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous

34. Ordinance No. 14-15 Revisions to Purchasing Code * Minix

Attachment: Purchasing Ord 2014 Strikethroughs.pdf

Attachment: Purchasing Ord 2014 Final for adoption.pdf

Attachment: Proof of Publication - Ordinance 14-15.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous

E. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentation Scheduled)



35. Revised procedures for meetings of the Board of County Commissioners * Palmer

Attachment: Board Procedures document--2014.pdf

Attachment: Board Procedures Resolution--2014.pdf -- Motion to bring revised meeting procedures before the Board, at the next scheduled meeting, changing minutes for citizen comments to three minutes at all meetings, and not include the ten minute per meeting cap on each speaker. -- Approved, Unanimous  (More on Story)

38. State funding for University/I75 improvements

Attachment: University I75 Letter to Galvano.pdf

Attachment: Resolution R-14-038.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous




36. Commissioner Comments

DiSabatino -- Thanks to Ron Schulhofer and team for always calling back and responding quickly.

Gallen -- Liked Mr Wheeler's idea of the county buying landscape material from the jail and possibly using the prisoners for some of the labor. 

Whitmore -- Said that on Saturday she went to the Cracker festival in Duette and had lots of fun.

Chappie -- Welcome Long Boat Key's new commissioner, Erwin Pastor, and Mayor Brown.

Bustle -- Every Child is a Reader program, noon Friday at Kiwanis Club. 



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