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Manatee County Commission Agenda Results: 5/21/2013


BRADENTON -- At Tuesday's county commissioner meeting, board members approved a request for another bus route proposal and the "consent" agenda, where you'll often find some of the bad news. In that portion of the meeting,"Meals on Wheels" had their budget cut by almost $6,000 (item #15) and their partner in helping the needy "Adult Day Care" was also cut by more than $16,000 (Item #16). In other business, over 100 citizens showed-up to express their dissatisfaction with a report on a $70 million, 20-year-old road job that those opposed to it call the "Road to Nowhere."

MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Larry Bustle, Chairman)

INVOCATION (The commission does not endorse the religious beliefs of any speaker.)

1. Invocation led by Pastor Gayla Grimes-Harbolt, Emmanuel United Methodist Church


Presentation of Colors

2. Presentation of Colors by the Korean War Veterans Association, Manasota Chapter 199, who will also lead the Pledge of Allegiance


Items Scheduled for Time Certain

3. 1:30 P.M. TIME CERTAIN - ITEM #39 - 44th Avenue East

Changes to Agenda

4. Updates to Agenda


Awards and Presentations

5. Retirement Award - Randy Milton

Proclamations (Motion required to adopt proclamations) -- Approved, Unanimous

6. Memorial Day Proclamation

Attachment: Memorial Day - 05.21.13.pdf

7. Mason and Judy Aldrich Day

Attachment: Mason & Judy Aldrich Day - 05.21.13.pdf

8. National Beach Safety and Rip Current Awareness Week

Attachment: Beach Safety Week - 05.21.13.pdf

9. EMS Week

Attachment: EMS Week 2013 Proclamation.pdf

10. Civility Month

Attachment: Civility Month - 05.21.13.pdf

REQUEST BY COMMISSIONERS (Items to be pulled from Consent Agenda)

CITIZEN COMMENTS (Consent Agenda Items Only)


Clerk of Circuit Court

11. Clerk's Consent Calendar

Attachment: 052113.pdf


12. Dashboard Report for April, 2013

Attachment: Apr 2013 dashboards.pdf


13. Purchase of Excess Property Insurance

Attachment: MCBOCC Ex Prop Proposal 13-14- NTE Revised 05.07.13.pdf

Attachment: MCBOCC 13-14 Statement of Values - as of 04.23.2013.pdf

Building and Development Services

14. Resolution 13-093 - Future Funding for Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council - TBRPC

Attachment: RPC Funding Resolution.pdf

Community Services

15. FY 12/13 Non Profit Agency Funding Agreement Amendment #1 (Home Delivered Meals)

Attachment: hdmamendmentone1213.pdf

16. FY 12/13 Non Profit Agency Funding Agreement Amendment #1 (Adult Daycare)

Attachment: adcamendmentone1213.pdf

Financial Management

17. Budget Amendment Resolution

Attachment: B-13-048.pdf

18. Change Order #1, Rehabilitation of Clarifiers 1 and 2 at the Southwest Water Reclamation Facility

Attachment: CO.#1T1200073.Card.Contr.5.8.2013..pdf

19. Change Order #2 to Work Assignment #10, SWWRF Process Modification for Nitrogen Removal and Digester Modifications

Attachment: CH2MHill CO#2 to WA#10.pdf

20. Change Order # 1, Conservatory Nature Park Construction and Restoration

Attachment: Department memo and contract change order # 1.pdf

Attachment: QE Summary Memo.pdf

21. Interfund Loan from the General Fund to Court Technology Fund

Attachment: R-13-092-Interfund loan for Ct Tech.pdf

22. 4th of July Fireworks Display

Attachment: R-13-091-Fireworks Display.pdf

Natural Resources

23. National Park Service Management Agreement for Riverview Pointe * Eschenfelder

Attachment: RLS 12-310.pdf

Attachment: NPSagreement.pdf

24. Natural Resources Fee Schedule

Attachment: Resolution R-13-090 Fee Schedule.pdf

Attachment: NRD Fee Schedule June 2013.pdf

25. Florida Department of Environmental Protection grant amendment for the development of trails at the Neal Preserve

Attachment: Nealamendment.pdf

Neighborhood Services

26. EDI/TIFI Revision - Project HAMMER - Resolution R-13-087

Attachment: R11-080.pdf

Attachment: Hammer-R13087.pdf

27. EDI/TIFI Revision - Project GREEN - Resolution R-13-084 

Attachment: R11-009.pdf

Attachment: Project Green EDI Resolution revR13-084.pdf

Parks and Recreation

28. Braden River Little League, Inc. / Concession Building Lease Agreement

Attachment: RESOLUTION - Braden River Little League Concession Building.pdf

Attachment: License Agreement_Temp Storage Building_Braden River LL Inc.pdf

Attachment: Braden River Little League - Concession Building Agreement.pdf

Property Management

29. Son T. Phung, Parcel 701, Acquisition for 44th Avenue East (30th Street East to 45th Street East) Road Right of Way Improvement Project

Attachment: 44th Ave E 30th-45th St Loc Map.pdf

Attachment: TCE phung p701.pdf

30. Acquisition for 44th Avenue East (30th Street East to 45th Street East) Road Right of Way Improvement Project, Obar, Parcel 112

Attachment: 44th Ave E 30th-45th St Loc Map.pdf

Attachment: warranty deed obar.pdf

Attachment: AOE obar.pdf

31. Pic Town Estates Water Lines - Phase I Project

Attachment: sherwinwilliamslocationmap.pdf

Attachment: sherwinwilliamsUE.pdf

Attachment: sherwinwilliamsAOE.pdf

32. BANK OF THE OZARKS - Right-of-Way Dedication

Attachment: Affidavit - Bank of the Ozarks w Exhibit A.pdf

Attachment: Special Warrant Deed - Bank of the Ozarks w Exhibit A.pdf

Attachment: SR70 & 37thStE Bank Ozarks RW dedication Loc Map.pdf

Public Works

33. LAP Agreement with FDOT Traffic Signal Update SR684 at 86th St. West

Attachment: 429867-1 LAP Agreement.pdf

Attachment: LAP Resolution R-13-088.pdf

34. Surplus Vehicles

Attachment: Surplus Vehicle List 5-21-13.pdf

35. Braden River Watershed Management Program * Schenk

Attachment: RLS 13-045 Braden River Water Email (03-18-13).pdf

Attachment: Braden River Watershed Management Program - Extension.pdf


36. Motion to approve Consent Agenda -- Approved, Unanimous



CIVIC CENTER AUTHORITY (Robin DiSabatino, Chairman) -- 


PORT AUTHORITY (Carol Whitmore, Chairman)

D. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentations Upon Request) -- None

E. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentation Scheduled) -- None


Public Works

37. MCAT Public Transit Service Development Project Proposal

Attachment: Serv iceDevelopment5_6_13.pdf  -- Approved, Unanimous



38. 2013 Legislative Report

Attachment: 0521 Governor Beach funding support.pdf

Attachment: 0521 Post Session Thank you Boyd.pdf

Attachment: 0521 Post Session Thank you Detert.pdf

Attachment: 0521 Post Session Thank you Galvano.pdf

Attachment: 0521 Post Session Thank you Holder.pdf

Attachment: 0521 Post Session Thank you Patronis.pdf

Attachment: 0521 Post Session Thank you Roth.pdf

Attachment: 0521 Post Session Thank you Steube.pdf

Attachment: 05.21.13 all letters.pdf

Public Works (1:30 P.M. TIME CERTAIN)

39. 44th Avenue East -- The 44th Avenue project dates back over 20 years and the multi-facet segments have had some problems. Commissioners asked staff to put the big picture together so they could look for a road map and continue with the stumbling project. -- (Story to follow)



40. Commissioner Comments

Whitmore -- Was concerned that there was an independent agency that was going to oversee the BP money coming to the 23 counties from the BP settlement. County Attorney Palmer explained there was no need to be alarmed. Whitmore said she didn't want the funds to get side-tracked.

DiSabatino -- First brought up the 26/13 plan, the often mentioned tax break and the connection it has with the half-cent tax referendum on the county website and on commercials on TV. DiSabatino produced a document confusing the two issues, and was suspicious of the intentions. Commissioner DiSabatino's comments set-off a storm of criticism and disagreement among the commissioners and the county administrator Ed Hunzeker. DiSabatino put out a motion to stifle referencing the two together on the county website. Motion was seconded but not supported. The vote, 4 to 3, Disabatino, Gallen and Baugh dissent. -- (Full Story to Follow)

Baugh -- Agreed with a lot of what DiSabatino was saying and agreed that the county should refrain from mentioning the two different subjects (26/13 and 0.5 cent sales tax) as if they are connected. 

Benac -- Reenforced Palmer's explanation on the BP funds and then gave her assessment of DiSabatino's concerns as to what was being labeled "misinformation. Benac didn't agree with DiSabatino's portrayal of the  group that was circulating the rumors and deliberatly confusing the two issues. 

Gallen -- Agreed with DiSabatino and wanted some clarification as to the confusion that has been sent by the group and the county. Gallen says he is embarrassed to have it on the county's website.

Chappie -- A few times Chappie got upset with Disabatino for no certain reason other then for sticking to her guns in the discussion. Chappie kept waving his hands and asking DiSabatino to reference what group it was that she was complaining about. 

Bustle -- No Comment


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