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Manatee County Commission Agenda Results: 6/18/2013


BRADENTON -- Manatee County Commissioners were introduced to the options that will soon be available for the troubled Cortez bridge. Commissioners also viewed the results of eight months with "red light" cameras around the county and the location of four more that were turned on Tuesday.

MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Larry Bustle, Chairman)

INVOCATION (The commission does not endorse the religious beliefs of any speaker.)

1. Invocation led by Pastor Randy Bezet, Bayside Community Church



Changes to Agenda

5. Updates to Agenda

Attachment: 20130618 Update Memo.pdf



6. Legislative Update from Representative Jim Boyd -- Boyd said they have boosted-up the amount that goes to schools by $2 billion. Commissioners thanked Boyd for responding to their request to find measures other than the scripted ways to spend the phosphate severance tax.  

Awards and Presentations

7. Employee of the Month - Nicholas Azzara -- All agree, Azzara is always available and accommodating to all inquires. He praised his boss, Administrator Ed Hunzeker and Karen Windon. Azarra thanked everyone that works with him.  

Attachment: azzara.pdf

Attachment: Azzara_EOM Nomination06042013133936.pdf

8. Retirement Award - Daniel T. Gray -- The room was full of co-workers and friends to say good-by to Gray, and celebrate his 30 years of county service. 

Proclamations (Motion required to adopt proclamations) -- Approved, Unanimous 

9. Florida Women in Government Week

Attachment: FL Women in Government Week - 06.18.13.pdf

10. Snooty's 65th Birthday

Attachment: Snooty Proclamation - 06.18.13.pdf

Attachment: South Florida Museum Flyer.pdf -- Snooty is the oldest manatee in captivity and has been the county's mascot since 1979.

11. Probation, Parole and Community Supervision Week

Attachment: Supervision Week 2013.pdf

REQUEST BY COMMISSIONERS (Items to be pulled from Consent Agenda) -- None

CITIZEN COMMENTS (Consent Agenda Items Only) -- Lee Redfern asked commissioners to work against substance abuse by convincing Tallahassee to accept $55 billion in Medicaid. She said it is still available and wants our public officials to take advantage of the opportunity offered by Washington. 


Clerk of Circuit Court

12. Clerk's Consent Calendar

Attachment: 061813.pdf


13. Mental Health and Substance Abuse Reinvestment Grant Application

14. Monthly Dashboard Report for May 2013

Attachment: May 2013 dashboards.pdf


15. Renewal of Contract For Professional Services with Bryant Miller & Olive, P.A.

Attachment: BMO Contract.pdf

16. U.S. 301 (SR 43) at Fort Hamer Road Intersection Improvement Project, Parcels 103 & 106, Right-of-Entry Easement

Attachment: Herrera_RightOfEntryEasement.pdf

Attachment: AerialMap_P103&106_Herrera.pdf

Building and Development Services

17. FEMA Severe Repetitive Loss Grant

Attachment: Corrected and initialed copy of page 1 of Subgrant Agreement.pdf

Attachment: Subgrant Agreement with corrected page 1.pdf

18. Salvatore and Fifetta Mannino, Code No. CE2005090636

Attachment: BOCC Attachments 6-18-2013 Mannino .pdf

19. Friendly Faces, Inc., Code No. CE2012010657

Attachment: BOCC Attachments 6-18-2013 Friendly.pdf

20. Karla Salgado, Code No. CE2012120470

Attachment: BOCC Attachments 6-18-2013 Salgado.pdf

21. FINAL PLAT - Crossing Creek Village, Phase II, Subphase A, B & C

Attachment: Application & documents.pdf

Attachment: Bonds & Agreements.pdf

Attachment: Homeowner Documents.pdf

22. FINAL PLAT - Forest Creek, Phase III

Attachment: Final Plat - Forest Creek, Phase III.pdf

Attachment: Forest Creek - Suppl Amendment to Declaration.pdf

23. Final Plat - Woodbrook Phase IIIA & IIIB

Attachment: Woodbrook Ph. IIIA and IIIB Supplemental Declaration.pdf

Attachment: Woodbrook Phase IIIA & IIIB Application and Documents.pdf

Attachment: Woodbrook Phase IIIA and IIIB Required Private and Public Improvements Bonds and Agreements.pdf

Community Services

24. Agency for Health Care Administration

Attachment: LIP 2013 Letter of Agreement.pdf

25. Federal FY2013 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG)

Attachment: Resolution 13-104 Federal.pdf

26. Florida Department of Law Enforcement Federal Fiscal Year 2013 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG)

Attachment: Grant Participation Announcement Letter.pdf


27. FY 2012-2013 Funding Agreement Amendment

Attachment: Boys and Girls Clubs Amendment 1 Dental.pdf

28. FY 2012-2013 Funding Agreement Amendment

Attachment: MASS Amendment.pdf

29. FY 12/13 Non Profit Agency Funding Agreement Amendment #2 (Adult Daycare)

Attachment: cceadcamendmenttwo13.pdf

Financial Management

30. Budget Amendment Resolution

Attachment: B-13-052 Resolution_Narrative.pdf


Attachment: 13-0773CD Departmental Recommendation.pdf

Attachment: 13-0773CD Bid Tabulation.pdf

Attachment: Gator Grading Contract.pdf

32. IFB #13-1089-OV, 44th Avenue East from U.S. 41 (1st Street) to 19th Street Court East



33. Authorize publication for Notice of Public Hearing on proposed Ordinance extending certain gas tax levies, amending Article III, Chapter 2-29 of the Manatee County Code.

34. Interfund Loan from the General Fund to Beach Erosion Control Capital Project Fund

Attachment: R-13-108 Interfund loan Beach Renourishment and GF.pdf

Human Resources

35. Personnel Policy Adoption

Attachment: PersPolicy13AdoptRES.pdf

Attachment: Personnel Policy2013.pdf

Information Technology

36. 800 MHz Radio System - Resolution 13-101

Attachment: Resolution 13-101.pdf

Natural Resources

37. Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program FY2013 Funding Agreement

Attachment: CHNEP letter & FY 13 Agreement .pdf

Attachment: CHNEP FY 2013 Workplan.pdf

38. West Coast Inland Navigation District Request

Attachment: Barge-agreement.pdf

Attachment: june18-2013request.pdf

Attachment: WCIND-barge.pdf

39. West Coast Inland Navigation District Funding Agreement

Attachment: 057dtd061813-WCIND.pdf

Attachment: M268C WCIND agreement.pdf

Parks and Recreation

40. Interlocal Agreement for Joint Use of Facilities (Soccer Field) at Blanche H. Daughtrey Preparatory School of Arts & Sciences

Attachment: Daughtrey Elementary Interlocal Agrmt w parking 6-12-13 fin.pdf

Attachment: DAUGHTREY EXHIBIT A-B-C Final 6-12-13.pdf

Property Management

41. 44th Avenue East (30th Street East to 45th Street East) Road Right of Way Improvement Project - Parcels 108A/B/C (Bear)

Attachment: cost justif bear 6182013.pdf

Attachment: 44th Ave E 30th-45th St Loc Map.pdf

Attachment: contr bear 6182013_updated.pdf

42. 44th Avenue East (30th Street East to 45th Street East) Road Right of Way Improvement Project - Parcel 120 (Olmsted)

Attachment: 44th Ave E 30th-45th St Loc Map.pdf

Attachment: olmstead contract 6182013.pdf

Attachment: backup justification olmstead 120.pdf

43. Shirley H. Bradbury Parcels, #804 & #805, Permanent Utilities Easement Purchase at 2004 Ft. Hamer Road

Attachment: Ft Hamer Parcels 804 & 805 Permanent Easement executed .pdf

Attachment: Ft. Hamer Parcels 804 & 805 Affidavit executed .pdf

Attachment: Ft. Hamer Parcels 804 & 805 partial release .pdf

Attachment: Parcels #804 & #805 Location Map Ft. Hamer waterline project .pdf

Attachment: Ft. Hamer Parcels 804 & 805 Subordination .pdf

44. 44th Avenue East Road Improvement Project (15th St. E. - 19th Street Ct. E.) - Parcels 143A, 143B, and 743 (Oshkosh Corporation)

Attachment: SpWarrantyDeed_Parcels 143A&B.pdf

Attachment: TCE_Parcel 743.pdf

Attachment: LocationMap_P143A&B & 743.pdf

58. 44th Avenue East (30th Street East to 45th Street East) Road Right of Way Improvement Project - Parcel 107 (Henry)

Attachment: 44th Ave E 30th-45th St Loc Map.pdf

Attachment: Henry_ContractForSale&Purchase_partiallyexecuted.pdf

Attachment: justification Henry.pdf

Public Works

45. Annual Transportation Disadvantaged Trip & Equipment Grant Agreement

Attachment: CTD Letter dtd May 29, 2013.pdf

Attachment: Resolution R13-103 TD Grant.pdf

Attachment: 2013-2014 TD Grant Info Form.pdf

Attachment: 2013-2014 TD Rate Model Worksheet.pdf



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