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Manatee County Commission Agenda Results: 6/3/2014


BRADENTON -- At Tuesday's BOCC meeting, commissioners approved Ordinance 14-31, an Economic Development Ad Valorem Tax Exemption Ordinance designed to lure investment; members also approved Ordinance 14-28, a Southwest County Ordinance that will accommodate the county's proposed Tax Increment Financing District. In other business, commissioners reviewed the conflict over red-light cameras, and voted June 3, 2014 as Sam Woolf Day in Manatee County.

1. Invocation led by Rev. Vincent Carroll, Longboat Island Chapel



Items Scheduled for Time Certain

2. 11:15 A.M. - ITEM #43 - Red Light Camera Report

3. 1:30 P.M. - ITEM #42 - Budget Message



4. Employee of the Month - Lloyd Capo

Attachment: capo.pdf

Attachment: Capo_Nomination09262013122440.pdf

Proclamations (Motion required to adopt proclamations) -- Approved, Unanimous

5. Florida State All-Star Game Day - June 14, 2014

Attachment: FL State All Star Game Day Proclamation - 060314.pdf

6. National Beach Safety and Rip Current Awareness Week - June 1-7, 2014

Attachment: Beach Safety Week Proclamation - 060314.pdf

REQUEST BY COMMISSIONERS (Items to be pulled from Consent Agenda)

CITIZEN COMMENTS (Consent Agenda Items Only)


Clerk of Circuit Court

7. Clerk's Consent Agenda

Attachment: 06032014 Clerk's Consent Agenda.pdf


8. Dashboard Report for April 2014

Attachment: April 2014 dashboards.pdf

Attachment: PSCC RPT APRIL 14.pdf


9. Settlement Agreement and Mutual Release between Balfour Beatty Construction, LLC and Manatee County concerning the EOC Roof. * Minix

Attachment: Agreement 20140527141342850.pdf

10. U.S. 301 at Fort Hamer Road, Parcel 101, Lakeside Preserve Homeowners’ Association, Inc. - Approval of Settlement * Adibe

Attachment: AerialMap_P101_LakesidePreserveHOA.pdf

Attachment: StipFJ_101_LakesidePreserveHOA.pdf

Community Services

11. Agreement for the Alzheimer's Disease Initiative (ADI) Grant Funds 14/15

Attachment: B-14-064 FY14-15 ADI.pdf

Attachment: RES.ADI.pdf

Attachment: adi1415.pdf

12. Agreement for the Community Care for the Elderly (CCE) Grant Funds 14/15

Attachment: B-14-062 FY14-15 CCE.pdf

Attachment: RES.CCE.pdf

Attachment: cce1415DOC.pdf

13. Agreement for the Home Care for the Elderly (HCE) Grant Funds 14/15

Attachment: B-14-063 FY14-15 HCE.pdf

Attachment: RES.HCE.pdf

Attachment: hce1415DOC.pdf

14. Coast2Coast Rx Card County Marketing Agreement * Eschenfelder

Attachment: Coast2Coast Marketing Agreement.pdf

Convention and Visitors Bureau

15. Agreement with Bradenton Downtown Development Authority * Clague

Attachment: Regatta Agreement.pdf

Attachment: B-14-066 Riverfest Regatta.pdf

Financial Management

16. Budget Amendment Resolutions

Attachment: B-14-059_Resolution_Narrative.pdf

17. Creekside Ranch Apartments - Application for Road Impact Fee Credit, CA-13-03(T)

Attachment: Credit Auth CA-13-03(T).pdf

Attachment: Final Auth of Credit #CA-13-03(T).pdf

Attachment: PDMU-06-30(G)(R2).pdf

Attachment: FSP Approval.pdf

Attachment: Confirmation of Credit Transp Plan Div.pdf

Attachment: R & W Appraisal Review.pdf

18. Microsoft Enterprise Agreement - Florida State Contract 252-001-09-01

Attachment: Recommendation Memo to Purchasing.pdf

Attachment: Manatee County Government Contract Package.pdf

19. Supervisor of Elections HAVA Grant Award

Attachment: B-14-061 SOE HAVA Grant.pdf

Attachment: HAVA Grant Agreement.pdf

Human Resources

20. Reaffirmation of the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Policy Statement * Eschenfelder

Attachment: R-14-71 EEOAAreaffirm14RES.pdf

Attachment: R-14-71 Memo.pdf

Attachment: R-14-71 EEO Policy Statement.pdf

Attachment: R-14-71 EEO Plan Full Document.pdf

Neighborhood Services

21. Economic Development Incentive Resolution (R-14-077) Project Epsilon

Attachment: Epsilon-R14077.pdf

22. Economic Development Incentive Resolution (R-14-076) Project Monaco

Attachment: Monaco-R14076.pdf

23. Economic Development Incentive Resolution (R-14-078) Project Sunbird

Attachment: Sunbird-R14078.pdf

24. EDI Grant Revision - Project CAMELLIA - Resolution R-14-080

Attachment: Camellia Revision-R14080.pdf

25. Gifts to Manatee County Library System

Attachment: B-14-065 Library Donations.pdf

Parks and Natural Resources

26. Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program Funding Agreement For Federal Fiscal Year 2014

Attachment: CHNEP Letter & FY 14 Agreement.pdf

Attachment: CHNEP FY 2014 Workplan.pdf

27. Barge Loading Dock Facility * Cooney

Attachment: Interlocal Agreement.pdf


Property Management

28. Authorization to Declare 1240 30th Avenue West, Bradenton, Florida as Surplus Property and to Authorize Its Sale

Attachment: Resolution R-14-061.pdf

29. Creekside Ranch Apartments - Dedication of Right-of-Way to Manatee County

Attachment: Warranty Deed.pdf

Attachment: Affidavit of O&E.pdf

Attachment: Partial Release.pdf

Attachment: Aerial Map.pdf

Public Safety

30. Modification to Emergency Management Preparedness & Assistance (EMPA) Trust Fund Agreement, FY 13-14

Attachment: R-14-066 EMPA Modification.pdf

Attachment: B-14-060 EMPA Grant Add.pdf

Attachment: EMAP Invoice to State.pdf

Attachment: ManateeCoLetterMay2014.pdf

Attachment: Revised Manatee Mod 1 EMPA - EMAP.pdf

31. West Coast-Southern Medical, Inc., Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity * Eschenfelder

Attachment: 2014 Memo from West Coast waiver of app.pdf

Attachment: 2014 14-128 review and determination.pdf

Attachment: West Coast COPCN Certificate 2014.pdf

Attachment: Resolution R-14-75.pdf

Attachment: West Coast Agmt 2014.pdf

32. EMS Billing Adjustments - April 2014

Attachment: April 2014 Att A.pdf

33. Write Off Uncollectible EMS Ambulance User Fees

Attachment: April 2014 ATT A.pdf

Attachment: April 2014 ATT B.pdf

Attachment: April 2014 ATT C.pdf

Public Works

34. Erie Road & 69th Street East * Adibe

Attachment: Erie Rd & 69thStE_Amendment_Stipulation of Parties_5-13-14_14-092_FINAL.pdf

Attachment: SchulhoferR_Relocation of Railroad Crossing Erie & 69th St. E._14-092_FINAL.pdf

35. Interlocal Agreement With FDOT (Traffic Management Center) * Eschenfelder

Attachment: Interlocal FDOT.pdf

Attachment: RLS 13-203 Response-FDOT Space in Traffic Mngt Ctr.pdf

Attachment: Interlocal Agreement_2005-366.pdf

36. Surplus Equipment

Attachment: Surplus List 6-3-14.pdf

Attachment: Surplus List Non Asset 6-3-14.pdf

Attachment: Reconciliation List 6-3-14.pdf

Attachment: Resolution R-14-068.pdf

Attachment: Resolution R-14-069.pdf

Attachment: Resolution R-14-070.pdf

37. Surplus Vehicles

Attachment: Surplus Vehicles 6-3-14.pdf


38. Motion to Approve Consent Agenda -- Approved, Unanimous



CIVIC CENTER AUTHORITY (Robin DiSabatino, Chairman)


PORT AUTHORITY (Carol Whitmore, Chairman)

D. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentations Upon Request)

E. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentation Scheduled)

Neighborhood Services

39. Manatee County Ordinance 14-28 Southwest County Improvement District * Clague

Attachment: SW TIF District Map.pdf

Attachment: Ordinance 14 28 Final.pdf

Attachment: Southwest Co Improvement District Legal Notice.pdf -- Approved, 5 to 2, Baugh and Gallen dissent  (More on story

40. Manatee County Ordinance 14-31 Economic Development Ad Valorem Tax Exemption * Clague

Attachment: Econ Dev Ad Valorem Tax Exemption Ordinance Legal Notice.pdf

Attachment: EDTE ORDINANCE NO 14 031.pdf

Attachment: EDTE Resolution R 14 084.pdf

Attachment: Resolution Exhibit A EDTE Policy Guide.pdf

Attachment: Resolution Exhibit B Economic Development Application.pdf



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