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Manatee County Commission Agenda Results: April 22, 2014


BRADENTON -- At Tuesday's BOCC meeting, commissioners approved Resolution R14-072 making April, 25, 2014 "Free Transit Day" in Manatee County. In other business, county attorney Micky Palmer postponed a vote on the revised procedures for meetings of the County Commissioners: Resolution 2014; to be heard at a later date.   

1. Invocation led by Pastor Joey Mimbs, Bethel Baptist Church



Changes to Agenda

2. Updates to Agenda


Awards and Presentations

3. Extension Master Gardener Graduation 2014

Attachment: List of Students for BCC.pdf

4. Presentation of 2014 FPTA's Roadeo Award received by MCAT/Fleet Services to the Board

Attachment: 2014 Roadeo Background.pdf

Attachment: Rodeo 2014.pdf

Proclamations (Motion required to adopt proclamations) -- Approved, Unanimous

5. Carren Burnell Day

Attachment: Carren Burnell Day Proclamation - 042214.pdf

6. Jay King Day

Attachment: Jay King Day Proclamation - 042214.pdf

7. National Arbor Day

Attachment: National Arbor Day Proclamation - 042214.pdf

Attachment: Arbor Day Schedule of Events.pdf

Attachment: Arbor Day Celebration Agenda.pdf

8. Relay for Life Month

Attachment: Relay for Life Month Proclamation - 042214.pdf

REQUEST BY COMMISSIONERS (Items to be pulled from Consent Agenda)

CITIZEN COMMENTS (Consent Agenda Items Only)

9. Citizen Comments --


Clerk of Circuit Court

10. Clerk's Consent Agenda

Attachment: 04222014 Clerk's Consent Agenda.pdf


11. Dashboard Report for March 2014

Attachment: Mar. 2014 dashboards.pdf

Attachment: MARCH 2014 PSCC RPT.pdf

Building and Development Services

12. Final Plat - Soleil West

Attachment: Application Packet docs.pdf

Attachment: Agreements and Bonds.pdf

Attachment: Declaration, Articles, and Bylaws 1of 3.pdf

Attachment: Declaration, Articles, and Bylaws 2 of 3.pdf

Attachment: Declaration, Articles, and Bylaws 3 of 3.pdf

13. Michael D. and Anissa R. Billiter, Code Enforcement Case Number CE2012100079

Attachment: BOCC Attachments 4-22-2014 Billiter[1].pdf

Financial Management

14. Approval of Utilities System Payment-in-lieu-of-Taxes R-14-051

Attachment: R-14-051 Payment in Lieu of Taxes - Utilities System.pdf

15. Budget Amendment Resolutions

Attachment: B-14-048_Resolution_Narrative.pdf

16. Change Order # 1 to Contract # 11-1568-BG (Lena Road Gas Electric Generator Phase I) with Bond Rider

Attachment: Change Order # 1 with Bond Rider.pdf

17. Change Order # 2 to Invitation for Bid #12-1144-OV, Second 10 MG Reclaimed Water Storage Tank and High Service Pump Station at the Southwest Water Reclamation Facility

Attachment: CO.#2.FOR EXECUTION OF CO.4.9.2014..pdf



18. IFB #14-0131CD - Rehabilitation of Headworks and Internal Recycle Pumps at the Southeast Water Reclamation Facility

Attachment: 14-0131CD Tabulation.pdf

Attachment: 14-0131CD Departmental Recommendation for Award.pdf

Attachment: BA B-14-051.pdf

Attachment: 14-0131CD Brandes Design-Build Contract.pdf

Neighborhood Services

19. Amendment Number 1 to State Aid to Libraries Grant Agreement

Attachment: Amendment 1 State Aid to Libraries 2014 (2).pdf

20. Created Equal: America's Equal Rights Struggle Grant

Attachment: Resolution R-14-049.pdf

Attachment: Created Equal Award Notice.pdf

Attachment: Budget Resolution B-14-052.pdf

Parks and Natural Resources

21. Florida Department of Environmental Protection Grant Amendment for Neal Preserve Trails

Attachment: Nealamendment2.pdf

Public Works

22. Bonds - Central Park, Subphase A-1b - Accept Private Extension Agreement and Surety Bond Verification

Attachment: Central Pk A1b Agreement.pdf

Attachment: Central Pk A1b Surety Verification.pdf

23. Bonds - Central Park, Subphase B2a - Accept Private Extension Agreement, Accept Surety Verification Certificate

Attachment: Central Park B2a Agreement.pdf

Attachment: Surety Bond Central Park B2a.pdf

24. Bonds - Central Park, Subphase B2c - Accept Private Extension Agreement, Accept Surety Verification Certificate

Attachment: Central Park B2c Agreement.pdf

Attachment: Surety Bond Central Park B2c.pdf

25. Bonds - Central Park, Subphase Caa - Accept Private Extension Agreement, Accept Surety Verification Certificate

Attachment: Central Pk Caa Agreement.pdf

Attachment: Central Pk Caa Surety Verification.pdf

26. Bonds - Central Park, Subphase D-1aa - Accept Private Extension Agreement, Accept Surety Verification Certificate

Attachment: Central Pk D1aa Agreement.pdf

Attachment: Central Pk D1aa Surety Verification.pdf

27. Bonds - Concession, Phase I - Release Private Improvements Agreement, Release Letter of Credit

28. Bonds - Concession, Phase II, Block A - Release Private Improvements Agreement, Release Letter of Credit

29. Bonds - Concession, Phase II, Block B, and Phase III - Release Private Improvements Agreement, Release Letter of Credit

30. Bonds - Copperstone, Phase IIB - Accept Public Extension Agreement, Accept Surety Verification Certificate

Attachment: Copperstone IIB Ext Agreement.pdf

Attachment: Copperstone IIB Surety Verification.pdf

31. Bonds - Copperstone, Phase IIB - Accept Private Extension Agreement, Accept Surety Verification Certificate

Attachment: Copperstone IIB Ext Agreement.pdf

Attachment: Copperstone IIB Surety VC.pdf

32. Bonds - Copperstone, Phase IIB - Accept Private Extension Agreement, Accept Surety Verification Certificate

Attachment: Copperstone Ph IIB Pvt Ext Agreement.pdf

Attachment: Copperstone Ph IIB Surety Bond VC.pdf

33. Bonds - Esplanade at Lakewood Ranch, Phase 2 - Accept Private Extension Agreement, Accept Surety Verification

Attachment: Esplanade Ph 2 Pvt Impv Agree.pdf

Attachment: Surety Bond Verification Esplanade Ph 2.pdf

34. Bonds - Harrison Ranch, Phase IIA - Release Defect Security Agreement, Release Surety Bond

35. Bonds - Malachite Drive, Phase 1, Component of Central Park - Release Defect Agreement, Release Surety Bond

36. Bonds - Pope Road, Phase 2A, and Malachite Drive, Phase 2 - Release Performance Agreement and Surety Bond; Accept Defect Security and Surety Bond

Attachment: Pope Rd Ph 2A Malachite Dr Ph 2 Agreement.pdf

Attachment: Pope Rd Ph 2A Malachite Dr Ph 2 Surety Bond.pdf

37. Bonds - Rangeland Parkway Station 66+98 to Station 80+90 - Accept Defect Security Agreement and Surety Bond

Attachment: Rangeland Parkway Agreement.pdf

Attachment: Rangeland Parkway Surety.pdf

38. Bonds (Mining) - Altman Parcel #4

Attachment: Surety Rider Verification for Altman.pdf

39. Bonds (Mining) - Four Corners Mine

Attachment: Surety Rider Verification Four Corners.pdf

40. Bonds (Mining) - Southeast Tract Mine

Attachment: Surety Rider Verificate SE Tract Mind.pdf

41. No Thru Commercial Vehicles - Ordinance 14-14 * Cooney

Attachment: Ordinance 14-14.pdf

Attachment: CAO memo dated 3-20-14.pdf

42. Surplus Equipment

Attachment: Surplus list 4-22-14.pdf

Attachment: Reconciliation list 4-22-14.pdf


43. Motion to Approve Consent Agenda -- Approved, Unanimous


44. Citizen Comments


CIVIC CENTER AUTHORITY (Robin DiSabatino, Chairman)


PORT AUTHORITY (Carol Whitmore, Chairman)

D. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentations Upon Request)

E. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentation Scheduled)



45. Revised procedures for meetings of the Board of County Commissioners * Palmer

Attachment: Board Procedures Resolution--2014.pdf

Attachment: Board Procedures document--2014.pdf -- Postponed to a later date.

Public Works

46. "Try Transit Day" with Free Fixed Route Bus Rides

Attachment: Resolution R-14-072.pdf -- On April 25, MCAT and SCAT will not be charging for fix-route services --  Approved, Unanimous




47. Commissioner Comments -- 

Commissioner Gallen -- mentioned the NAACP "Spot-Shooter program, where instruments can detect real gunshots and pinpoint their location. Gallen said it would be good to look to see if it would be effective in Bradenton, and at grants that might support it.


Commissioner Benac -- said she was going to take a tour with TBARTA of the Port of Tampa and mentioned the Red Light cameras. Made a motion to have the County Attorney read the law sometime soon. Benac said most people don't know what it says. Motion to have County Attorney read to the public the red light camera law -- Approved, Unanimous


Commissioner Whitmore -- asked if there was a development near the island that was one of Bradenton annexation, and that it looked like the construction waste was going straight into the shoreline. Whitmore also wanted to know what was going on with the county's No-Kill status for animal services.


Commissioner Chappie -- said he has received some calls from those in his district, wanting to know how they could 'improve their quality of life, and make their lives better?' Chappie said he didn't know what to tell them. The conversation turned into 45 minutes of nobody knowing, or even how to be empathize. 


The often embarrassing conversation commissioners carried on for the best part of an hour ended by concl


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