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Manatee County Commission Agenda Results: January 8, 2013


BRADENTON -- At Tuesday's BOCC meeting, commissioners voted in new Planning Commission Board members and a Historic Preservation Board member. The Commission also voted to send the City of Palmetto a letter that states they are only waiting for the City to submit the $800,000 they promised, along with a contract, in order to start breaking ground for the Little League fields. In other business, County Administrator Ed Hunziker gave the County's 2012 Annual Report.


Manatee County Government Administrative Center
Commission Chambers, First Floor
9:00 a.m. January 8, 2013

January 8, 2013 Regular Meeting

MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Larry Bustle, Chairman)
INVOCATION (The commission does not endorse the religious beliefs of any speaker.)

1. Invocation led by Rev. James Rosenburg, Trinity United Methodist Church


Changes to Agenda

2. Updates to Agenda


Awards and Presentations

3. Employee of the Month - Mike Chubb
Attachment: chubb.pdf
Attachment: Chub_EOMNomination.pdf

4. 2013 Manatee County Fair

REQUEST BY COMMISSIONERS (Items to be pulled from Consent Agenda)
CITIZEN COMMENTS (Consent Agenda Items Only)

Clerk of Circuit Court

5. Clerks Consent Agenda
Attachment: 20130108.pdf

Financial Management

6. Budget Amendments
Attachment: B-13-027 Resolution_Narrative.pdf

Neighborhood Services

7. Economic Development Incentive Grant, Project Avalanche (R-13-016)
Attachment: Project Avalanche R-13-016.pdf

8. Local Qualified Target Industry Program (QTI) Project Dyson R-13-012
Attachment: Project Dyson QTI Resolution.pdf
Attachment: Project Dyson R-09-004.pdf

9. SHIP Lien Release on Short Sale for Allison Burch
Attachment: A Burch Hardship Ltr.pdf
Attachment: A Burch Settlement Offer.pdf
Attachment: A Burch HUD Settlement Stmt.pdf
Attachment: A Burch Sales Contract.pdf
Attachment: A Burch Property Appraiser Value.pdf

Parks and Recreation

10. Authorization to Solicit a Small Dollar Concession
Property Management

11. Conveyance of a Borrow Pit Site to FDOT
Attachment: borrow pit.resolution.pdf
Attachment: borrow.pit.deed.pdf
Attachment: SR 70 MJ Rd Borrow Pit Site Loc Map.pdf

12. DDR Southeast Cortez, L.L.C. - Utility Easement
Attachment: UE - DDR Southeast Cortez.pdf
Attachment: Affidavit - DDR Southeast Cortez.pdf
Attachment: Location map for DDR Southeast Cortez.pdf

13. Recording of a Road Plat Map
Attachment: Location Map-HarlleeRoad.pdf
Attachment: HarlleeRoad_ROW-Map.pdf
Attachment: Affidavit-HarlleeRoad.pdf

14. Recording of a Road Plat Map
Attachment: LocationMap-39thStreetEast.pdf
Attachment: 39thStreetEast_ROW-Map.pdf
Attachment: Affidavit-39thStreetEast.pdf

15. Beall's, Inc. property acquisition located at 44th Ave. East (12th Street East to 19th Street Court East)
Attachment: Bealls executed Special Warranty Deed .pdf
Attachment: Bealls executed TCE .pdf
Attachment: Bealls executed Affidavit .pdf
Attachment: Bealls Acquisition location Map .pdf

16. Resolution R-13-014, Public Works 26th Street Complex, declaring a public hearing. * Wade
Attachment: appl public works.doc.pdf
Attachment: RLS PW6.pdf
Attachment: PW 12th St Ct E RW Vac Loc Map.pdf
Attachment: resolution13014.pdf

Public Safety

17. Removal of Uncollectible EMS Accounts for Accounts Receivable
Attachment: November 2012 Resolution R-13-007 with ATT. A and ATT. B.pdf
Attachment: November 2012 ATT. C.pdf

18. Longboat Key COPCN * Eschenfelder
Attachment: Request from LBK 121012.pdf
Attachment: 12-340 COPCN renewal LBK legal.pdf
Attachment: R-13-05.pdf
Attachment: Longboat Key COPCN 2013 Certificate.pdf

Public Works

19. FY 2012-2013 Joint Participation Agreement for State Transit Service Development Program
Attachment: R-13-010.pdf

20. Elderly and Person with Disabilities Program - FDOT 5310 Program Grant Application
Attachment: JPA.pdf
Attachment: R-13-009.pdf


21. Approval of Transmittal to the Peace River/Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority of Water Supply Projections and Future Water Supply Needs from the Authority
Attachment: 2013PRMRWSAWaterProjectionsLetter.pdf

22. City of Sarasota Wastewater Sludge Processing Agreement
Attachment: City of Sarasota Wastewater Sludge Processing Agreement.pdf

January 8, 2013 Consent Agenda -- Approved, Unanimous





CITIZEN COMMENTS (Consideration for Future Agenda)

Building and Development Services

23. Planning Commission Appointment
Attachment: PC newapppkt 1301.pdf
Attachment: Planning Commission Applications for January 2013.pdf -- Richard Bedford and Joseph Strub were appointed -- Motion to appoint  -- Approved, Unanimous  
Bedford and 
24. Historic Preservation Board Appointment
Attachment: HPB 2013 reappointment packet.pdf
Attachment: Historic Preservation January 3, 2013 applications.pdf --  Bill Burger won draw -- Motion to appoint Mr. Burger (approved 5 - 2)

CIVIC CENTER AUTHORITY (Robin DiSabatino, Chairman)

Consent Agenda 

25. License Agreement with Crosley Foundation for 2013 fundraising events
Attachment: agreement with President signature.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous 

COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (Betsy Benac, Chairman) -- Motion to take issues to workshop -- Approved, Unanimous