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Manatee County Commission Land Use Meeting Agenda Results:10/3/13


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BRADENTON -- At Thursday's BOCC Land Use meeting, members voted again to deny a General Plan Development request to rezone 5.48 acres, off S.R. 70 at Verna Bethany Road, Bradenton from A (General Agriculture) to the PDC (Planned Development Commercial) zoning district. Residents stood firm before the commission to demonstrate why the proposed project was an unwanted blight on their way of life.

MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Larry Bustle, Chairman)

INVOCATION (The commission does not endorse the religious beliefs of any speaker.)

1. Invocation led by Reverend Robert Dvorak, Trailer Estates Evangelical Covenant Church




REQUEST BY COMMISSIONERS (Items to be pulled from Consent Agenda)

CITIZEN COMMENTS (Consent Agenda Items Only)


Financial Management

2. Circle K Stores, Inc., Application for Impact Fee Credit - CA-13-02(T) -- Approved, 6-0, Whitmore absent

Attachment: Ord PDC-05-24(Z)(P).pdf

Attachment: BCC Minutes 2-7-2008.pdf

Attachment: Credit Authorization #CA-13-02(T).pdf

Attachment: Final Authorization of Credit #CA-13-02(T).pdf

Attachment: Warranty Deed.pdf




D. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentations Upon Request)

Building and Development Services

3. Ordinance 13-26 - Certified Local Government - Land Development Code Amendment - Legislative - Kathleen Thompson -- Approved, Unanimous

Attachment: Staff Report - Certified Local Government Ordinance 13-26 - 10-3-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Ordinance 13-26 - Certified Local Government - 10-3-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Application Package for Certified Local Government - Ordinance 13-26 - 10-3-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Ord. 13-26 - Certified Local Government - 10-3-13 BC.pdf

4. PDR-13-22(Z)(P) - Park Place Investments - Park Place Estates - DTS20130142 - Quasi-Judicial - Shelley Hamilton -- Approved, Unanimous

Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - PDR-13-22(Z)(P) - Park Place Investments, LLC - 10-3-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Staff Report - PDR-13-22(Z0(P) - Park Place Investments, LLC - 10-3-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Zoning Disclosure Affidavit - PDR-13-22(Z)(P) - Park Place Investments - 10-3-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - PDR-13-22(Z)(P) - Park Place Investments - 10-3-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Ordinance - Park Place Investments - PDR-13-22(Z)(P) - 10-3-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Requests for Specific Approval - PDR-13-22(Z)(P) - Park Place Investment - 10-3-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Site Plan - PDR-13-22(Z)(P) - Park Place Investments - 10-3-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Slideshow - Planner - PDR-13-22(Z)(P) - Park Place Investments - 10-3-13 BC.pdf

5. Ordinance 13-28 - Lakewood Centre DRI (DRI27) - Quasi-Judicial - Shelley Hamilton -- Approve, Unanimous

Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - Lakewood Centre - Ord. 13-28 - 10-3-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Staff Report - Lakewood Center - Ord. 13-28 - 10-3-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Development Order - Lakewood Centre - Ord. 13-28 - 10-3-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Exhibit A (Map H) to Development Order - Lakewood Centre - Ord. 13-28 - 10-3-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Exhibit B to Development Order - Lakewood Centre - Ord. 13-28 - 10-3-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Slideshow - Planner - Lakewood Centre - Ord. 13-28 - 10-3-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspapers Advertising - Lakewood Centre - Ord. 13-28 - 10-3-13 BC.pdf

6. PDMU-06-30(G)(R2) - Lakewood Centre - DTS20130245 - Quasi-Judicial - Shelley Hamilton -- Approved, Unanimous

Attachment: Staff Report - Lakewood Centre - GDP - PDMU-06-30(G)(R2) - 10-3-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - Lakewood Centre GDP - PDMU-06-30(G)(R2) - 10-3-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Lakewood Centre - GDP - PDMU-06-30(G)(R2) - 10-3-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Zoning Ordinance - Lakewood Centre - GDP - PDMU-06-30(G)(R2) - 10-3-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Exhibit 1 - Zoning Ordinance - GDP - Lakewood Centre - PDMU-06-30(G)(R2) - 10-3-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Exhibit 2 - Zoning Ordinance - Legal Description - Lakewood Centre - GDP - PDMU-06-30(G)(R2) - 10-3-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Exhibit 3 - Zoning Ordinance - Building Design Exhibits - Lakewood Centre - GDP - PDMU-06-30(G)(R2) - 10-3-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Slideshow - Planner - Lakewood Centre GDP - PDMU-06-30(G)(R2) - 10-3-13 BC.pdf

E. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentation Scheduled)

Building and Development Services

7. PDC-13-23(Z)(G) - Thomas A. Howze u-a-d - Howze Rezone - DTS20130153 - Quasi-Judicial - Shelley Hamilton -- Motion to deny the General Development Plan: Approved, 5-2, Bustle and Benac dissenting (full story)

Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - Howze Rezone - PDC-13-23(Z)(G) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Staff Report - Howze Rezone - PDC-13-23(Z)(G) - 10-3-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Stipulations Revised at Planning Commission on July 11, 201.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Howze Rezone - PDC-13-23(Z)(G) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Ordinance Howze Rezone PDC13-23(Z)(G) 10-03-13 bcc.pdf

Attachment: Public Comments - Howze Rezone - PDC-13-23(Z)(G) - 10-03-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Site Plan - Howze Rezone - PDC-13-23(Z)(G) -10-3-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Special Approval Request Letter - Howze Rezone - PDC-13-23(Z)(G) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Traffic Impact Statement - Howze Rezone - PDC-13-23(Z)(G) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf