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Manatee County Commission Meeting Agenda Results 11/05/2013


BRADENTON -- At Tuesday's Manatee County Commission meeting, the Manatee Sheriff's Office and State Attorney's Office beefed-up the rules as to how they will seek and find those who prey on our elderly citizens. In other business, residents from the Washington Park community want the park that they were led to believe was forthcoming, to be put back on the table.

MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Larry Bustle, Chairman)

INVOCATION (The commission does not endorse the religious beliefs of any speaker.)

1. Invocation led by Shirley Baucom, Executive Director, Care Net Manasota Pregnancy Center


Presentation of Colors

2. Presentation of Colors by Marine Corps League Detachment #588, Bradenton, Florida, who will also lead the Pledge of Allegiance


Items Scheduled for Time Certain

3. 9:30 A.M. TIME CERTAIN - ITEM #40 - Report on White Collar Crime Unit-Elder Abuse Program

Changes to Agenda

4. Updates to Agenda



5. Employee of the Month - Charlie Belford

Attachment: Belford_EOM_Nov.pdf

Attachment: Belford_Nomination08092013085829.pdf

Proclamations (Motion required to adopt proclamations) -- Approved, Unanimous

6. Veterans Day 2013

Attachment: Veterans Day - 11.05.13.pdf

7. Farm City Week

Attachment: Farm City Week - 11.05.13.pdf

8. VIVA Florida 500 Time Capsule

Attachment: VIVA Florida 500 - 11.05.13.pdf

REQUEST BY COMMISSIONERS (Items to be pulled from Consent Agenda) -- #32 pulled for continuance  #27 for modification

CITIZEN COMMENTS (Consent Agenda Items Only)

9. Citizen Comments -- 


Clerk of Circuit Court

10. Clerk's Consent Agenda

Attachment: 110513.pdf


11. 2013 County Held Tax Certificates

Attachment: Written Notice to Proceed.pdf

Attachment: List of Properties 13.pdf

Attachment: Property Appraisor Descriptions.pdf

Attachment: Legal Authority.pdf

12. Fort Hamer Road Water Main Crossing Project / Parcel 803

Attachment: Fort Hamer Waterline PUE 803- Loc Map.pdf

Attachment: Resolution_R-13-207.pdf

Attachment: Resolution_R-13-208.pdf

13. Jeffrey Riffel and Lynnette Riffel v. Manatee County, Case No. 2011-CA-7807, CAO File No. 4842

14. Revisions to Procedures for the Appointment of Hearing Officer's-Resolution 13-197

Attachment: HO RES Revised 10-2-2013.pdf

Attachment: HOs Candidates Land Use 2013.Ex. A.pdf

Attachment: HOs Candidates Due Proc 2013 Ex. B.pdf

Attachment: HO Resolution 13-080.pdf

Building and Development Services

15. FINAL PLAT - Heritage Harbour, Subphase J, Unit 2

Attachment: Application & Legal Documents.pdf

Attachment: Bonds & Agreements.pdf

Attachment: Drainage Easements.pdf

Attachment: Homeowner Documents.pdf

16. Incentive Program for Building Department Licenses

Attachment: R-13-206.pdf

Community Services

17. Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Memorandum of Understanding

Attachment: DataExchangeMOU.pdf

18. FY2013-2014 Non-Profit Agency Funding Agreements

Attachment: Sample Agreement 2.pdf

19. FY2014 Children's Services Non-Profit Agency Agreements

Attachment: 2014 Sample agreement.pdf

Financial Management

20. Change Order #1 to Agreement #13-0773CD, US 301 @ Fort Hamer Road Intersection Improvements

Attachment: Change Order #1 to Gator Grading Contract.pdf

Attachment: B-14-016.pdf

21. IFB #13-1542CD - Rehabilitation of Headworks and Clarifier 3 and 4 at the Southwest Water Reclamation Facility

Attachment: Brandes Design-Build Contract.pdf

Attachment: 13-1542CD Tabulation.pdf

Attachment: B-14-018.pdf

22. IFB #13-1674CD - Digester Modifications at the Southwest Water Reclamation Facility

Attachment: RTD Construction Contract.pdf

Attachment: 13-1674CD Tabulation.pdf

Attachment: BA 14.017.pdf

23. FY13 Budget Amendments

Attachment: B-13-077 Resolution_Narrative.pdf

24. FY14 Budget Amendments

Attachment: B-14-012 Resolution_Narrative.pdf

Parks and Natural Resources

25. Mosaic Fertilizer, LLC, Contribution for Rye Environmental Center

Attachment: Letter from Mosaic.pdf

Attachment: Ord 08-032.pdf

Attachment: Budget Resolution B-14-015.pdf

Property Management

26. 44th Avenue East, U.S. 41 to 15th Street East, CIP Project #6001060. Parcel 720 owned by Oneco Associates, LLC., Temporary Construction Easement located at 44th Avenue East and 12th Street Court East, Bradenton, Florida.

Attachment: TCE renewal Oneco 720.pdf

Attachment: AOE Oneco 720.pdf

Attachment: 44th Ave E Parcel 720 loc map 10232013.pdf

27. Resolution 13-198, Easement Exchange of County Property with Taylor Morrison of Florida Inc., located on Pope Road North of Rangeland Parkway. * Adibe

Attachment: Mod of DE agree taylor morrison exchange.pdf

Attachment: AOE taylor morrison exchange.pdf

Attachment: RLS-Form_TaylorMorrison_EasementExchange_RLS-13-220(2).pdf

Attachment: Taylor Morrison exchange location map.pdf

Attachment: Resolution R-13-198.pdf

Attachment: legal ad for notice of exchange 10312013.pdf -- Pulled

28. Subordination of Utility Interests to the State of Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), Parcel 100.3 located at the southwest corner of US Highway 41 and Bayshore Gardens Parkway. * Wade

Attachment: Parcel 100.3 Resolution.pdf

Attachment: Parcel 100.3 Subordination.pdf

Attachment: Parcel 100.3 Wade RLS.pdf

Attachment: Parcel 100.3 illustration map .pdf

Attachment: Parcel 100.3 Location Map.pdf

Public Safety

29. Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Grant Award* Cooney

Attachment: FY 13-14 CERT Grant 14-CI-__-__-__-__-___.pdf

Attachment: RLS Approval 13-265 Homeland Security Grant for CERT.pdf

Attachment: R-13-204 CERT Grant.pdf

Attachment: B-14-014 FDEP FY14 CERT Program.pdf

30. Write Off Uncollectible EMS Ambulance User Fees

Attachment: September 2013 ATT. A.pdf

Attachment: September 2013 ATT. C.pdf

Public Works

31. 2014 Year Community Transportation Coordination Agreements

Attachment: Provider Coordination Agreement 2014.pdf

32. Landscape Maintenance Agreement for State Road 64 from 27th St E to west of I-75 -- Pulled for continuance 

Attachment: SR 64 Landscape_Maintenance_Agreement.pdf

Attachment: Resolution R-13-205.pdf


33. Time Payment Agreements

Attachment: Time Payment Agreements.pdf

34. USGS Annual Joint Funding Agreement FY14

Attachment: USGS JFA FY14.pdf


35. Motion to Approve Consent Agenda -- Approved, Unanimous  


36. Citizen Comments (Consideration for Future Agenda) -- Palmetto residents and members of the Eternity Temple Washington Park Community Development Corp. Inc. showed up to reason with the board about an overlooked 88-acre borrow pit that was once slated to become a community park. -- (More on story to follow)



37. Appointment to the DJJ 12th Circuit Advisory Board  -- BOCC Chairman, Larry Bustle was nominated -- Approved, Unanimous

CIVIC CENTER AUTHORITY (Robin DiSabatino, Chairman)


PORT AUTHORITY (Carol Whitmore, Chairman)

D. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentations Upon Request)

Building and Development Services

38. LDA-13-03 - Northwest Sector - Lakewood Centre Local Development Agreement

Attachment: SMR LWC NWS LDA Clean 10 25 13 with exhibits.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - SMR Northwest Sector and Lakewood Centre DRI's LDA.pdf

Attachment: Project Location Maps.pdf -- No action necessary, this is the first of two hearings.

Property Management

39. Resolution R-13-192, Tamiami Farms Subdivision, Platted Right-of-Way Vacation Request for Carole Lynn Marler. * Adibe

Attachment: marler application revised 111813.pdf

Attachment: Marler RLS CAO response.pdf

Attachment: Tamiami Farms plat.pdf

Attachment: R-13-192.pdf

Attachment: Affidavit for sign etal marler.pdf

Attachment: Erie Ct Parrish - Marler RW Vac Loc Map.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous

E. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentation Scheduled)



Administrator (9:30 a.m. Time Certain)

40. Report on White Collar Crime Unit - Elder Abuse Program -- Michelle Hall, from the Manatee County Sheriffs's Office, and Lisa Chittaro, Assistant State Attorney, reported on the difficulty solving crimes perpetrated upon our elder population. Chittaro and Hall are preparing a Elder Abuse Program designed to expedite and broaden their legal scope and timelines authorities are up against when trying to catch a thief. -- (More on story to follow)   


41. The Twenty-Eighth Annual Report of the County Attorney's Office -- It was 28 years ago when Chip Rice started his first delivery of the Manatee County Attorney's Office Annual Report. The CAO now has eight lawyers and 23 staff, and uses one-half of one percent of the county's budget.



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