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Manatee County Commission Moves Toward Reversing Wetland Policy Changes


BRADENTON — At Tuesday's meeting, Manatee County Commissioners voted 6-0 to direct staff to bring to the board amendments to the comprehensive land use plan that would restore the recently reduced wetland protection policy. 

Commissioner Jason Bearden made the motion after being an ardent supporter of removing the wetland protection policies and defaulting to the minimum protections required by the state. That change was approved 5-1, with only Commissioner George Kruse opposing. 

Reversing the policy will require repeating the entire process, including a presentation to the Manatee Planning Commission, multiple public hearings, and transmittal to the state for comments before a final vote. Given the timeline, that vote will be taken after the new board is seated, following the November election. 


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  • David Daniels

    If only you could reverse all of the not-so-smart things you've said (or shouted) from the dais, Mr. Bearden. When the attorney has to explain things like you are a 2nd grader, maybe you should not be in charge of a $3 billion budget.

    Sunday, September 15, 2024 Report this

  • Cat L

    Well, there's a good start.

    Sunday, September 15, 2024 Report this

  • Debann

    YEAH BEARDEN NEEDS TO GO.!!!!!!he's useless...a day late dollar short . NOW he wants to save face...PEOPLE WON'T FORGET HOW PATHETIC YOU ARE

    Sunday, September 15, 2024 Report this

  • susieb.copeland

    You think he is kind of scared now because he saw the handwriting on the wall—he is next to be GONE!

    Tuesday, September 17, 2024 Report this