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Manatee County Land Use Meeting Agenda Results: 9/8/2013


BRADENTON -- The battle for country dwellers to stay out of the city mix was continued to October 3, and in other business, proposals for developments moving closer, rather the further from town, were a few of the items at Thursday's Land Use Meeting, the second one the BOCC held this week. 


1. Invocation led by Pastor George Hefner, Colony Baptist Church



Changes to Agenda

12. Changes to Agenda

Attachment: 130808.pdf


REQUEST BY COMMISSIONERS (Items to be pulled from Consent Agenda)

CITIZEN COMMENTS (Consent Agenda Items Only)





D. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentations Upon Request)

Building and Development Services

2. PDR-07-06(Z)(P)(R2) - Wiley Family Trust - and Neal Communities of Southwest Florida - Eagle Trace Subdivision - DTS20130039 - B00000191 - Quasi-Judicial - To be continued to no date set and readvertised at the request of applicant -- Will continue to an announced date -- Approved, Unanimous 

3. PDPI-03-21(G)(R2) - Lena Road Landfill - Southeast Wastewater Treatment Plant - DTS20130123 - Quasi-Judicial - Lisa Barrett

Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - Southeast Wastewater - Lena Road Landfill - PDPI-03-21)G)(R2) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Staff Report - Southeast Wastewater Lena Road Landfill - PDPI-03-21(G)(R2) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Southeast Wastewater Lena Road Landfill - PDPI-03-21(G)(R2) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Ordinance - SE Wastewater Treatment - Lena Road Landfill - PDPI-03-21(G)(R2) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Site Plan - Southeast Wastewater Treatment Lena Road Landfill - PDPI-03-21(G)(R2) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Slideshow - Planner - Southeast Wastewater Treatment Lena Road Landfill - PDPI-03-21(G)(R2) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous

4. LDA-08-05(R) - Amended Local Development Agreement for Parrish Plantation - DTS#20130150 - Legislative - Lisa Barrett

Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - Parrish Plantation LDA - LDA-08-05(R) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: LDA-08-05(R) - Recommended LDA - Parrish Plantation LDA - LDA-08-05(R) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: PSP Attachement to LDA - Parrish Plantation LDA - LDA-08-05(R) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: LDA-08-05 Approved LDA with Exhibits - Parrish Plantation LDA - LDA-08-05(R) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Parrish Plantation LDA - LDA-08-05(R) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous

5. PDMU-06-86(P)(R2) - SMT Auto, LLC - First Auto Sales (Related to Alco Properties of Manatee County, Inc. - Copeman Development) - DTS#20120402 - Quasi-Judicial - Stephanie Moreland

Attachment: Staff Report - First Auto Sales - PDMU-06-86(P)(R2) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Specific Approval Letter - First Auto Sales - PDMU-06-86(P)(R2) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - First Auto Sales - PDMU-06-86(P)(R2) - 8-8-13.pdf

Attachment: Slideshow - Planner - First Auto Sales - PDMU-06-86(P)(R2) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Site Plan - First Auto Sales - PDMU-06-86(P)(R2) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - First Auto Sales - PDMU-06-86(Z)(P)(R2) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Ordinance - First Auto Sales - PDMU-06-86(P)(R2) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous

6. PDMU-12-18(Z)(P) - Wildcat Parrish, LLC - Wildcat Preserve - DTS20120464 - B00000171 - Quasi-Judicial - Rossina Leider

Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - Wildcat Preserve - PDMU-12-18(Z)(P) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Staff Report - Wildcat Preserve - PDMU-12-18(Z)(P) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Zoning Disclosure Affidavit - Wildcat Preserve - PDMU-12-18(Z)(P) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Specifc Approval Request 1 - Wildcat Preserve - PDMU-12-18(Z)(P) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Specific Approval Request 2 - Wildcat Preserve - PDMU-12-18(Z)(P) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Wildcat Preserve - PDMU-12-18(Z)(P) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Color Graphic of plan - Wildcat Preserve - PDMU-12-18(Z)(P) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Ordinance - Wildcat Preserve - PDMU-12-18(Z)(P) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Traffic Impact Statement - Wildcat Preserve - PDMU-12-18(Z)(P) - 8-8-13.pdf

Attachment: Site Plan - Wildcat Preserve - PDMU-12-18(Z)(P) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Supplemental Information - Previous Approval - Wildcat Preserve - 8-8-13 BC.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous

7. PA-13-02 Ord. 13-06 - University Village, LLC - Legislative - Kathleen Thompson

Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - University Village - PA-13-02 Ord. 13-06 - 8-72-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Staff Report - University Village Plan Amendment - PA-13-02 - Ord. 13-06 - 8-8-13 Bc.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - University Village - PA-13-02 - Ord. 13-06 - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Ordinance - University Village - PA-13-02 - Ord. 13-06 - 8-8-13 BC.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous

E. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentation Scheduled)

Building and Development Services

8. PDC-13-23(Z)(G) - Thomas A. Howze u-a-d- Howze Rezone - DTS#20130153 - Quasi-Judicial -Shelley Hamilton

Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - Howze Rezone - PDC-13-23(Z)(G) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Staff Report - Howze Rezone - PDC-13-23(Z)(G) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Special Approval Request Letter - Howze Rezone - PDC-13-23(Z)(G) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Traffic Impact Statement - Howze Rezone - PDC-13-23(Z)(G) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Howze Rezone - PDC-13-23(Z)(G) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Ordinance - Howze Rezone - PDC-13-23(Z)(G) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Public Comments - Howze Rezone - PDC-13-23(Z)(G) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Site Plan - Howze Rezone - PDC-13-23(Z)(G) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Slideshow - Planner - Howze Rezone - PDC-13-23(Z)(G) - 8.8.2013 BC.pdf

Attachment: Zoning Disclosure Affidavit - Howze Rezone - PDC-13-23(Z)(G) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf -- Questions arose that challenged the project -- Motion to continue to Oct. 3, 2013, -- Approved, Unanimous  (Full Story to follow)

9. PDMU-06-16(P)(R5) - University Parkway Properties, LLC - University Groves - DTS20130081 - B00000065 - Quasi-Judicial - Rossina Leider

Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - University Groves - PDMU-06-16(P)(R5) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Staff Report - University Groves - PDMU-06-16(P)(R5) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - University Groves - PDMU-06-16(P)(R5) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Ordinance - University Groves - PDMU-06-16(P)(R5) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Exhibits B & C to Ordinance - University Groves - PDMU-06-16(P)(R5) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Exhibit D to Ordinance - University Groves - PDMU-06-16(P)(R5) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Public Comment - University Groves - PDMU-06-16(P)(R5) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Site Plan - University Groves - PDMU-06-16(P)(R5) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Slideshow - Planner - University Groves - PDMU-06-16(P)(R5) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf -- Commissioners were pleased with the quality of the project and that development was moving closer to the urban core rather than away from it. --  Approved, Unanimous

10. PDMU-13-03(P) - Duke Investments, LLC - University Groves West - DTS20120488 - Quasi-Judicial - Stephanie Moreland

Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - University Groves West - PDMU-13-03(P) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Staff Report - University Groves West - PDMU-13-03(P) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Specific Approval Letters - University Groves West - PDMU-13-03(P) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - University Groves West - PDMU-13-03(P) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Site Plan - University Groves West - PDMU-13-03(P) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Slideshow - Planner - University Groves West - PDMU-13-03(P) - 8-8-13.pdf

Attachment: Slideshow - Public Works - University Groves West - PDMU-13-03(P) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Ordinance - University Grove West - PDMU-13-03(P) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf -- Discussion was mostly about having a second access road. The applicant thought a designated emergency road was sufficient. It was worked out by amending the designated road officially acceptable for its stated use. -- Approved, 6 - 0, Whitmore absent 

11. PDR-13-02(Z)(P) - University Village, LLC - University Village - DTS#20130033 - Kathleen Thompson

Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - University Village - PDR-13-02(Z)(P) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Staff Report - University Village PDR-13-02(Z)(P) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Zoning Disclosure Affidavit - University Village - PDR-13-02(Z)(P) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Specific Approval Request - University Village - PDR-13-02(Z)(P) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - University Village - PDR-13-02(Z)(P) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: School Board letter for pedestrian access - University Village - PDR-13-02(Z)(P) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Site Plan - University Village - PDR-13-02(Z)(P) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Slideshow - Planner - University Village - PDR-13-02(Z)(P) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Slideshow - Public Works - University Village - PDR-13-02(Z)(P) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf

Attachment: Ordinance - University Village - PDR-13-02(Z)(P) - 8-8-13 BC.pdf -- Commissioner DiSabatino said, " This is great, a zoning change from light industry to Residence. -- Approved,  6 - 0, Whitmore absent