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Manatee County Port Authority Agenda Results 9/19/2013


PALMETTO -- At Thursday's Port Authority meeting, Pasha Automotive Services delivered a presentation describing the many divisions of their diversified global logistics and transportation services company and the strategy behind their plan to locate a facility at Port Manatee.  



Invocation –  Tim Huppert, Anchor House 

Pledge of Allegiance

Public Comments 

1.  Employee Recognition --

  •  Mac McGaha -- Operations/Warehouseman – Retirement, 11 years of service 
  • Scott Davies -- Deputy Director of Operations, 25 years of service
  • Jeanine Zeris -- Security Administrative Assistant, 10 years of service


2.  Consent Agenda --

 A. Warrant List

 B. Minutes for Approval: July 30, August 13, and August 15, 2013

 C. Budget Resolution

 CONSENT AGENDA APPROVAL -- Approved, Unanimous

3.  Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Pasha Automotive Services -- Port Authority Chairwoman Carol Whitmore and John Pasha, PASHA's Senior Vice President signed the presented MOU, for plans to locate a PASHA facility at Port Manatee. Members voted and -- Approved, Unanimous  (Full Story)

4.  Presentation – Ivan Mutis – Gooljar, Mutis & Lombana LLC -- GM&L is a strategic consulting firm with over 10 years of experience in assisting the business sector in Europe, Latin America and the United States of America. --  Presentation only, No Vote 

5.  Berth 12 Wharf Extension and Container Terminal Project--   Change Order No. 012 -- Approved, Unanimous

6.  Port Manatee Warehouse Lease Amendment #5 – Arrow Terminals -- Approved, Unanimous


Public Comments

Commissioner Comments -- None