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Manatee County School Board Agenda Results: April 22, 2014


BRADENTON – At Tuesday's meeting, the Manatee School Board voted to approve a contract for external auditing services by Moore Stevens Lovelace PA. During public comments, board members heard several citizens express opposition to the possible sale of the park property on Jessie P. Miller Elementary. The board also approved notice of advertising for revision of its wellness and nutrition policy.

CALL TO ORDER (5:45 p.m.)

1. Call to Order
2. Invocation
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Approval of the Orders of the Day  (Passed 4-1, with board member Dave Miner dissenting)
Attachment: W040814.pdf
Attachment: R040814.pdf
Attachment: Board Material - 04-22-14 revised.pdf
Attachment: Board Material - 04-22-14 2nd revision.pdf

AGENDA AMENDMENTS (Info Only) (5:45 p.m.)

5. Agenda Amendments

RECOGNITIONS (5:45 p.m.)

6. District Website Logo Contest Winner


7. Opening Remarks by Julie B. Aranibar


8. Opening Remarks by Rick W. Mills


9. Central Florida School Board Coalition
10. Legal Department Update
11. Internal Audit Update
Attachment: Board Meeting April 22, 2014.pdf

12. Instructional Services Update
Attachment: K-12 Career and Technical Education Update by Doug Wagner April 22 2014.pdf

13. Operations Update
Attachment: Department Presentation 4 22 2014.pdf


14. Public Comments


15. Approval of Minutes (Passed unanimously)
Attachment: W040814.pdf
Attachment: R040814.pdf

CONSENT ITEMS (6:55 p.m.)

Approval of Consent Agenda

16. Approval of April 22, 2014 Consent Agenda (Items 17-34) (Items 26 and 27 severed with unanimous vote. Acceptance of agenda as amended passed unanimously, followed by a unanimous passing of the consent agenda. Items 26, 27 and 34 became items 33, 34 and 35.)
Purchase(s) Bids $100,000.00 and Under

17. Approval of Bid on Installation and Repair on Irrigation Systems, MCSD No. 14-0044-MR, Not to Exceed $65,000.00
Attachment: 140044 T- Tab Florida Evaluation 3 Column.pdf
Attachment: 140044 BL.pdf
Attachment: 140044 Vendor Lk.pdf

18. Approval to Purchase Automatic Logic Controls, MCSD No. 14-0042-MR, Not to Exceed $75,000.00
19. Approval to Lease Hewlett Packard 3Par Storage Systems, MCSD No. 14-0052-SM, Not to Exceed $91,652.04 Per Year
Attachment: 140052 MLPA Schedule.pdf

Purchase(s) Bids Over $100,000.00

20. Approval of Renewal (2) on School Bus Parts, MCSD No. 10-0048-SM, Not to Exceed $175,000.00
Attachment: 100048tR2.pdf
Attachment: 100048fl.pdf

21. Approval of Proposal on Financial External Auditing Services for a Five Year Contract, MCSD No. 14-0041-MR, Not to Exceed $664,000.00
Attachment: 140041Tab Final.pdf
Attachment: 140041BL.pdf
Attachment: 140041Vendor Lk.pdf
Attachment: 140041 - EVALUATION REPORT.pdf

Contracts and Grants

22. Approval of the Information and Technology Master Lease Agreements, MCSD No. 14-0054-SM, No Financial Impact
Attachment: Master Lease Purchase Agreement FL.pdf
Attachment: Master Operating Lease Agreement FL.10-01-05 2.pdf

23. Approval of the New Agreement Between the School Board of Manatee County and a New Provider for Clinical Experience for Manatee Technical Institute (MTI) Orthopaedic Technician Students for the 2014-2017 School Years
24. Approval to Apply, Accept and Expend the 2014-2015 Farmworker Jobs and Education Program Continuation Grant for $293,302.00
Attachment: Farmworker Grant.pdf

25. Approval to Apply for the Florida Department of Education District Support Bandwidth Grant Action Plan on Behalf of Manatee County Schools in the Amount of $42,347.16 for the 2013-2014 School Year
Attachment: District Bandwidth Support Grant Board Work Attachments.pdf

Capital Projects

26. Approval of High School Athletic Facilities - Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Unit Replacement - Agreement Between Owner and NDC Construction Company - Preconstruction Services and Partial Guaranteed Maximum Price in the amount of $50,950.00 (Item became number 33 after being severed for discussion. Passed 4-0, with board member Bob Gause recusing himself)
Attachment: HS Athletic Facilities HVAC Unit Replacement Summary Sheet.pdf
Attachment: HS Athletic Facilities HVAC Unit Replacement CM Contract.pdf

27. Approval of Anna Maria Elementary - Chiller Replacement - Agreement Between Owner and Halfacre Construction Company - Preconstruction Services and Partial Guaranteed Maximum Price in the amount of $79,930.00 (Item became number 34 on agenda after being severed for discussion. Passed unanimously)
Attachment: Anna Maria Chiller Replacement Summary Sheet.pdf
Attachment: Anna Maria Chiller Replacement CM Contract.pdf

28. Approval of Johnson Middle School - Chilled Water Piping Replacement - Amendment 1 - Agreement Between Owner and Gilbane Building Company - Guaranteed Maximum Price in the amount of $857,546.00
Attachment: JMS Chilled Water Piping Replacement Summary Sheet.pdf
Attachment: JMS Chilled Water Piping Replacement CM Amend 1 w GMP Summary & Rev Exhs.pdf

29. Approval of Educational Plant Supplemental Survey - Manatee Technical Institute 34th Street Campus and Lincoln Middle School - Portable Surplus and Disposal
Attachment: 04.22.14 Spot Survey 4.7 Lincoln MS Surplus Ports 200 & 242.pdf
Attachment: 04.22.14 Spot Survey 4.7 MTI 34th St Surplus & Dispose Ports.pdf

30. Approval of Educational Plant Supplemental Survey - Manatee Technical Institute 34th Street Campus and Bayshore Elementary School - Portable Move and Repurpose
Attachment: 04.22.14 Spot Survey 4.7 MTI 34th St Transfer Port 248.pdf
Attachment: 04.22.14 Spot Survey 4.7 Bayshore ES Receive Port 248.pdf

31. Approval of Request to Declare Surplus and Sell Portables 174, 202, 231, 265 to Iglesia de Dios Proposito Eterno
Attachment: Request Letter Iglesia de Dios Proposito Eterno.pdf
Attachment: Purchase & Sale Agreement Iglesia de Dios Propostio Eterno, Inc.pdf

32. Approval of Request to Declare Surplus and Sell Portables 139 and 942 to Wee Care Christian Academy Corporation
Attachment: Portable Request Wee Care Christian Academy.pdf
Attachment: Purchase & Sale Agreement Portables to Wee Care Christian Academy.pdf

33. Approval of Request to Declare Surplus and Sell Portable 922 to Sarasota International Cricket Club
Attachment: Portable Request SICC.pdf
Attachment: Purchase & Sale Agreement Portable 922 to Sarasota Cricket Club.pdf
Human Resources

34. Approval of the Appointments, Change of Assignments, Deceased, Promotions, Reappointments, Reassignments, Resignations, Retirements, Terminations and Transfers
Item became number 35 after severing of two consent agenda items. Passed unanimously after vote severance of two names, after Gause made a motion do so. On appointment of Mitchell Teitelbaum, approval passed 4-0 with Gause recusing. On promotion of Annette Codelia, approval passed 4-1 with Gause dissenting.
Attachment: Board Material 04-22-14.pdf
Attachment: Board Material - 04-22-14 revised.pdf
Attachment: Board Material - 04-22-14 2nd revision.pdf



35. Leaves for April 22, 2014 Board Meeting
Attachment: Leaves for 04-22-14.pdf

NEW BUSINESS (Discussion Items Pulled from Consent)
NEW BUSINESS (Non-Consent Items) (6:58 p.m.)

36. Approval for Professional Services with Shinn and Company to Provide Internal Audit Services for the Remainder of Fiscal Year 14, Not to Exceed $17,500.00 
Attachment: 031714 Internal Audit Services Fiscal Year 2014.pdf 

37. Approval for Shinn and Company to Provide Professional Services on Validation of Action Plans Completion - Project 1, Estimated Fees of $35,000 (Items 36 and 37 voted on simultaneously after motion made by Miner passed. Items passed 3-2, with Gause and Barbara Harvey dissenting)
Attachment: Shinn and Company Additional Professional Services for the School Board of Manatee County - 020614.pdf
Attachment: 031714 Internal Audit Services Project 1.pdf

38. Approval of Advertising a Notice of Intent to Amend Policy 5.13, Local Wellness Policy, and setting a Public Hearing for Proposed Policy at the Board Meeting Scheduled for May 13, 2014 (Passed unanimously)
Attachment: 5.13 Revised 04-03-14.pdf

39. Financial Forecast Update (Passed unanimously)
Attachment: FY 13-14 March Forecast - Board Update Final.pdf
Attachment: March Forecast detail.pdf
