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Manatee County School Board Agenda Results: March 25, 2013


BRADENTON – The first regular meeting for new superintendent Rick Mills went late into the night, as several business items on the meeting's agenda were discussed at length. Board members decided to not renew Bradenton Charter School's contract due to the school consistently failing to meet standard educational performance levels. The board subsequently approved a charter school contract for new school Visible Men Academy. In other business, members threw out a requested suspension of a teacher accused of insubordination to her superior, and a proposal to switch the district numbers of board members to match them with the numbers of County Commission members narrowly passed.

AGENDA AMENDMENTS (5:45 p.m.) (passed unanimously)

1. Agenda Amendments - p.6


ATTENDANCE (5:45 p.m.)

2. Attendance - p.7

CALL TO ORDER (5:45 p.m.)

3. Call to Order - p.8
4. Color Guard - Harllee Middle School - p.9
5. Pledge of Allegiance - p.10
6. Invocation - p.11
7. Approval of the Orders of the Day - p.12 (passed unanimously)
Attachment: Agenda Item - Approval to Non-Renew Bradenton Charter School.pdf
Attachment: Bradenton Charter - Non Renewal Summary Doc 3-13.pdf
Attachment: M022513.pdf
Attachment: Agenda Item - Visible Men Charter School.pdf
Attachment: CONTRACT - VISIBLE MEN ACADEMY 13-18.pdf
Attachment: Agenda Item - Every Child a Reader Day.pdf
Attachment: Proclamation - Every Child a Reader Day.pdf
Attachment: Budget Allocation FY 13-14 - 03-25-13.pdf


8. Future Farmers of America (FFA) Manatee County Fair and State Fair Winners - p.13


9. Audit Committee Update - p.14
Attachment: Audit Recommendations Follow Up 3-7-13.pdf
Attachment: Roles 2-4-13.pdf

Audit Commitee Chair Bobbie Windham gave the board an update on the Committee. She mentioned two changes to be made: making the committee totally independent of the board; and meeting more frequently - every other month instead of quarterly. 
Board member David Miner then said that he's had many citizens ask why the board hadn't yet received the final audit report from Mauldin & Jenkins. Windham advised that she would bring up his question at the Committee's next meeting.
Board Chair Karen Carpenter then advised that the M&J report would be received at the board's April 8 meeting. Before Windham left the dais, board member Robert Gause asked her when the Committee would have its new charter, to which she replied, by the Committee's May meeting.
10. Central Florida School Boards Coalition - p.15 Board member David Miner gave his colleagues information about the most recent Central Florida School Boards Coalition meeting. 
11. Every Child a Reader Day Board Chair Karen Carpenter gave the proclamation for "Every Child a Reader Day".
Attachment: Proclamation - Every Child a Reader Day.pdf


12. Public Comments - p.16

PUBLIC HEARING (6:27 p.m.)

13. Public Hearing for Consideration of Adopting Proposed Amendment to Policy 2.5, Members of the Board and Residence Requirements - p.17 (Passed 3-2, with Gause and Harvey dissenting.)
Attachment: Policy 2.5 - Proposed Revision, 011713.pdf

The proposed policy, which would "change the numbers of the school board member residence areas to coincide with the numbers of the County single-member districts", has been discussed at two previous meetings, always with contention and agreement to continue discussion at a future meeting. The Superintendent recommended approval. Gause, who opposed the proposal in previous meetings, said he still believed the policy will in essence just create confusion, and that it is unnecessary. Board member Barbara Harvey echoed Gause's comments.  


14. Approval of Minutes - p.19 (Passed unanimously)
Attachment: M022513.pdf

CONSENT ITEMS (6:35 p.m.)

Approval of Consent Agenda (Passed unanimously)

15. Approval of March 25, 2013 Consent Agenda
Purchase(s) Bids $100,000.00 and Under

16. Approval of Bid for Locksmith Parts and Accessories, MCSD No. 13-0041-MR - p.20
Attachment: 130041 Tab.pdf
Attachment: 130041 BL.pdf
Attachment: 130041 Vendor Lk.pdf

17. Approval to Purchase Automatic Logic Controls, MCSD No. 13-0043-MR - p.21
Purchase(s) Bids Over $100,000.00

18. Approval of Proposal on Aquatic Control Services, MCSD No. 13-0040-MR - p.22
Attachment: 130040 Eval Tab.pdf
Attachment: 130040 BL.pdf
Attachment: 130040 Vendor LK.pdf

19. Approval of Renewal (2) on the Use of State of Florida Contract on Library Materials, MCSD No. 08-0002-BS - p.24
Attachment: 080002 Renewal 2 Florida Document.pdf

Contracts and Grants

20. Approval to Renew the Agreement Between the School Board of Manatee County and Kash N’ Karry, Inc., dba Sweetbay Supermarket for On-The-Job Training for Exceptional Student Education Students for the School Years 2013-2016 - p.26
Attachment: Kash N' Karry.pdf

Construction Services

21. Approval of Manatee Technical Institute - SR 70 Campus - Change Orders 11 and 12 - Agreement Between Owner and HCBeck, Ltd. - p.28
Attachment: MTI - SR70 Summary Sheet.pdf
Attachment: MTI SR70 CM CO 11 & 12.pdf


22.Approval of Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) Check List for Collection via Automated Recovery Systems (ARS) - p.29
Attachment: NSF CHECK LISTING - 2010.pdf
Human Resources

23. Approval of the Appointments, Change of Assignments, Deceased, Promotions, Reappointments, Reassignments, Recommendations for Professional Service Contracts, Resignations, Retirements, Terminations and Transfers - p.30
Attachment: Board Material - 03-25-13.pdf


24. Approval of Manatee High School Football Team to Participate in an Out-of-State Game, August 31 through September 2, 2013 - p.31
Attachment: FHSAA Permission Letter.pdf



25. Leaves for March 25, 2013 Board Meeting - p.33
Attachment: Leaves 03-25-13.pdf

NEW BUSINESS (Discussion Items Pulled from Consent)
NEW BUSINESS (Non-Consent Items) (6:38 p.m.)

26. Approve in Part and Reject in Part the Recommended Order of the Hearing Officer Regarding Employee Eisenberg - p.34 (Item recommended for withdrawal by Superintendent Mills after defense and prosecution rested)
27. Approval of Budget Amendments for January 2013 - p.35
Attachment: Budget Amendment Report January 2013.pdf

28. Acceptance of the Year to Date Financial Statements through January 2013 - p.36
Attachment: January 2013.pdf

29. Approval of 2013 - 14 Staffing Allocation Formula - p.37 (Passed unanimously)
Attachment: Budget Allocation FY 13-14 - 03-25-13.pdf

30. Approval of the Audited Comprehensive Annual Financial Report as of June 30, 2012 - p.38 (Motion to move further discussion of item to April 8 meeting passed unanimously)
31. Approval of Proposal for Benefits, Agent-Broker, Consulting, and Actuarial Services , MCSD No. 13-0029-RH - p.39 (Passed unanimously)
Attachment: 130029 BL PART 1.pdf
Attachment: 130029BL Fax PART 2.pdf
Attachment: 130029 BL Vendorlink PART 3.pdf
Attachment: 130029t.pdf

32. Approval of the New Agreement Between the School Board of Manatee County and Focus School Software for the Student Information System at Manatee Technical Institute (MTI) - p.43 (Passed unanimously)
Attachment: Focus School Software.pdf

33. Approval of the 2013-2014 Academic Calendar - p.45 (Passed unanimously)
Attachment: 2013-2014 Academic Calendar Committee Members.pdf
Attachment: 2013-2014 Academic Calendar .pdf

34. Approval to Non-Renew Bradenton Charter School for Failure to Meet the Requirements for Student Performance as Stated in the Charter and as Evidenced by Failing to Provide a Quality Educational Program and for the Reasons Set Forth in the Attached Summary (Passed unanimously - story to follow)
Attachment: Bradenton Charter - Non Renewal Summary Doc 3-13.pdf

35. Approval of the Charter School Contract Between Visible Men Academy and the School Board of Manatee County for the 2013-2018 School Years (Passed unanimously - story to follow)
Attachment: CONTRACT - VISIBLE MEN ACADEMY 13-18.pdf



BOARD COMMENTS (8:53 p.m.)

36. Board Comments - p.47 
Mr. Gause talked about the assessment of teachers in non-core curriculums. He also said that the funding of equipment for career academies was not currently adequate, but that legislation is currently in the Florida House to address the issue.
Ms. Aranibar thanked Dr. Mills, Dr. Vogel and their spouses. She thanked her colleagues for going to Tallahassee and she also thanked everyone that has worked on the rowing project at Nathan Benderson Park. 


37. Comments by Rick Mills - p.49 Dr. Mills said, "In all my life in relocating to a new community, trying to transition in, I've never felt so graciously welcomed and embraced as I have here." He also thanked the school board, Manatee Education Foundation and staff for their work at the swearing-in ceremony.