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Manatee County School Board Meeting Results, June 28


June 28, 2010 - Regular Meeting - UPDATED 6-24-10

School Board of Manatee County

215 Manatee Avenue West

Bradenton, FL 34205


Regular Meeting - 5:45 p.m.


1. Agenda Amendments - p.9

ATTENDANCE (5:45 p.m.)

2. Attendance - p.10

CALL TO ORDER (5:45 p.m.)

3. Call to Order - p.11

4. Pledge of Allegiance - p.12

5. Invocation - p.13

6. Approval of Orders of the Day - p.14



7. Public Comments - p.15

APPROVAL OF MINUTES (6:03 p.m.) Approved unanimously.

8. Approval of Minutes - p.16

Attachment: W062110.pdf

Attachment: M061410.pdf

RECOGNITIONS (6:05 p.m.)

9. 2009-10 Aspiring Leaders - p.17


10. Manatee Education Foundation - p.18

11. Budget Cut Recommendations for 2010-2011 - p.19 (Read full story.)

PUBLIC HEARING (6:25 p.m.)

12. Public Hearing for Consideration of Adopting Amendment to Policy 5.1, Code of Student Conduct - p.20. Major changes included disciplinary policies on school buses and protocols on student medical issues. Approved unanimously.

13. Public Hearing for Consideration of Adopting Amendment to Policy 8.5.5, Development Review and School Concurrency - p.21. Approved unanimously.

CONSENT ITEMS (6:35 p.m.) Approved unanimously.

Approval of Consent Agenda

14. Approval of June 28, 2010 Consent Agenda - p.22

Purchase(s) Bids Over $100,000.00

15. Approval of Renewal (2) on Fresh Delivered Pizza, MCSD No. 09-0027-SM - p.23

16. Approval of Renewal (2) on Sound System Installation and Design, MCSD No. 07-0096-SM - p.24

Attachment: 070096t- REVISION.pdf

17. Approval of Bid on Technology Peripherals and Audio Visual Equipment, MCSD No. 10-0029-SM - p.25

Attachment: 10029- Evaluation Report.pdf

Attachment: 100029fl.pdf

Attachment: 100029t2.pdf

18. Approval to Purchase Accolade Printing Services Using Xerox Equipment and Services-E&I Contract, MCSD No. 11-0017-PB - p.27

Attachment: 110017PB-Contract proposal 2010.pdf

Attachment: 110017PB- Xerox Master Agreement July 2009.pdf

Attachment: 110017PB-Manatee County SSA Agreement 2010.pdf

19. Approval of Purchase(s) of Instructional Materials, Testing Materials and Textbooks, MCSD No. 11-0016-BS -p.29

20. Approval to Purchase Ten (10) Leased Portables, MCSD No. 11-0001-MR - p.30

Attachment: 110001 portables sales agreement.pdf

Contracts and Grants

21. Approval of New Agreements Between the School Board of Manatee County and Various Providers for Clinical Experience for Manatee Technical Institute (MTI) Emergency Medical Services Students for the 2010-2011 School Year - p.31

22. Approval of New Agreements Between the SBMC and Various Providers for Clinical Experience for Manatee Technical Institute (MTI) Pharmacy Technician Students for the 2010-2011 School Year - p.32

23. Approval of Tech Prep-Career Pathways Articulation Agreement with Art Institute of Tampa and the Suncoast Career Pathways Consortium for the 2010 -2011 Through the 2011-2012 School Years - p.33

Attachment: Articulation Agreement.pdf

24. Approval to Renew the State of Florida School Readiness Services Provider Agreement between the School Board of Manatee County and the Early Learning Coalition of Manatee County for the 2010-11 School Year - p.34

Attachment: Early Learning Coalition 10-11.pdf

25. Approval of Renewal of the Transportation Agreement Between the School Board of Manatee County and Educational Consultants Consortium, Inc., for School Bus Field Trip Transportation Services for the 2010-2011 School Year - p.36

Attachment: Transportation Agreement with Ed Consultants.pdf

26. Approval of Transportation Agreement Between the School Board of Manatee County and the Mid Florida Youth Football and Cheerleading Conference, Inc., for School Bus Field Trip Transportation Services for the 2010-2011 School Year - p.37

Attachment: Transportation Agreement with Mid FL Youth Football & Cheerleading Conf..pdf

27. Approval of Renewal of the Transportation Agreement Between the School Board of Manatee County and the United Comunity Centers, Inc. d/b/a 13th Ave. Community Center for School Bus Field Trip Transportation Services for the 2010-2011 School Year - p.38

Attachment: Transportation Agreement with United Community Center.pdf

28. Approval to Renew the Contract Between Duette Education Foundation, Inc., and the School Board of Manatee County for the 2010-2011 School Year - p.40

Attachment: CONTRACT - DUETTE 10-11.pdf

29. Approval to Renew Contracts for Professional Services Between the School Board of Manatee County and Various Agencies, for Occupational and Physical Therapy Services, for the 2010-2011 School Year - p.42

30. Approval of Contract for Professional Services Between the School Board of Manatee County and Educational Based Services, Inc., for Occupational and Physical Therapy Services for the 2010-2011 School Year - p.44

Attachment: EBS Agreement.pdf

31. Approval of the Format for the School Board of Manatee County District State-Approved Contract for Supplemental Education Services Providers for the 2010-2011 School Year - p.46

Attachment: SES Blank Contract FY 11.pdf

32. Approval to Accept and Expend the Increase in Allocation and Roll Forward to the Title III, Part A: Supplementary Instructional Support for English Language Learners Grant for Fiscal Year 2009 - 2010 - p.47

Attachment: Title III Roll Forward FY10.pdf

33. Approval to Apply, Accept and Expend the Homeless Children and Youth Grant Funds for Project HEART (Homeless Education and Resource Team) for the 2010-2011 School Year - p.48

34. Approval to Apply, Accept and Expend the Grant Applications for Selected Federal Programs in the Amount of $15,886,137.00 - p.50

Construction Services

35. Approval of Americans with Disabilities Act Priority 1 Compliance - Change Order 1 - Final - Agreement Between Owner and NDC Construction Company - p.52

Attachment: ADA Priority 1 Compliance - Summary Sheet.pdf

Attachment: ADA Priority 1 CM Change Order 1- Final.pdf

36. Approval of Manatee High School - Davis Building Replacement - Amendment 4 - Agreement Between Owner and Creative Contractors, Inc. - Stadium Bleacher Stairs - p.53

Attachment: MHS Davis Bldg CM Amend 4 Bleacher Stairs.pdf

Attachment: MHS Davis Summary Sheet.pdf

37. Approval of Palmetto High School - Additions and Renovations - Substantial Completion - Phase 4 Work: Tennis Courts and related Stormwater Retention Pond, Building 22 Upgrades, Building 38 and Related Sitework - p.57

Attachment: Palmetto High Summary.pdf

Attachment: PHS CM Sub Comp Form-Phase 4.pdf

38. Approval of Palmetto High School - Additions and Renovations - Substantial Completion - Phase 5 Work: Auditorium (Building 34) not Including Sitework - p.59

Attachment: PHS CM Sub Comp Form-Phase 5.pdf

Attachment: Palmetto High Summary.pdf

39. Approval of Tara Elementary School - Roof Renovations - Substantial Completion - p.60

Attachment: Tara Elem Roof Renovations Substantial Completion.pdf

Attachment: Tara Elem Roof Renovations Summary Sheet.pdf

40. Approval of Amended and Restated Interlocal Agreement for Public School Facility Planning - p.61

Attachment: Executive Summary ILA Amendments 061610.pdf


41. Approval to Advertise the 2010/11 Tentative Annual Budget - p.62

42. Approval of Budget Amendments for March 2010 - p.63

Attachment: 6.28.10 BA Report.pdf

43. Approval of the Year to Date Financial Statements through March 2010 - p.64

Attachment: FS Mar 2010.pdf

44. Approval of the Year to Date Financial Statements Through April 2010 - p.66

Attachment: FS April 2010.pdf

Human Resources

45. Approval of the Appointments, Change of Assignments, Deceased, Promotions, Reappointments, Reassignments, Recommendations for Professional Service Contracts, Resignations, Retirements, Terminations and Transfers - p.68

Attachment: Reappointments for 6-28-10 Board.pdf

Attachment: Resume - Ann Broomes.pdf

Attachment: Resume - Jeanne Grazioli 2.pdf

Attachment: Resume - Susanne Titus.pdf

Attachment: 6-28-10 Bd Mtg.pdf

Attachment: Revised Board Material 06-28-10.pdf

Attachment: Resume - Hayley Rio.pdf

Attachment: Resume - Diane Nichols.pdf

46. Approval of Job Descriptions and Positions of Community Corps Program Administrator, Community Corps Supervisor and Community Corps Members - p.69

Attachment: CYC Program Administrator r.pdf

Attachment: CYC Corps Member r.pdf

Attachment: Community Corps Supervisor r.pdf

47. Approval to Renew the Maintenance Contract, Change Orders and Training for the e-HR Portal and the Paperless Application Tracking System (PATS) with 451 Solutions - p.71


48. Approval of Manatee Technical Institute 2010-2011 Fees Schedule, Effective July 1, 2010 - p.72

Attachment: MTI 2010-2011 Tuition & Fees.pdf

Attachment: MTI Fee Schedule cont..pdf

49. Approval of the Revised Leadership Development Plan - p.74

Attachment: Revised Leadership Development Plan.pdf



50. Leaves for June 28, 2010 Board Meeting - p.75

Attachment: Illness In The Line Of Duty Leaves 06-28-10.pdf

Attachment: Illness Leaves for 06-28-10.pdf

Attachment: Child Care Leaves 06-28-10.pdf

Attachment: Sick Leaves 06-28-10.pdf

Attachment: Worker's Comp 06-28-10.pdf

Attachment: Personal Leaves 06-28-10.pdf

ADMINISTRATIVE APPOINTMENTS (6:40 p.m.) Approved unanimously. Board members named Jeanne Grazioli as Oneco Elementary's new principal; Ann Broomes as Orange Ridge Elementary's new principal; and Diane Nichols as the district's new director of federal programs and grants. Broomes was assistant principal at Orange Ridge and Nichols was the principal of Tillman Elementary.

51. Appointments - p.76


NEW BUSINESS (Non-Consent Items) (6:55 p.m.)

52. Approval to Suspend Employee Brook Rainville Without Pay and Grant an Administrative Hearing - p.77 Approved unanimously.

Attachment: Rainville - AC Packet - 6-2-10.pdf

Attachment: Rainville - Affidavit of Service - 6-2-10.pdf

Attachment: Rainville - Req. for Evid. Hrg..pdf

53. Approval of Advertising a Notice of Intent to Amend Policy 3.6, Copyright, and Setting a Public Hearing on the Proposed Amendment at the Board Meeting Scheduled July 26, 2010 - p.78 Approved unanimously.

Attachment: Revised Rule 3.6, Copyright, 060110.pdf

54. Approval of Advertising a Notice of Intent to Amend Policy 4.9, 4.9.1, 4.9.2, and 4.9.3, Student Progression, and setting a Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment at the Board Meeting Scheduled for July 26, 2010 - p.79 Approved unanimously.

Attachment: 4.9.1 Elementary Student Progression Plan, 061610.pdf

Attachment: 4.9.3 High Student Progression Plan, 061610.pdf

Attachment: 4.9 , Revised 061610.pdf

Attachment: 4.9.2 Middle Student Progression Plan, 061610.pdf

55. Approval to Purchase Property, Liability, Crime and Excess Workers' Compensation Insurance. Approved unanimously.

Attachment: 2010 renewal chart 3.pdf

Attachment: 2010 Property Liability Insurance Renewal Report.pdf

56. Approval of Step Increase for SAMP (Supervisory, Administrative, Managerial & Professional), and Non-Bargaining Employees - p.81. Approved 4-1. Board Member Bob Gause voted against. (Please read budget-related story.)

57. Approval of Renewal of Contract with Derwin E. Daugherty, CPA, Chief Internal Auditor for the 2010-11 Fiscal Year - p.82 Approved 4-1. Board Member Bob Gause voted against.

Attachment: Contract - Chief Internal Auditor 1011.pdf

58. Approval of Renewal of Contract with Diane L. Goodson, Internal Auditor, for the 2010-11 Fiscal Year - p.83. Approved 4-1. Board Member Bob Gause voted against.

Attachment: Contract - Internal Auditor DG 1011.pdf

59. Approval of Renewal of Contract with Gregg C. Pead, Internal Auditor, for the 2010-11 Fiscal Year - p.84. Approved 4-1. Board Member Bob Gause voted against.

Attachment: Contract - Internal Auditor GP 1011.pdf

60. Approval of Renewal of Contract with Lawrence F. Jones, CPA, CIA, CFE, IT/Construction Auditor, for the 2010-11 Fiscal Year - p.85. Approved 4-1. Board Member Bob Gause voted against.

Attachment: Contract - Construction Audit LJ 1011.pdf

61. Approval of First Amendment to Agreement Between the School Board of Manatee County and Timothy McGonegal for the Services of Superintendent of Schools - p.86. Board members unanimously approved the renewal of Superintendent Tim McGonegal's contract for another year.

Attachment: FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT 6-28-10.pdf

NEW BUSINESS (Discussion Items Pulled from Consent)

Construction Services

62. Approval of Manatee Technical Institute - Phase I Plans - Schematic Design - p.54. Approved unanimously. (Read full story.)

Attachment: MTI - SR70 Summary Sheet.pdf

63. Approval of Manatee Technical Institute - First Letters of Commitment from Fawley Bryant Architects, Inc., and HCBeck, Ltd. - p.55. Approved unanimously.

Attachment: MTI SR70 AE 1st Ltr of Commitment.pdf

Attachment: MTI - SR70 Summary Sheet.pdf

Attachment: MTI SR70 CM 1st Ltr of Commitment.pdf

BOARD COMMENTS (8:00 p.m.)

64. Board Comments - p.88


65. School Board Workflow Items - p.89


66. Comments by John Bowen - p.90


67. Comments by Tim McGonegal - p.91

ADJOURNMENT (8:35 p.m.)

68. Adjournment - p.92