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Manatee County School District to Hold Additional Public Budget Hearing Today at 1 p.m.

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BRADENTON -- The Public Hearing on the Budget to be held Thursday, August 29, 2013, was arranged by Superintendent Rick Mills and the School Board of Manatee County to provide an additional avenue for public input into the budget process over and above what is required by the state of Florida.

Thursday's Public Hearing will be held in the Board Chambers at the School Support Center located at 215 Manatee Ave. W., in Bradenton. The Hearing begins at 1 p.m.

A Special Meeting of the School Board of Manatee County regarding the budget for 2013-2014 was held on July 25, 2013. That was followed by a Public Hearing on July 29, 2013, where a tentative budget was approved by the School Board.

The final Public Hearing on the 2013-2014 budget will be held on Monday, September 9, 2013, in the Board Chambers beginning at 5:45 p.m. The School Board is scheduled to approve a final budget at the Public Hearing on September 9th.