BRADENTON – The Manatee DAR Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution is pleased and honored to announce the DAR Good Citizen for the current year of 2013-2014: Bethany Brogdon, Senior at Palmetto High School. This remarkable and talented student was recognized at the Manatee DAR Chapter meeting in January. Bethany received a National DAR Good Citizen Certificate, A DAR pin and a Check awarded by chapter Regent, Sharon Spry as chapter members, her guidance counselor and family looked on.
To qualify for this program, the student must be a high school senior, boy or girl, who has displayed to an outstanding degree the qualities of dependability, service, leadership and patriotism. These requirements having been met, the student is deemed A DAR Good Citizen. Bethany exhibits these qualities in everything she tackles. As a JROTC Cadet at Palmetto High School for 4 years, Bethany has been a member of the Color Guard, Drill Team (co-Captain 2 years), Squad Leader, Company First Sergeant and Battalion Adjutant Officer over 320 Cadets.
She was inducted to the National Honor Society and continues to maintain the required GPA. She contributed to the community through the Palmetto High Interact Club, Church Youth Groups and FFA. After Graduation from Palmetto this spring she will attend Georgia Military College enlisting in their Early Commissioning Program. Ultimately her goal is to receive her degree in Criminology.
Bethany Brogdon (second from left) flanked by her parents, Karla and David Brogdon, to the right and Palmetto High School Assistant Principal Dr. Valerie Viands to her left. |
Regent Sharon Spry ad Vice Regent Cindy Russell present a check and certificate to Bethany |
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