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Manatee Extends Public Comment Period for Land Development Code Changes

MANATEE COUNTY – Manatee County Commissioners on Tuesday took action to extend through the end of January, 2014, the deadline for a public commenting period for proposed changes to the County’s Land Development Code. 

The proposed revisions are the first in a two-phase exercise to update the Land Development Code and to give County Commissioners the ability to better implement community visioning exercises. A second phase of proposed LDC changes will be presented in coming months to incorporate changes consistent with “How Will We Grow: A Conversation with the Community.” 

Anyone may review the proposed changes by visiting the county’s website. Comments and questions about the proposed changes should go to Bob Schmitt, Manatee’s Planning Division Manager overseeing the project. Schmitt can be reached at Robert.schmitt@mymanatee.org.

Before the changes are presented to the Planning Commission and County Commission in 2014, Manatee County staff and the project consultant will hold public workshops on dates and times to be announced. 

All public comments will be made part of the public record for consideration during future public hearings. 

Schmitt said most public inquiries have been related to environmental requirements and cell phone towers. However, there are no text changes in those parts of the LDC, but they are being relocated to other areas of the Code. 

For example, code requirements relating to Tree Protection are moving from the current Section 714 to Section 601 in the proposed Land Development Code. Similarly, Landscaping and Screening requirements are proposed to move from Section 715 to Section 602. Wetland Protection now covered in section 719 is proposed to move to Section 607. 

Cell phone regulations are proposed to move from Section 704 to Section 431.