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Manatee fishing report 4/10/10 - plenty of action this week


More diverse action is happening as each day goes by. My charters continue to do very well with as many big sheepshead as they want out in 20-30 ft. of water on the gulf reefs. There have been grouper, snapper, and Key West grunts as well.

Along the beaches and in the bays  of Manatee County there are trout, pompano, spanish mackerel, bluefish, flounder, and ladyfish keeping rods bent on a regular basis. Sarasota Bay is loaded with redfish and they are beginning to cooperate as well.
The water temperature out here near the beaches finally broke the 70 degree mark at mid-week. The only inshore species missing from the picture at this juncture is snook. There are precious few linesiders in their normal haunts for April. Also, the kingfish run is poised to break loose any day.

The white bait situation is looking better. There are finally some schools of pilchards showing on the flats but I would not call them easy to procure as yet. The sheepshead, pompano, mackerel, trout, and redfish do not require live shiners as they have all cooperated quite well on live shrimp and artificials. Unless you are targeting catch and release snook, white bait is not necessary for a productive trip right now. It would be great to have some nice big pilchards or threadies for the kingfish though.

All in all, things are looking really good for a few weeks of red hot action. Get out there and get you some!

Good luck and good fishing. Be careful out there!!

Capt. "Zach" Zacharias "Dee Jay II"
941-795-5026 email: zachcap@aol.com
Docked on Palma Sola Bay at Parrot Cove Marina/Sunny Shores
115th St. W and 36th Ave., Cortez,Fl 34215


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