BRADENTON – Manatee County Habitat for Humanity celebrates the completion of two more Habitat homes with a dedication ceremony on Saturday, May 4 at noon. The
ceremony will take place on site at Manatee Habitat’s “green built” community in Ellenton called Hope Landing. Hope Landing is located at 1647 38th Ave East in Ellenton. The Nunez family, whose home was sponsored in part by Manatee County Methodist churches, and the O’Mailley family, will be celebrating the completion of their new Habitat homes.
Home dedications signify that prospective Habitat families have completed all the requirements of the Habitat home buyer program, which includes 300 hours of “sweat equity”, in preparation for the purchase of their new home. The event provides new Habitat families with the opportunity to thank the many volunteers and community partners who have contributed financial resources and labor in the building of their home. For more information please call 748-9100 ext 107.
About Manatee County Habitat for Humanity
Manatee County Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit, volunteer-based organization dedicated to building homes in partnership with low-income families who need safe, decent, affordable housing. The Manatee County Habitat for Humanity Affiliate was chartered in 1994 and has built 108 homes with the help of donors, families and volunteers. Habitat for Humanity houses are sold to qualified partner families for no profit and financed with affordable, interest-free loans that are financed by Habitat. For more information on Manatee HFH, please visit
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