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Manatee Planning Commission Agenda Results: 12/12/2013


BRADENTON -- At Thursday's Planning Commission meeting, members welcomed the commission's two new members and elected officers for 2014. In other business, commissioners recommended zoning changes for a proposed R V Park; and by a narrow vote, recommended approval for a 610-resident development on Rye Rd in Northeast Manatee County.

Thursday's elected officers:

Chairman: Richard Bedford -  Approved, Unanimous

Vice-Chairman: Timothy Rhoades - Approved, Unanimous

2nd. Vice-Chair: Bill Conerly -- Approved, Unanimous

3rd. Vice Chair: Tanya Lukowiak --  Approved, Unanimous

The Board welcomes its two new Commissioners: Matthew Bower and Albert Horrigan, Jr. 



Rossina Leider, Planner 

An Ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Manatee County, Florida, regarding land development, amending the official zoning atlas (Ordinance 90-01, the Manatee County Land Development Code), relating to zoning within the unincorporated area; providing for a rezone of approximately 5.07 acres north and west of the existing Fountain Lake Apartments at 5620 Fountain Lake Circle, ± 800 feet north of 57th Avenue West, Bradenton from RMF-9 (Residential Multi-Family, 9 dwelling units per acre) to the PDR (Planned Development Residential) zoning district; approval of a Preliminary Site Plan for 80 multi-family units; subject to stipulations as conditions of approval; setting forth findings; providing a legal description; providing for severability, and providing an effective date. 

2. ORDINANCE 13-25 –  CREEKWOOD (DRI # 13)

Rossina Leider, Planner 

An Ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Manatee County, Florida, regarding land development, rendering an amended and restated development order pursuant to Chapter 380, Florida Statutes, for the Creekwood Development of Regional Impact, (Ordinance 12-15)  to approve the following changes to Map H and the Ordinance: 1) modify the land use of Parcel G from office to residential; 2) increase the total number of residential units by 112 for a total of 1,362 units and decrease the office square footage by 125,000 square feet for a total of 100,000 square feet; 3) delete land use condition #1 regarding maximum density in the watershed; 4) amend the stipulations related to the I-75 bridge approach; and 5) update the development order to reflect terminology changes, current land development code and comprehensive plan amendments, and department references; providing for development rights, conditions, and obligations; providing for severability; and providing an effective date.

This DRI is approved in four phases for 1,250 residential units, 603,000 square feet of commercial space, 800,000 square feet of industrial space, 225,000 square feet of office space, 80,000 square feet of mini-warehouse space, and 100 hotel rooms.

Creekwood is located at the northwest and northeast intersections of State Road 70 and I-75 (±818.26 acres) and the present zoning is PDR/PDC/PDI/WP-E/ST (Planned Development Residential, Planned Development Commercial, Planned Development Industrial/Watershed Protection/Special Treatment Overlay Districts). Parcel G is located on the north side of SR 70, west of I-75, and east of Creekwood Boulevard, approximately ½ mile northeast of the intersection of SR 70 and Creekwood Boulevard at 7715 52nd. Terrace E, Bradenton (±20.75 acres) and the present zoning is PDC/WP-E/ST (Planned Development Commercial/ Watershed Protection/Special Treatment Overlay Districts).

3. Z-84-76(R10) – WELLS FARGO BANK, NA / CREEKWOOD (DTS #20130202)

Rossina Leider, Planner 

An Ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Manatee County, Florida, amending and restating Ordinance Z-84-76(R9) to amend the General Development Plan to: 

Modify the land use of parcel G from office to residential; 

Rezone Parcel G from PDC/WP-E/ST (Planned Development Commercial/ Watershed Protection/Special Treatment Overlay Districts) to PDR/WP-E/ST (Planned Development Residential/Watershed Protection/Special Treatment Overlay Districts);

Add 112 residential units and decrease office square footage by 125,000 square feet;

Delete Land Use Condition 1 related to maximum density in the Watershed;

Remove references to Parcel G related to non-residential development;

Revise Land Use Condition 7, related to the width of a bicycle and pedestrian path along Lena Road, to be consistent with previously approved Land Use Conditions 5 of the Ordinance 12-15 (Creekwood - DRI # 13); 

Amend the stipulations related to the I-75 bridge approach; 

Update the Zoning Ordinance to reflect department references; and

subject to stipulations as conditions of approval; providing a legal description; providing for severability, and providing an effective date. 

Creekwood is located at the northwest and northeast intersections of State Road 70 and I-75 (±818.26 acres) and the present zoning is PDR/PDC/PDI/WP-E/ST (Planned Development Residential, Planned Development Commercial, Planned Development Industrial/Watershed Protection/Special Treatment Overlay Districts). Parcel G is located on the north side of SR 70, west 

of I-75, and east of Creekwood Boulevard, approximately ½ mile northeast of the intersection of SR 70 and Creekwood Boulevard at 7715 52nd. Terrace E, Bradenton (±20.75 acres) and the present zoning is PDC/WP-E/ST (Planned Development Commercial/ Watershed Protection/Special Treatment Overlay Districts).


Rossina Leider, Planner 

An Ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Manatee County, Florida, regarding land development, approving a Preliminary Site Plan for 112 lots for single-family attached residences; subject to stipulations as conditions of approval; setting forth findings; providing a legal description; providing for severability, and providing an effective date. The ±20.75-acre site is located on the east side of Creekwood Boulevard, approximately ½ mile northeast of intersection of SR 70 and Creekwood Boulevard at 7715 52nd. Terrace E, Bradenton, and the present zoning is PDC/WP-E/ST (Planned Development Commercial/Watershed Protection/Special Treatment Overlay Districts), and is the subject of a rezone request to PDR/WP-E/ST.

Consent Agenda -- Recommended, Unanimous



Shelley Hamilton, Principal Planner 

An Ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Manatee County, Florida, regarding land development, amending the official zoning atlas (Ordinance 90-01, the Manatee County Land Development Code), relating to zoning within the unincorporated area; providing for a rezone of approximately 92.13 acres, located on Bayshore Road and Palm View Road (61st .Street) in Bradenton, from A-1 (Suburban Agriculture), PDRV (Planned Development Recreational Vehicle), RSF-4.5 (Residential Single Family, 4.5 dwelling units per acre), NC/M (Neighborhood Commercial - Medium), and PDR (Planned Development – Residential) zoning districts to the PDRV (Planned Development – Recreational Vehicle) zoning district; and approve a General Development Plan for 499 recreational vehicle sites, a community recreational area, office, and shower areas; subject to stipulations as conditions of approval; setting forth findings; providing a legal description; providing for severability, and providing an effective date. -- Recommended for approval, 5 to 2, Horrigan and Bower dissent. (Full Story)


Stephanie Moreland, Principal Planner 

An Ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Manatee County, Florida, regarding land development, amending the official zoning atlas (Ordinance 90-01, the Manatee County Land Development Code), relating to zoning within the unincorporated area; providing for a rezone of approximately 233.25 acres on the west side of Rye Road, south of Upper Manatee River Road, Bradenton from A (General Agriculture – One dwelling unit per five acres) to PDR (Planned Development Residential) zoning district; approving a Preliminary Site Plan for 610 lots for single-family detached residences; subject to stipulations as conditions of approval; setting forth findings; providing a legal description; providing for severability, and providing an effective date. -- Motion to Recommend for approval, 4 to 3, DeLesline, Horrigan and Rhoades dissent. All three commissioners opposed the size, number and/or compatibility of the project. (Full Story to follow)