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Manatee Planning Commission Agenda Results: 2/14/13


BRADENTON -- Mosaic returned to the commission with a request for multiple changes in their previously-approved Wingate Extension Plan. The phosphate-mining company wants more land to mine, less berm to protect it, permission to process on-site and off-site ore, and to extend their projected completion date by seven years. In other business, Gulfside Homes/Bowles Creek, LLP, filed an application for a Preliminary Site Plan on 19 acres south of 69th Avenue West and west of U.S. 41.

MINUTES FOR APPROVAL: -- Approved, Unanimous

Planning Commission Chairman Richard Bedford was sworn in for the reappointment to the Planning Commission.

Chair Appointments: 

Nominated for Chair: Richard Bedford -- Approved, Unanimous

Nominated for vice-Chair: David Wick -- Approved, Unanimous

Nominated for 2nd vice-Chair: Timothy Rhodes -- Approved, Unanimous

Nominated for 3rd vice-Chair: George Mendez -- Approved, Unanimous


1. PDMU-12-19(P) [fka PDMU-09-10(P)(R)] – B00000147– DTS#20120487 - GULFSIDE HOMES / BOWLEES CREEK, LLP / BOWLEES CREEK

Stephanie Moreland, Planner

An Ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Manatee County, Florida, regarding land development, approving a Preliminary Site Plan for two options:

Option A:

• 246 multi-family units including a 126-bed (21 units) “assisted living facility” (f.k.a.

group care home - LDC) and 53 existing boat slips.

Option B:

• 246 multi-family units and 53 existing boat slips. -- The 19 acre site is bordered  south of 69th Avenue West, north of Bowlees Creek and west of U.S. 41, Bradenton. 

If approved, this request will supersede the previous approval [PDMU-09-10(Z)(P)] which includes two options; a 200 rack dry boat storage facility, 144 multi-family units and 53 existing boat slips, or 162 multi- family units and 53 existing boat slips.

The 19.01± acre site is north of Bowles Creek, south of 69th Avenue West (Bay Drive), and west of U.S. 41, Bradenton. The site is zoned PDMU/AI/CH (Planned Development Mixed Use/ Airport Impact and Coastal High Hazard Overlay Districts); subject to stipulations as conditions of approval; setting forth findings; providing a legal description; providing for severability, and providing an effective date.


There were some public comments: Bill Hosford and his wife, both of Sara Bay Cove, came to the commission to voice their concerns. Mr. Hosford said he was concerned with the traffic on 69th Avenue and getting out onto U.S. 41.  John Martel asked how the area could handle the 600 plus new people that would result from building the project. He thought the proposed buildings might have exceeded the 40-foot height restriction and wanted to know if the boat launch and slips were public or private? 

Later, representing the applicant was, Ed Vogler. Vogler said, "The property is owned by the county, but leased to a private entity. It could be either, the decision is up to the Leaser. Planning's Staff recommended approval, and so did the Planning Commission -- Recommendation for approval, Unanimous   



Lisa Barrett, Planning Division Manager

An Ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Manatee County, Florida, rendering an amended and restated Development Order pursuant to Chapter 380, Florida Statutes, for the Wingate Creek Mine Development of Regional Impact (also known as DRI #4 and TBRPC DRI #42/95); providing for amendment extending the life of mining (a.k.a. buildout and termination dates) for this DRI by 9 years to July 31, 2023; extending the life of reclamation for this DRI by 9 years to December 31, 2027; extending the expiration date of the authorized truck hauling routes by 9 years to July 31, 2023; amending the D.O. to allow Wingate Extension and Ft. Green remnants to be processed at the Wingate Creek Plant; amending the D.O. to allow the exchange of materials between Wingate Extension, Wingate Creek Mine and Southeast Tract DRI; amending the D.O. to adjust the mining areas within Wingate Creek Mine and to allow the mining of the Wingate / Wingate east (aka: Wingate extension and fka: Texaco Tract) common property line prior setback area, the Wingate clay settling area and remnant unmined areas; amending the D.O. to add New Wales as a destination along the previously approved haul route and restatement of prior development orders; providing findings of fact; providing conclusions of law; providing for development components; providing definitions; providing development conditions; providing legal descriptions; providing a deadline for commencement of development; providing restrictions on down-zoning; providing a binding order on the developer; providing for rendition; providing for compliance with codes and ordinances; providing for notice of recording; providing for severability; providing for purpose and intent; providing for effective date; and providing for reconciliation into one document. 

-- In June of last year, Mosaic was approved for an Operational Permit to mine 652 acres of the Wingate Mine Extension. The applicant now requests to mine additional acres (15 acres previously designated as preservation and 7.7 acres on the north border and a 0.6 acre wetland). They have asked to process Wingate and other mine ore at the Wingate Creek Plant, and extend the life of the operations and reclamation orders by seven years beyond their previous approval. -- Recommendation for approval, Unanimous  (FULL STORY)


Robert Brown, Environmental Protection Division Manager

A Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Manatee County, Florida, granting Mosaic Fertilizer, LLC a Master Mining Plan amendment for the Wingate Creek Mine (3,028 ±acres); revising the limits of mining and disturbance to include 557.0 acres of extraction; approving the elimination of the 200 ft. setback requirements for the Wingate Creek Mine/Wingate East (FKA Texaco Tract) common property line; granting an exception to recontour the south dam wall of the initial clay settling area into a sight berm within the existing 300 ft. setback from Winding Creek subdivision during mining and reclamation of the initial clay settling area; allowing exchange of Wingate Extension* and Ft. Green Remnants* sand tailings and overburden with Wingate Creek Mine and Southeast Tract; approving beneficiate / process Wingate Extension* and Ft. Green Remnants* phosphate ore at the Wingate Plant; modifying the waste disposal plan to allow the mining of the Wingate initial clay settling area and to allow the use of conventional clay settling (FM-1 & FM-2 ) at the Southeast Tract and F-9 at Four Corners Mine for clay storage; updating New Wales as an approved trucking destination with no increase in trucking; allowing the continued use of the approved Wingate Corridor; allowing the waiver of specific reclamation items in Ordinance 04-39, Reclamation Manual; amending the Environmental Monitoring Program; providing reclamation schedules and enforcement; providing for severability; providing for an effective date; and providing for an expiration date. Approve a buildout date for mining until July 31, 2023, trucking until July 31, 2023, and reclamation until to December, 31, 2027. -- Ordinance No.13-01 and Resolution No. 13-001 were both represented with one presentation. -- Recommendation for approval, Unanimous