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Manatee Planning Commission Agenda Results: August 14, 2014


BRADENTON --The Manatee Planning Commission unanimously recommended the Royal Palm Townhouse development for 216 multi-family units off U.S. 301 and S.R 70,  and recommended SMR's 475 single-family detached residences on 304 acres on Loraine Road. The commission also recommended approval for 1,999 mixed-use residences on Moccasin Wallow Road and U.S. 301. 

MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Richard Bedford, Chairman)



Minutes for Approval

1. July 10, 2014 Minutes for Approval -- Recommended for Approval, Unanimous

CITIZEN COMMENTS -- Mr Wheeler, who lives in Briarwood, commented on Item #3, saying, "33rd Street is a truck route, and the one mile of road at the project has stops 17 times a day by the various school busses." Wheeler suggested the county make the road a "no pass zone." 


Building and Development Services Department

2. Z-14-02 - Manatee County School Board Rezone - MEPS313 - DTS20140244 - Quasi-Judicial - Stephanie Moreland * Clague

Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - Z-14-02 - Blackrock Comm SR70 - 081414 PC.pdf

Attachment: Staff Report - Blackrock Commercial - Z-14-02 - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Zoning Disclosure Affidavit - Blackrock Commercial - Z-14-02 - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Affidavit of AD - Sarasota - MC School Board Rezone - Z-14-02 - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Bradenton - MC School Board Blackrock Commercial - Z-14-02- 8-14-14 PC.pdf

Attachment: Traffic Impact Statement - Blackrock Commercial - Z-14-02 - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf -- Recommended for Approval, Unanimous

3. PDMU-12-04(P) - The Preserve at Walden Lake dba Royal Palm Townhouses - DTS20140115 - Quasi-Judicial - Stephanie Moreland * Schenk

Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - PDMU-12-04- Walden Lake dba RoyalPalm 081414 PC.pdf

Attachment: Staff Report - The Preserve at Walden Lake - PDMU-12-04(P) - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Bradenton - The Preserve at Walden Lake - PDMU-12-04(P) - 8-14-14 PC.pdf

Attachment: Affidavit of Ad - Sarasota Herald Tribune - The Preserve at Walden Lake - PDMU-12-04(P) - 08-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Traffic Impact Analysis - The Perserve at Walden Lakes - PDMU-12-04(P) - 8-14-14PC.pdf

Attachment: Site Plan - The Preserve at Walden Lake - PDMU-12-04(P) - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Additional PUblic Comment for Update at PC.pdf -- Citizen Michael Mehan, Briarwood HMO Director, spoke against the development about wanting more of a buffer, a sizable fence, and wasn't pleased with the lights and noise that would be results of the project. Timothy Folton was also opposed to the traffic brought-on by the development and wanted the 50 ft. set back extended to 100 ft. Kent Gertz, who lives just south of the project, was annoyed the density went from supporting 82 residents up to 216. He also wasn't happy with the height, saying, "There goes our privacy" and if the development was approved, he wants to tap into the sewer. 

There was no flexibility on the height and the applicant agreed to the tapping into the sewer as long as Gertz paid for the equipment. -- Recommended for Approval, Unanimous.

4. PDR-14-04(Z)(P) - Cone and Graham, Inc. / Willow Walk - DTS20140038 - Quasi-Judicial - Margaret Tusing * Clague

Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - PDR-14-04 - WillowWalk - 08142014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Staff Report - Willow Walk - PDR-14-04(Z)(P) - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Zoning Disclosure Affidavit.pdf

Attachment: Traffic Impact Analysis - Willow Walk - PDR-14-04(Z)(P) - 8-14-14 PC.pdf

Attachment: Affidavit of Newspaper Advertising - 20140814 PC - Willow Walk - PDR-14-04(Z)(P).pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Bradenton - Willow Walk - PDR-14-04(Z)(P).pdf

Attachment: Site Plan for Willow Walk - PDR-14-04(Z)(P) - 8-14-14 PC.pdf

5. PDR-14-09(Z)(P) - Meritage Homes of Florida, Inc. (Contract Purchaser)/Schroeder Manatee Ranch, INc. (Owner)/River Sands - DTS20140072 - MEPS288 - Quasi-Judicial - Margaret Tusing * Schenk

Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - PDR-14-09 - RiverSands - 08142014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Staff Report - River Sands - PDR-14-09(Z)(P) - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Zoning Disclosure Affidavit - River Sands - PDR-14-09(Z)(P) - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Specific Approval Request - River Sands - PDR-14-09(Z)(P) - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Traffic Impact Analysis - River Sands - PDR-14-09(Z)(P).pdf

Attachment: Affidavit of Ad - Sarasota Herald Tribune - River Sands - PDR-14-09(Z)(P) - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Bradenton - River Sands - PDR-14-09(Z)(P) - 8-14-14 PC.pdf

Attachment: Site Plan - River Sands - PDR-14-09(Z)(P) - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: MAN 2014-05-30 Parking Study.pdf

6. PDR-14-11(P) - Magnolia Ridge at Mote Ranch - DTS20140113 - Quasi-Judicial - Rossina Leider * Schenk

Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - PDR-14-11 - MagnoliaRidge - 081414 PC.pdf

Attachment: Staff Report - Magnolia Ridge at Mote Ranch - PDR-14-11(P) - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Specific Approval Request - Magnolia Ridge at Mote Ranch - PDR-14-11(P) - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Traffic Impact Statement - Magnolia Ridge at Mote Ranch - PDR-14-11(P).pdf

Attachment: Affidavit of Ad - Sarasota Herald Tribune - Magnolia Ridge at Mote Ranch - PDR-14-11(P) - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Bradenton - Magnolia Ridge at Mote Ranch - PDR-14-11(P) - 8-14-14 PC.pdf

Attachment: Site Plan - Magnolia Ridge at Mote Ranch - PDR-14-11(P) - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

7. PDO-14-14(Z)(G) - Shriyog Corporation/Dr. Parikh - DTS20140166 - MEPS00000300 - Quasi-Judicial - Rossina Leider * Schenk

Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - Shriyog Corp. Dr. Parikh - PDO-14-14(Z)(P) - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Staff Report - Shriyog Corporation Dr. Parikh - PDO-14-14(Z)(P) - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Zoning Disclosure Affidavit - Shriyog Corp. Dr. Parikh - PDO-14-14(Z)(P) - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Specific Approval Request - Shriyog Corp. Dr. Parikh - PDO-14-14(Z)(P) - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Traffic Impact Analysis - Shriyog Corp. Dr. Parikh - PDO-14-14(Z)(P).pdf

Attachment: Affidavit of Ad - Sarasota Herald Tribune - Shriyog Corp. Dr. Parikh - PDO-14-14(Z)(G) - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Bradenton - Shriyog Corp. Dr. Parikh - PDO-14-14(Z)(G) - 8-14-14 PC.pdf

Attachment: Site Plan - Shriyog Corp. Dr. Parikh - PDO-14-14(Z)(P) - 8-14-14PC.pdf

8. PDR-14-14(P) - Summer Woods - DTS20140052 - Quasi-Judicial - Shelley Hamilton * Clague

Attachment: Staff Report - Summer Woods - PDR-14-14(P) - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Special Approval Request - Summer Woods - PDR-14-14(P) - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Specific Approval Request - Summer Woods - PDR-14-14(P) - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Affidavit of AD - Sarasota Herald Tribune - Summer Woods - PDR-14-14(P) - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Bradenton - Summer Woods - PDR-14-14(P). - 8-14-14 PC.pdf

Attachment: Public Comment - Summer Woods - PDR-14-14(P) - 8-14-14 PC.pdf

Attachment: Site Plan - Summer Woods - PDR-14-14(P) - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - Summer Woods - PDR-14-14(P) - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Additional information for update memo at PC.pdf

9. LDA-09-04(R2) - Amendment to the Amended and Restated Local Development Agreement for Summer Woods - DTS20140240 - MEPS00000286 - Quasi-Judicial - Shelley Hamilton * Clague

Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - Summer Woods LDA - LDA-09-04(R2) - 8-14-2014PC.pdf

Attachment: Staff Report - Summer Woods LDA - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: LDA for Summer Woods - LDA-09-04(R2) - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Affidavit of AD - Sarasota Herald Tribune - Summer Woods - LDA-09-04(R2) - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Bradenton - Summer Woods - LDA-09-04(R2) - 8-14-14 PC.pdf

CONSENT AGENDA -- Recommended for Approval, Unanimous,  (Item #3 pulled for vote)


Building and Development Services Department

10. Ordinance 14-37 - Heritage Harbour DRI - Quasi-Judicial - Shelley Hamilton * Schenk

Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - Heritage Harbour DRI - Ord. 14-37 - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Staff Report - Heritage Harbour DRI - Ord. 14-37 - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Ordinance - Heritage Harbour DRI - Ord. 14-37 - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Map H - Heritage Harbour DRI - Ord. 14-37 - 8-14-2014PC.pdf

Attachment: Affidavit of Ad - Sarasota Herald Tribune - Heritage Harbour DRI Ord. 14-37 - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Bradenton - Heritage Harbour - Ord. 14-37 - 8-14-14 PC.pdf

Attachment: Public Comments - Heritage Harbour - DRI - Ord. 14-37 - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Additional public comment for update memo 8-14-14 PC.pdf -- Recommended for Approval, Unanimous

11. PDMU-98-08(G)(R6) - Heritage Harbour - GDP - DTS20120375 - Quasi-Judicial - Shelley Hamilton * Schenk

Attachment: Maps - Heritage Harbour GDP - PDMU-98-08(G)(R6) - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Staff Report - Heritage Harbour GDP - PDMU-98-08(G)(R6) - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Affidavit of Ad - Sarasota Herald Tribune - Sarasota Herald Tribune - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Bradenton - Heritage Harbour - PDMU-98-08(G)(R6) - 8-14-14 PC.pdf

Attachment: Zoning Ordinance - Heritage Harbour GDP - PDMU-98-08(G)(R6) - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Public Comments - Heritage Harbour GDP - PDMU-98-08(G)(R6) - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Site Plan - Heritage Harbour GDP - PDMU-98-08(G)(R6) - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf -- Recommended for Approval, Unanimous

12. PA-14-03/Ordinance 14-27 - Lakewood Centre North - Legislative - Shelley Hamilton * Schenk

Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - PA-14-03 - LakewoodCentre 081414 PC.pdf

Attachment: Affidavit of Ad - Sarasota - Lakewood Centre North PA-14-03 - Ord. 14-27 - 20140814 PC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Bradenton Herald - Lakewood Centre - 8-14-14 PC.pdf

Attachment: Map 2-FLUC Amendment Areas Lakewood Centre North - PA-14-03.pdf

Attachment: Map 3-Proposed FLUC Map Lakewood Centre North - PA-14-03 - 08-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Map 4-Proposed Sub Area Map - Lakewood Centre North - PA-14-03.pdf

Attachment: Staff Report - Lakewood Centre North - PA-14-03 - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Traffic Impact Statement - Lakewood Centre North - PA-14-03.pdf -- Recommended for Approval, Unanimous

13. PDMU-13-37(Z)(P) - Parrish Holdings, LLC; Southern Land Parrish, LLC; Southern Hemisphere Manatee, LLC; and North Manatee Investment, LLC/The Villages of Amazon South - DTS20130374 - B00000234 - Quasi-Judicial - Margaret Tusing * Schenk

Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - PDMU-13-37(Z)(P) - VillagesOfAmazon - 08142014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Staff Report - Villages of Amazon - PDMU-13-37(Z)(P) - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Zoning Disclosure Affidavits - Villages at Amazon South - PDMU-13-37(Z)(P) - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Request for Special Approval - Villages at Amazon South - PDMU-13-37(Z)(P) - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Request for Specific Approval - Villages at Amazon South - PDMU-13-37(Z)(P) - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Traffic Impact Analysis - Villages at Amazon South - 8-14-14 PC.pdf

Attachment: Affidavit of Ad - Sarasota Herald Tribune - Villages at Amazon South - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Site Plan - Villages at Amazon South - PDMU-13-37(Z)(P) - 8-14-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Update Memo for